[MENTION=15758]rustop59[/MENTION].......hope it was a bit cooler near the top.
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Join up!! Army against the grog !!! June 2018
Re: Join up!! Army against the grog !!! June 2018
Originally posted by satz123 View Post
[MENTION=15758]rustop59[/MENTION].......hope it was a bit cooler near the top.It could be worse, I could be filing.
AF since 7/7/2009
Re: Join up!! Army against the grog !!! June 2018
Well done Rustop! So much better than a hangover.
Im sure your misheard those boys [MENTION=7008]JackieClaire[/MENTION].. 'dog walker' (in case you were not aware) They probably shout out to everyone.. 'man jogging' and 'girl skipping' all day long..
Interesting about your decision to go back to AA. Sounds like a good place to start for serenity. Have you any fears about drinking? or is it for general head health?
Sometimes I think I would like to go, but honestly I dont know where Id squish in the time right now (plus Ive never had the nerve). At least here, I can check in at midnight if I have to.
Meave sounds gas.. do you wonder what they were all like back in the day [MENTION=9094]satz123[/MENTION]?
You mentioned loads go in as they might have developed a dependency on booze at home. Do they get any support or is it just cold turkey for them?
Hope you've recovered [MENTION=22456]starty[/MENTION] :boxing:Last edited by IamMary; June 2, 2018, 06:14 PM.AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:
Re: Join up!! Army against the grog !!! June 2018
Originally posted by JackieClaire View PostMuch better managed.......and the lad who's got the manager job has loads of connections and not shy about calling a few favours in. He's very likable.
The AA thing....... My head's been all over the place since at least the beginning of the year and I'm needing the face to face of AA and some serenity in my life. I used to see AA as a bunch of people who thought they knew everything.......couldn't be more wrong. Its changed in the 10 years or so since I was last in the rooms. Its not all about doing your first 90 meetings in 90 days/reciting the Big Book verbatim/being holier than thou......mind you there's bound to some that are hard core.....its more about the fellowship. There's even a meeting up the road in Tesco.......obviously not in the dairy aisle its upstairs in the meeting rooms.
Saw RG years ago.......he was such a bonnie lad. My friend's grandson is called after him.
Bet that hurt.I know a knock of Bess makes my eyes water.
About your dog wa***r comment. I was happily walking into town one day and some kid shouted "where's your carer" :haha: The youth of today eh
Re: Join up!! Army against the grog !!! June 2018
Originally posted by rustop59 View PostEvening all. Very tough climb today so knackered.com. Delighted to be able to do it, beats a hangover any day. Need to read back to catch up. Nite everyone.
Re: Join up!! Army against the grog !!! June 2018
[MENTION=22411]IamMary[/MENTION]........it was defo the other word accompanied by a lovely hand gesture. Reminded me of something out of the Inbetweeners..
Absolutely no thoughts, plans, or desire to drink. Its just that I reckon it'll be good for my mind space. Apart from anything else, it'll get me to sit down for an hour and concentrate on one thing.
Originally posted by starty View PostAbout your dog wa***r comment. I was happily walking into town one day and some kid shouted "where's your carer" :haha: The youth of today eh
Originally posted by starty View PostI think AA is a FANTASTIC idea. Also it is wonderful that you are willing to give it a go despite being sober for so long. Sobriety is not a given on any single day and complacency robs so many of us so doing something practical to help is a great thing. I would and likely will go to AA or NA once I have more time. Working the steps might also bring you the serenity you are looking for, plus a focus and support. Great move.
Bill Linskey - Telegraph
I read Bill's book Anonymously Yours:Beating the Booze Can be Fun a few months ago and even if you hate AA with a passion its a good read. All about the start up of AA in Europe.
Bill Linskey - TelegraphIt could be worse, I could be filing.
AF since 7/7/2009
Re: Join up!! Army against the grog !!! June 2018
Evening.. Its still hot out!
Lovely day doing bits and bobs, no mental schedule. Just me and the youngest tonight, eating ice cream
Looking forward to hearing how you get on at AA [MENTION=7008]JackieClaire[/MENTION].. sounds like a great idea.
Bank holiday tomorrow, in Eire, yay.AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:
Re: Join up!! Army against the grog !!! June 2018
[MENTION=22411]IamMary[/MENTION]..........it'll be the week after next that I'm going and yes, will be very interesting. I'm looking forward to it.
Same here........just been pootling about and ice cream sounds perfect. I've got a couple of custard slices if you want one.
S&H came round this aftie............he's finished the old job today. He was supposed to finish at 5pm but he left at 3. What a rebel I've brought up.
Fair bit of gentle rain.........the kind you'd walk through being all melancholy and thoughtful......or in my case hoping I don't get tangled up in the leader and poke me thumb through the poo bag.It could be worse, I could be filing.
AF since 7/7/2009
Re: Join up!! Army against the grog !!! June 2018
Morning all!
day off today so gonna enjoy it chilling. Weather has taken a bit of a nose dive sadly but still OKish. Might wash me net curtains cos that's how I roll
How is everyone doing? Anyone heard from Molly?
Re: Join up!! Army against the grog !!! June 2018
Little seen footage of Starty washing her nets with the wifey next door
I hope she doesn't mind me saying but Molls is good.
Had to dash out thre shops as decided to make the homecoming Mr JC apple and sausage casserole..........two problems...........no apples and no sausages. Walked back with the lass across the road who had her two black retreivers with her......Fletcher and Flynn........they don't exactly walk they bounce along.
If anyone's got a good recipe for iced tea.......please may I have it. Tried the tinterweb and none of them seemed right to me.It could be worse, I could be filing.
AF since 7/7/2009
Re: Join up!! Army against the grog !!! June 2018
Evening all,
No Iced tea recipe's JC.. but glad to hear all good with Molly. Tell her we're all asking for her here.
Campers home, exhausted doesn't come close :sleeping: not sure how I'll drag then into school tomorrow! Washing is piled high again, saw the end of the basket for a brief moment yesterday, the annual flash.. Thats me up there with Starty
Night night Army.AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:
Re: Join up!! Army against the grog !!! June 2018
Originally posted by JackieClaire View PostLittle seen footage of Starty washing her nets with the wifey next door
I hope she doesn't mind me saying but Molls is good.
Had to dash out thre shops as decided to make the homecoming Mr JC apple and sausage casserole..........two problems...........no apples and no sausages. Walked back with the lass across the road who had her two black retreivers with her......Fletcher and Flynn........they don't exactly walk they bounce along.
If anyone's got a good recipe for iced tea.......please may I have it. Tried the tinterweb and none of them seemed right to me.
Delighted Molls is OK!
Poor you Mary, I loathe housework and the endless chore of washing is top of my list to aggravate me. Its the many steps it takes to get it back in drawers I think !
Re: Join up!! Army against the grog !!! June 2018
Morning all.
Not in work today till 5 - thank FECK !!
Mother started that full body shaking business again yesterday. Has anyone any experience of this ?
With all the furore last time I only THINK the doctor said it's a reaction in the elderly to the body fighting infection ?
Re: Join up!! Army against the grog !!! June 2018
Starty, I have many minions out there that will snap you when you least expect it.....
Mr JC home, tired with the beginnings of a lovely grey bristley beard.....and a suntan. Overwhelmed with the absolute kindness of the Irish and the welcome they got. Bands were excellent. Somehow he managed to find a retired solicitor from Belfast so they could both have a good old session of whinging about the legal aid set-up in the UK.
They did have some young 'uns carrying on like eejits on the first night but luckily there was a huge biker chapter there and one of them went across and told them to shut the feck up or move........so they very sheepishly did. What made them laugh was all this one biker was wearing was a towel round his waste and his biker jacket but he was fearsome tall.
[MENTION=22411]IamMary[/MENTION]........when the S&H used to go to scout camps, he was exhausted when he came back and just didn't want to go to school..........because he had a sore throat/his feet hurt/ he felt sick..........I cottoned on it was prolly the fact he'd probably had about 10 minutes sleep the whole time.......so I threatened him with he couldn't go again unless he was prepared to go to school........it worked.It could be worse, I could be filing.
AF since 7/7/2009