At home today and the sun is shining...feels so good to see GREEN grass instead of brown!
Thank you everyone for the accolades on getting a new client. [MENTION=9757]NoraC[/MENTION] knows exactly what I do for a living and she gets how some of my clients frustrate me because they lie to me, and some of them are just plain the client I will be with next Tuesday and Wednesday. Nora, could we please just trade jobs for those two days??? LOL I hope today is a good day even though everyone is on vacation.
[MENTION=17632]Mr Vervill[/MENTION]-how long have you been sober? Is it around 6 months? Pop in and say HELLO!!
Liz-that picture of Logan on FB was SOOOOO cute! I laughed when you mentioned the's so fun to watch baby see and feel new things.
[MENTION=18725]NoSugar[/MENTION]-great to see you and what a success story about how you reversed your Type 2 diabetes...WOW!!!
[MENTION=17650]paulywogg[/MENTION]...Pauly-did you see the episode of "My 600 lb Life-Where Are They Now"? earlier this week. The show featured Melissa, who lost 500 lbs? I felt so badly for her because she put 100 lbs. back on due to stress-related eating. Oh, the similarities between food and AL are scary, aren't they? Dr. Now said that 95% of his patients get back up to 400 lbs. within 10 years of their surgery.:cuss: I hope the 2nd MRI will give Kell's bf some peace.
[MENTION=2634]bird[/MENTION]-what are you up to today?
[MENTION=9757]NoraC[/MENTION]-good luck at work today, and I hope it turns out better than you planned.
Glassie-we miss you but I know you are busy!
[MENTION=11089]techie[/MENTION]-I hope you feel energetic today.
Big hellos to anyone I missed. Happy AF Friday!