HAHA --- Tom it is so ;-)
I am in awe of how self-aware you are.. even down to the 'substituting' remark about the Ice Tea.... when I quit first I was shambling from one SO typical scenario to another - quit the drink so go shopping - play online poker - and yes and no re. the drinks - I liked losing my booze weight at the beginning so didn't go for high calorie or caffeine drinks - BUT - whatever was in my glass - went down at a pint a minute... I'm guessing if I'd kept going with the chaos I probably would have looked for some other legal or illegal 'high' -- not sober - just not drinking..
What else - forgotten what everyone else said so will just say HI -- what a satisfying afternoon of rugby --- TOO good... and then Joey called in with Alana and baby Éabha - so a lovely afternoon/evening had by me.. must go back and re-read.....