Hi, All--
Interesting! I thought that in in-person meeting would be good for me. A way to develop sober friendships, and to keep myself accountable. However, I am SO private about this, partly because of my public job, that I really don't want to do that here in my small town. How have you AA attenders tackled that? You probably don't give a toot about what others think like I do. I really don't want the whole town up in my business, especially since drinking is such a part of the culture here. I thought AA was dogmatic - the 12 steps or no go - so it is good to hear that you can take what you need and leave the rest. Maybe one of these days... I always thought I'd go out of town at some point.
I know for sure that an online forum helped me get sober well before I would have been ready to join an in-person meeting. I am so grateful to have developed these "relationships" here, and to have a place to go any time of day or night. Thanks for sharing your stories!