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August Army Manoevres
Re: August Army Manoevres
Originally posted by starty View Post
Re: August Army Manoevres
Originally posted by mollyka View PostBut do you not think its Russian roulette if you aren't as cushioned against those moments as possible? You know the cliche - fail to prepare - prepare to fail?
Suppose I've been floating around taking things for granted and not really prepared. Sometimes we can be so strong yet at other times so weak-speaking purely bout me here of course!
Hey Starty and MrsA😊
Sorry to hear you've been feeling the meh's Starts x what is it do you think?
MrsA good to hear you're feeling more positive and glad you're back x Heart goes out to you, it must be such a stressful time x
Did I ever tell yiz, I have an Aunt emigrated to Iceland over 30 yrs ago? Is a beautiful country. The Icelanders are big drinkers, she fitted right in there!
Re: August Army Manoevres
Yeah I was gonna say 'why the glums' Starts - but I was extraordinarily up and down in mood in my first year of sobriety - still can be tbh - but usually some reason sort of these days... I used to just get through by sort of 'knowing' that I'd feel better in a day or two.. and usually did.. I do think it took about a year to get some equilibrium tho..
d'ya know Peapers -- I often attribute the core of my sobriety to the treatment centre - but as time goes on - I think I learnt a shitload in AA -- meeting with truly normal people who had moved on with their lives for decades and decades - but still NEVER lost touch with their addictive personalities - or the danger of neglecting them … and hearing some folks speaking week after week - and getting quite attuned to how people were feeling - and sometimes sensing a vulnerability that hadn't been there... and then sometimes they'd go missing..... and VOWING to myself that I will be more careful.... that's what I learnt in those years -
Hey missus A - you're sounding a bit brighter --Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
contentedly NF since 8/04/14
Re: August Army Manoevres
when I genuinely can have total recall of those days - not the good times - there were loads of them -- the 3am's - the anxiety - the hiding and sneaking - the total lack of self respect - the dishonesty of my whole life -- nah - nothing will let me go there --- TODAY
Having YS here just helps cement those memories so the rose tinted ones - beer garden beers , nice glass of red wine with lovely meal - rubbish - they don't get a look inTODAY
Last edited by satz123; August 17, 2018, 03:59 PM.
Re: August Army Manoevr
Originally posted by sweetpea29 View Post
Complacency is a factor, forgetting that this 'disease' is life-long, forgetting we even have the poxy disease (speaking bout myself here now)
Sometimes too it would be very easy and tempting to say well fuck it, I know this isn't good, I know where it's gonna lead, but do I give a shit? Who's it gonna hurt only ourselves?
To escape from that which is causing our grief, our inner turmoil. Your comfort blanket, my cocoon. Yeah, it is tempting....but play it through to the end.....
Apologies folks for the ramblings.... Need some grub!
Hiya to all Good to see so many here
I wonder has age something to do with the 'fuckits' ? The invincibility of youth is still there ?
Yous two probably think you're old - but you're not.
At 38 I thought I was ancient - but I wasn't :haha:
I dunno - now I'm rambling .....................Last edited by satz123; August 17, 2018, 04:34 PM.
Re: August Army Manoevres
Originally posted by mollyka View PostHowdy ma'am?!
Trying to remember the expression......
Yeah - euphoric recall! TO BE AVOIDED!!!!!
How's YS doing anyhow?
Re: August Army Manoevres
Originally posted by satz123 View PostWell - he was sober last 2 weeks - he was late home tonight after seeing a councellor so I'm almost afraid to check...... :egad:
Orf to sleep i go one bollixed tired lady!!!!! Night night xxContentedly sober since 27/12/2011
contentedly NF since 8/04/14
Re: August Army Manoevres
Was on my way to bed and got a text from the people delivering the new fridge/freezer...........aren't we lucky to have a delivery slot between 2pm & 7pm. tomorrow. We did pay a wee bit extra for a Saturday delivery but somehow thought it might be a) a bit earlier and b) more precise.
Anyway got me thinking that sometime its not the major stuff in life that will send us running for the bottle its sometimes the mundane, everyday crapola that can send us in a loop. Anyway if anyone wants any half defrosted stuff......the damned thing is on the back lawn. Help yourself.
I'll switch off tonight.
Last edited by JackieClaire; August 17, 2018, 06:55 PM.It could be worse, I could be filing.
AF since 7/7/2009
Re: August Army Manoevres
Morning troops.
Canny sleep. Well I can, drop off fine, but waking up after like 5 and a half hours - 6 hours sleep. Think I need more. When drinking that's all i'd have - and certainly it is more broken. So not sure what it is precisely. Perhaps unconscious anxieties, diet, habit of getting up at silly o'clock.
anyway, it's saturday, i'm wide awake and wishing i could slumber downstairs with my duvet and curl up on the sofa to watch Timmy Mallet and the Wide Awake Club... but I have no downstairs, and there is no Wide Awake Club anymore and I;m a good 30 years older now... maybe I go for a run instead... tho the weather is looking decidedly 'normal' today - i.e. rainy and windy and pure dreich :haha: That heat wave was but a dream!
[MENTION=22839]brit[/MENTION] - glad you got out for a wee walk/run. Time for yourself, as you say, and time to think - that's good. The thing I like most about being out is not necessarily the running, or the distance, but being in the hills among the trees. Sounds hippy but it's true.
[MENTION=9094]satz123[/MENTION] and AT molls - re YS, good that he's had a couple of weeks at least sober. As Molls says that he's keeping having a stab at it is a good thing, surely. At the very least he's not drinking ALL the time, which would be worse, maybe? - mentally and physically and socially and for the family. Fingers crossed last night wasn't a temptation...
Off to forage for food, stretch, meditate for 5.
Have a sooper saturday peeps.
Re: August Army Manoevres
Fairly good nights sleep and happy to wake up knowing I had not had a drink. Sticking to the plan and just had a boiled egg for breakfast and off to do a Parkrun in a place I have not been to before. I never knew my old quit date but today is my day 4!
Good morning everyone!
Re: August Army Manoevres
Morning Troops - still not sure if YS drank - but I'll be very disappointed (AGAIN) if he did.
His father did - up in the club - and has a big mutton head on him.
Last night waiting for sleep - I booked a week in Crete. Here in September. Ryanair flights were cheaper 'cos they can't get their act together and fix the industrial dispute of it's Pilots.
The Natives are restless with flights being cancelled.
Rant Alert .....
20 million Euro to bring Pope Frances to Ireland - he is staying in the lap of luxury - flying to Knock to say The Rosary and back ...... FFS !!
The purpose of the extravagant visit ? The World Meeting of Families - lip service at it's best.
* Ironic because so many families in Ireland and worldwide have been ruined by clerical abuse of children up to recent times and covered up by Popes and Bishops.
* We've also been told here's no funding to renovate empty buildings to provide accommodation for homeless families.
* He refuses to meet victims in public.
Drives me INSANE!!!! I don't give a monkey's where he goes or does - but don't use my tax dollar to do it. GGGGRRRRR.Last edited by satz123; August 18, 2018, 03:29 AM.
Re: August Army Manoevres
Originally posted by satz123 View PostMorning Troops - still not sure if YS drank - but I'll be very disappointed (AGAIN) if he did.
His father did - up in the club - and has a big mutton head on him.
Last night waiting for sleep - I booked a week in Crete. Here in September. Ryanair flights were cheaper 'cos they can't get their act together and fix the industrial dispute of it's Pilots.
The Natives are restless with flights being cancelled.
Rant Alert .....
20 million Euro to bring Pope Frances to Ireland - he is staying in the lap of luxury - flying to Knock to say The Rosary and back ...... FFS !!
The purpose of the extravagant visit ? The World Meeting of Families - lip service at it's best.
* Ironic because so many families in Ireland and worldwide have been ruined by clerical abuse of children up to recent times and covered up by Popes and Bishops.
* We've also been told here's no funding to renovate empty buildings to provide accommodation for homeless families.
* He refuses to meet victims in public.
Drives me INSANE!!!! I don't give a monkey's where he goes or does - but don't use my tax dollar to do it. GGGGRRRRR.