Sure - like Nora says - what CAN you do? Even if you were talking - what's there to say? There is no 'right' way - just whatever way you can deal with it to save your own sanity - nothing you say is going to make any difference?!!:hug:
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August Army Manoevres
Re: August Army Manoevres
Originally posted by satz123 View Post
Sure - like Nora says - what CAN you do? Even if you were talking - what's there to say? There is no 'right' way - just whatever way you can deal with it to save your own sanity - nothing you say is going to make any difference?!!:hug:Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
contentedly NF since 8/04/14
Re: August Army Manoevres
Hey Nora.. your absolutely right.. still, its heart breaking and head wrecking.
Doubt your afford Kerry on your lotto win Molls.. are you really going to go for it, sell up and move down there? you better not let the Healy-Rae's hear to talking like that about the lovely simon harris
Love bank holidays. half day tomorrow, chopping off my hair, a new me.. or back to the old one, before I started on his charade of growing it, then wearing it in a ponytail 98% of the time. Good bye bobbles.
Night all.AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:
Re: August Army Manoevres
Evening ladies and all 😀
Thanks for all the hellos and mentions. Good to see this place still going strongtried to read back a little and see what's happening! Youse talked a lot in July!! A whole blinkin 80 pages, like!
Satz so sorry to see that you've a lot of crap going on at the mo with yer Mam and son x. Dunno how you manage to keep such a positive head on -fair dues woman! Dunno what to say bout the young fella. He's had more than enough support from you. Until he finds his own bottom will he try get out maybes? Still it has to be heart breaking to watch yer own flesh n blood, yer baby go through this x
Molls you are fairly getting about the country, are youse on the bike or have ye a helicopter now?
Jacks how in the name of..... Did you end up with C.Diff? Tell me to mind my own if u like tho x. You poor woman x fucking horrible thing it is x
Mr D'Arsey lovely to see you about againdid I read you've completed a dissertation? Great job! Hope you're very proud a of yourself x
Bridge I remember you from before -always loved your humour and way of phrasing things! Its good to see ya about x
Stirly you sound fantastic and happy! Brilliant! Thought of you the time of those awful fires x
Starts you sound good too but still working too hard maybe?!
Hiya Mary, Rustop, Nora and all else. How's Tabbers doing, anyone in contact with him? And MrsA?
Youse are like my long distance family!
Life all go with me as usual....rarely get chance to get on and browse tinternet and when do my ancient iPad takes forever to do things....think it's on it's last legs.
I've recently changed job- out in the community now going round older folks houses trying to prevent them having to end up in hospital so treating them at home. It's so different in every way from what I'd been used to for 18 years, it scares the bejasus outa me! But I needed a shake up and the change.
Dunno if mentioned previously but have been worried big time bout my Daddy and his memory.
It seemed to deteriorate rapidly after death of his 2 closest siblings, at first I thought it's the stress and bereavement but some major shit happened like him forgetting where he'd parked his car one day in Dundalk. I'd to drive from Belfast to get him then go back next day to look for car. Forgetting to take his meds even tho we got them in a blister pack, getting mixed up with things etc... He's a retired teacher, very intelligent and very very proud and pig-headed ! You say black he says white sorta man!
It's been a bloody nightmare trying to watch/support him at home, work full-time 40 miles from his home, keep my own house and his in order etc...The brothers are too far away to be able to help. He was referred to a memory clinic which was an awful process to watch him go through, diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment, tho doc said cos of his history he would score high on their tests.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, somethings gotta give. A big part of me would so much love to block it all out,hide in my cocoon with my old friend, the red stuff, actually feckin any stuff higher percentage the better
But I can't. Where would it lead? I wouldn't be happy with one or two. Would want as much as could get me blotto and then some. wouldn't want to wake up to the realities around me. Theslightly more sensible part of me knows that dream/plan/nightmare would only lead to one place. I can't go there again or could I?
Taken me best part of hour for that folks, am so slow posting!
Thanks for letting me back in and letting me ramble on yer thread x
Nighters x
Re: August Army Manoevres
[MENTION=18312]sweetpea29[/MENTION].............glad I caught you on my midnight lurk.
I'll reply more on the morrow (one cheeky way to keep you coming back)............yep it was the dreaded Cdiff.
And woe away, our lovely Sweetypeapie. If you can't woe to us at least Molly will share her Lotto millions.It could be worse, I could be filing.
AF since 7/7/2009
Re: August Army Manoevres
Sweetypie : welcome home :hug:
So sorry to hear about your Dad but he'll most likely be ok for a year or two?
What you describe is exactly how my mother was 2 years ago - even down to leaving the car in the church car park and thinking it had been stolen from outside the house.
For some reason doctors won't call it DEMENTIA - Cognitive Impairment makes it sound better. Has taken 2 years for the current doctor to say the word.
She really hasn't gotten much worse - if it weren't for her other issues with IPF she could possibly be still at home with care assistants.
One thing I'll say is do not let what is happening to your Dad take over your life - you love the bones of him but you cannot live his life for him. You can help if necessary but I believe too many lives are wasted on what I call 'martyrdom'.
I am now working in a Nursing Home & see it every day.
You need to protect your sobriety at all costs and that means being selfish.
Re: August Army Manoevres
Get on to the powers that be NOW - get an assessment and get some care for him at home.
Make sure you are there when they assess him - cos if he's like my mother he'll say he's 'grand' and yes "I do all the cooking & cleaning". They fib to save face.
You will have to be brutal and say you cannot care for him from 40 miles away and use the words 'safe' & 'safety' a LOT.
Care Packages down here give 3 visits a day.
Re: August Army Manoevres
WTF is everyone ?
Off for a traipse over Howth Head .......
Need to get outta here ...... YS still in bed so has missed work again. He is only in the job 2 weeks. A proper 9-5 in the office job - not flitting around the country interviewing in hotels & bars ................FFS !
Probably a generation thing but my parents instilled a great work ethic in us as kids.
Starting with school - we NEVER missed a day ......... I remember missing a day once and I still remember it - it was that rare.
Then work - if your HEAD was hanging off, mother called you & you still went in - never miss work - EVER.
So I'm finding this really hard to deal with ...... throwing away a good job.
Re: August Army Manoevres
[MENTION=9094]satz123[/MENTION]............have a nice traipse.
Mine had to be at death's door not to get to school............and I'd be really worried if they took a day of work...........means its something like the plague or worse.
The S&H is pretty chuffed with his new job at Sainsbury's as he gets a whole hour for lunch......and he gets a coffee break. :egad:
Got to do a Tesco run.It could be worse, I could be filing.
AF since 7/7/2009
Re: August Army Manoevres
Hello hello !! Was delighted to read you'd changed yer job young Pea- you were stressed to the nth degree before - dementia is very hard to deal with - my mum had to be with someone 24/7 at the end - and God it was hardContentedly sober since 27/12/2011
contentedly NF since 8/04/14
Re: August Army Manoevres
Hello, hello, hello from a wilting JC. This house is an absolute tip.......... too hot for housework. I was sat on the back doorstep about 2 am today........quiet and quite pleasant.
Jenny's off to Barcelona tomorrow and its only 26C.
Dementia is a cruel disease..........will there ever be a cure? Will there be a better way to treat it? Do we live too long these days?............I haven't got any answers just thoughts going round my head.
Going to have a poke around the TV channels and see if there's anything watchable.It could be worse, I could be filing.
AF since 7/7/2009
Re: August Army Manoevres
Hi sweaty betty :applouse:
Cooled down a wee bit in the Wesht full of MORE food and heading home tomorrow - SMASHING week
I guess a lot of it is people living longer alright - back in the day you were considered to have had a 'good innings' at 70Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
contentedly NF since 8/04/14