Is not what is seems to be, it's not what people make it out to is a demon, it is a toxin, it destroys minds, bodies, families, jobs and many many others.
It's is a drug, the most lethal and dangerous (besides thinking) on the planet and yet the most accepted and widely used.
It has caused more deaths than any other drug (except smoking) on the planet.
It causes depression, it causes headaches, loss of productivity, lack of clarity.
It causes suffering.
It awakens the wounded child/ego/shadow and with our guards down it is allowed to run rampage, cause fights, destroy relationships and abuse our loved ones.
Alcohol is a demon.
It is the devil.
It should be banned all over the planet.
How do I know this?
Because I am an alcoholic and I have experienced all this and worse.
Losing my wife, 2 kids, house and job 8 years ago and still I drink (till today).
If you think drink is a good thing
Think again.
Now I stop.
Never let another sip pass through my lips.
I hope to be welcomed here as we support each other to rid this demon once and for all for all of humanity.
I am sure I missed a few negative things about alcohol so do please free to post them below.
Have an excellent Friday.