Bird - I hope you are having a great time today. Sounds like it is going to be so much fun.
Gross about Meow Meow - but that is their nature. Our 7 year old cat, Shadow, is missing. He wasn't around this morning which is very unusual. He is terrified of loud noises and someone was putting off extremely loud firecrackers last night after we were in bed. Also hubby heard a short (but vicious) cat fight in the middle of the night. So, we are worried.
Pauly - I'm so happy for you that work is better. I do understand what you meant about one person being so toxic. It is like a cloud that just covers the environment. That is what it is like at my work. It has been a little bit better in that she hasn't flared up at me but that just means it has been directed elsewhere. I'm working on trying to stay positive.