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Join up!! Army against the grog !!! April 2018

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    Re: Join up!! Army against the grog !!! April 2018

    Originally posted by JackieClaire View Post
    Starty, my MIL's had diabetes for years. She's 93 is a bit frail but eats most things.......she still has two digestives with her tea.
    Hi Jaz this tyoe is nowt to do with diet apparently, it is hormone based I believe. dont know much about it though


      Re: Join up!! Army against the grog !!! April 2018

      Originally posted by IamMary View Post

      Dr Satz was onto something so..
      Did you mention about pressure in work?

      Oiche mhaith.
      Yes, but he wants to rule other stuff out first which I guess is quite sensible


        Re: Join up!! Army against the grog !!! April 2018

        Molls you have been so helpful to me so hope you dont stay away. Understand the need for a break though sometimes it is hard especially if we are feeling down to post stuff xxx


          Re: Join up!! Army against the grog !!! April 2018

          Originally posted by mollyka View Post
          Well I'm the only earner at the moment - so that would be all coming into the house. Just can't imagine it somehow.... ah we'll see. maybe I'm wrong.......If I lived on my own tho - I wouldn't need a car or half or the shite you 'need' when a man is around.. so yeah if I was alone it'd be grand...

          Don't know much about living with diabetes (if that's what it is Starty)- except my BIL - had it all his life and it didn't seem to interfere with living - I'm sure he's just ticking all the boxes maybe?
          Right - I'm off to bed - guessing I'm a bit of a miserable old biddy around here lately so may just take a little break for a day or two - not contributing a lot of happy clappyness!!!!
          Talk soon xx
          DON'T YOU DARE MOLLEROONEY !! :rant:
          I know that feeling of lack of clappyness but we need you here -

          The End


            Re: Join up!! Army against the grog !!! April 2018

            Originally posted by starty View Post
            Hi Jaz this tyoe is nowt to do with diet apparently, it is hormone based I believe. dont know much about it though
            Never heard of it.........MIL's diabetes was elderly onset and you're nowhere near that.

            Off to the doctors this morning..........can't sleep and my anxiety's out my earholes. Tried all my usual stuff and its not working so off I go.
            It could be worse, I could be filing.
            AF since 7/7/2009


              Re: Join up!! Army against the grog !!! April 2018

              Originally posted by JackieClaire View Post

              Off to the doctors this morning..........can't sleep and my anxiety's out my earholes. Tried all my usual stuff and its not working so off I go.
              Good luck Jacks :hug:


                Re: Join up!! Army against the grog !!! April 2018

                Originally posted by JackieClaire View Post
                Never heard of it.........MIL's diabetes was elderly onset and you're nowhere near that.

                Off to the doctors this morning..........can't sleep and my anxiety's out my earholes. Tried all my usual stuff and its not working so off I go.
                Hello Army!!!

                Thought it time I dropped by for a wee visit!!

                Reading Jackie's post and some others as well, and hearing various ailments and such here, I wonder, as I have in other years, if the general malaise has something to do with the season changing. I love spring - it's my favourite time of year but it seems that every year I read or hear about people who generally feel less well that they usually do. Maybe just my imagination but lots of things seem to be going around! Hope everyone is feeling better soon!

                Things as per normal in Stirly-world - chaos that is - so not much new around here. I've been trying to get home to my new apartment earlier every day after work but it seems that there is always something up. We had a lovely Easter but have Mr. Stirly in hospital since Tuesday with an ear infection that has left him without hearing in his right ear. So a dose of intravenous antibiotics for a week to see if that clears it up and his hearing returns. Younger son is moving in with me on Saturday and we are to have his boys overnight and possibly all day Sunday. So that will be interesting, to say the least. I'm used to my peace and quiet so will have to adjust. Anyway, it's not a permanent situation so I can deal with that.

                Hope you are all enjoying your day. A lovely one it is here - sunny with a slight breeze and currently 22C. I can't complain!!!

                For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                  Re: Join up!! Army against the grog !!! April 2018

                  Originally posted by mollyka View Post
                  Wot you up to Arsey? Not teaching? Hope everything is ok for you? Xx
                  I was using the coffee shop as a make-shift office. But back home (as in Glasgow-way). Back to school on Monday - just had the hollibags. Last day

                  Originally posted by JackieClaire View Post

                  [MENTION=18049]RunningCourage[/MENTION]..been meaning to ask you.......did you drive down to Brighten or train it?
                  Plane. Was cheaper. Y'know, paying £35 to park the car at the airport, plus return train tickets from Gatwick to Brighton and the flight is all cheaper than training it down. I think train is still cheaper for my folks cos they get everything half price cos they are retired people.

                  Originally posted by satz123 View Post
                  Arsey - you working in the coffee shop ?
                  See above!

                  Away to read back..


                    Re: Join up!! Army against the grog !!! April 2018

                    Originally posted by stirly-girly View Post

                    Hope you are all enjoying your day. A lovely one it is here - sunny with a slight breeze and currently 22C. I can't complain!!!

                    Ah Stirly - therein lies the rub - we haven't seen the sun since last September :sad:


                      Re: Join up!! Army against the grog !!! April 2018

                      Originally posted by satz123 View Post
                      Ah Stirly - therein lies the rub - we haven't seen the sun since last September :sad:
                      Ah, Satzy, I couldn't stand that. No wonder people feel down in the dumps and generally not well!! Guess that's one of the reasons you visit Greece every year! :flowerspin:

                      Edited to note: Good to see you Arsey!!!
                      Last edited by stirly-girly; April 13, 2018, 06:26 AM.
                      For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                      AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                        Re: Join up!! Army against the grog !!! April 2018

                        In fact - all me freckles are gone :egad:


                          Re: Join up!! Army against the grog !!! April 2018

                          Originally posted by satz123 View Post
                          In fact - all me freckles are gone :egad:

                          I have freckles, too. Hated them when I was young - love them now. I guess it's a matter of growing into ourselves. I hated my hair colour, my body style, my gappy front teeth, damn near everything when I was young. Now about the only thing I would change is my knees. I'd like to have nice knees. Doesn't stop me from wearing shorter skirts tho'. Not mini's mind, but above the knee. Just kinda flirty and fun!! Haven't yet got to the stage that I can say that getting older bothers me. Maybe in a few years but for now, I'm just enjoying another stage of my life. Mind you, being off the booze has made a HUGE difference in how I feel and how I look. No doubt about that!! inkele:
                          For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                          AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                            Re: Join up!! Army against the grog !!! April 2018

                            [MENTION=9094]satz123[/MENTION].............thank you for the hug just back in from the doctors and town.......I like this one.......a listener, not a prescription writer and get out as soon as you're through the door.
                            We're changing my anti-depressants got to wean off the old ones over the next couple of weeks and then I'll get put on a new one which is supposed to help with anxiety as well. Did get a teeny tiny prescription for valium for sleeping.........she hates sleeping pills with a passion. No eletronic devices in the at least two hours before bed.

                            We're supposed to be getting temps up to a magnificent 18/22C next week while we're away.

                            [MENTION=18049]RunningCourage[/MENTION].....ridiculous the cost of trains. I'm trying to get down to Cornwall (Penzance) to see an old friend and just about fainted when I saw the return fare....tbh thought it was a 1st class fare when I first saw it but noooooooooooooo £250 plus for second...its only £30 off with a rail card down here in im[poverished England'll prolly be cheaper for us to meet in Spain.

                            [MENTION=11158]stirly-girly[/MENTION]'ll have a blast with your three boys. Just don't kneel on the Lego.

                            [MENTION=22411]IamMary[/MENTION].........why did she do that? and what is it with men and women's products??? They know how babies get here.
                            It could be worse, I could be filing.
                            AF since 7/7/2009


                              Re: Join up!! Army against the grog !!! April 2018

                              Originally posted by JackieClaire View Post
                              [MENTION=9094]satz123[/MENTION].............thank you for the hug just back in from the doctors and town.......I like this one.......a listener, not a prescription writer and get out as soon as you're through the door.
                              We're changing my anti-depressants got to wean off the old ones over the next couple of weeks and then I'll get put on a new one which is supposed to help with anxiety as well. Did get a teeny tiny prescription for valium for sleeping.........she hates sleeping pills with a passion. No eletronic devices in the at least two hours before bed.

                              We're supposed to be getting temps up to a magnificent 18/22C next week while we're away.

                              [MENTION=18049]RunningCourage[/MENTION].....ridiculous the cost of trains. I'm trying to get down to Cornwall (Penzance) to see an old friend and just about fainted when I saw the return fare....tbh thought it was a 1st class fare when I first saw it but noooooooooooooo £250 plus for second...its only £30 off with a rail card down here in im[poverished England'll prolly be cheaper for us to meet in Spain.

                              [MENTION=11158]stirly-girly[/MENTION]'ll have a blast with your three boys. Just don't kneel on the Lego.

                              [MENTION=22411]IamMary[/MENTION].........why did she do that? and what is it with men and women's products??? They know how babies get here.
                              Hi Jackie - best of luck with the antidepressants. Hopefully you'll be feeling right as rain in no time. I have read that about electronic devices. Actually, I read that the stand-by blue light flashing on something can keep you awake. Don't know but surely something to think about.
                              Not a worry about kneeling on the Lego. I'm usually the one sitting on the floor putting the pieces together. Have been for 35 years now - ever since older son got his first Lego. Best toys ever, IMHO!!

                              Mary, I had to chuckle about the sanitary napkin. I hope he got the hint. Men can be such worry worts and naggers at times. Jeez. Makes me mental.

                              Molly - get yerself back here. Could be that having invalid Joe around has affected your moods. Have gone through it with Mr. Stirly. Men are seriously the worst patients ever!! And no bloody help at all if you get sick....
                              For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                              AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                                Re: Join up!! Army against the grog !!! April 2018

                                Hi all. Back from my travels and all went well. Need to read back and catch up. Totally agree regarding trains in UK. Ticket from airport to Manchester was costing as much as flight from Dublin! Got good deal online for quarter of the price once we were flexible time wise.

                                Glad you got to Doctor and got sorted JC. You have to enjoy your holiday. Off to unpack, 😑

