Well folks,
Just had to fill my belly there! Appetite gone funny of late - must be the age thing lol! Nothing appeals anymore except Rice Krispies or egg And toast. Proper dinner grub just doesn't appeal no more - strange.....
Mr D'Arsey- do tell us how your meet with ex flat mate went. Is she single?! Feel you on the sleeping front- same here, in that I can't sleep longer than 6 hrs straight max. Tis a bummer sometimes. I can't lie-on in bed either once awake🙁
Rusty hope you'd a nice day in the city.
Mary if you're reading hope the anniversary celebrations are going well and you aren't being tempted or bothered by booze x how many years are yer folks married?
Hey Jude😀 By the sounds of it we all could do with skips outside our houses, wonder could we get a MWO discount?
Starty how are you doing today? Hope the meh feeling is shifting?
Big hiya's to everyone else 😊
First weekend I've worked in new job. It's certainly different, much more relaxed, more time to spend with patients and to think about what you have to do. Could get used to this!
Ok will shut my bake now for a while, came over all hyper there, fading now!!