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Liver Function Tests

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    Re: Liver Function Tests

    Yes, my wife has and is very supportive. My kids I doubt it. Have hidden it pretty much. I guess also when your good friends are heavy drinkers they don't notice?


      Re: Liver Function Tests

      [MENTION=22584]needtochange[/MENTION], I am going to send you a PM (Private Message). Click on your Notifications at the top of the page and check your Inbox in just a few minutes.


        Re: Liver Function Tests

        Originally posted by needtochange View Post
        Yes, my wife has and is very supportive. My kids I doubt it. Have hidden it pretty much. I guess also when your good friends are heavy drinkers they don't notice?
        [MENTION=22584]needtochange[/MENTION] . For some reason I thought you were female
        What difference does the liver enzyme reading make ? You know you drink to excess and this is the result.

        This may sound odd & old-fashioned but I think men can cover up an addiction better than women. Especially after a certain age. A drunk 60 year old grandmother is not a pretty sight.
        Even in 2018 men being drunk is more socially acceptable than women - the pack mentality I suppose - as you say yourself - they don't notice you've crossed the line .

        So you have been 'allowed' to drink for decades without consequences ?.
        But you may be surprised how many HAVE noticed .... your kids too if they are adults ...... they probably did not want to mention it out of misguided respect for your feelings.
        The fact you are here means you 'need to change' - that change is quitting drinking.

        Forget about your liver enzyme reading for now - quit drinking & your liver will heal. Keep drinking and it will not.
        Last edited by satz123; April 18, 2018, 06:44 AM.


          Originally posted by satz123
          Forget about your liver enzyme reading for now - quit drinking & your liver will heal. Keep drinking and it will not.
          I think Satz kinda said it all right there [MENTION=22584]needtochange[/MENTION], and I think for the most part you agree.

          I might be way off base here, but it seems to me you're looking for the right reason to quit drinking. Your life is a mess, you'll die if you don't quit drinking, you're not sure which Dr. to listen to. All reasons to quit but none that seem just right. I was just like you, looking for the right reason to quit, and looking for the right excuse to drink.

          What I can tell you is that no reason will be good enough to quit, and every excuse will be good enough to drink, until you want to get sober more than you want to stay a drunk.....
          Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
          Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
          Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.


            Re: Liver Function Tests

            Originally posted by Jude58 View Post
            Listen to [MENTION=16186]available[/MENTION], she has excellent advise! My liver enzymes were also very high, but did come back down to normal after a month of not drinking. My Dr. told me that the liver doesn't always come back like that, and I'm very grateful that mine did. Your body is trying to tell you something, and you would be wise to heed that warning. This is a great place to start....lots of nonjudgmental help and support. Stick around!
            As far as I understand there is a point at which your liver will not recover, I've also heard of levels of 1000 - 2000 from people I was in rehab with and also at least one very famous alcoholic who's often in the media.

            The answer is cut down and or quit, the answer is never carry on drinking!!!!

            Fear of causing irreversible damage motivated me to resolve to get my issue with alcohol fixed for once and for all - which is exactly what I did do.
            I used the Sinclair Method to beat my alcoholic drinking.

            Drank within safe limits for almost 2 years

            AF date 22/07/13

