Hey RC - remind me again why you want to move away ?
Is it ol bitchface HT in that school ?
My advice - F*CK her - don't let her take up any more of your time.
I've learned we allow these malicious people to take up too much space in our heads. Again I'm talking to myself here too.
They swan around - not a bother - while we have allowed them to ruin things for us.
Think of her a frustrated 'ol bag ..............
My ol bitchface is slowly hanging herself. I have a 3 pager of 'stuff' she did to me - but something held me back from making a counter complaint ..... I just held my nerve for a few months.
I am now permanent without having had to lower myself to her level.
Stay where you are and enjoy your after- school group - and look for something else in the catchment area.