Hello troopers,
Swirly - great wee post that. Aye, i recognise that all too well. Especially the looking forward to it, the highlight of the day, when i felt i could relax. And when it was a single beer, it was. But when it was 6 single beers... and then thinking that a top up of a whisky might be rare fine... then things look decidedly muggled, sore and pitiful the following morning. Waking up rueing the night before... alleviating guilt with running a few extra miles (@satz123 ... think young satz does all his running and cycling to alleviate guilt, help rid himself of the hangover quicker?... suppose it's kinda what i have done)... and then knowing, knowing, knowing, how easy it could happen again, but equally hoping upon hope that the next evening might be different.
I remember saying to a friend once that it's as if I wake up with God but go to bed with the Devil.
Better to have said that...
I go to bed with the devil and wake up looking for god.
(Im not a religious type, i use these terms in a kind of archetypal way

JC - I think yer tears of joy and relief at those boys being rescued are MORE than appropriate. Horrendous as it must have been, and a situation I'd never want anyone to go through, it was, oddly, so good to hear news that was, in the end, GOOD and that could bring happiness, joy, gratitude to anyone.
Aiming for an early night. late last night, up early birds and been on my arse most of the day fighting with the dissertation...