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November Army Manoeuvres 2018

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    Re: November Army Manoeuvres 2018

    Originally posted by JackieClaire View Post
    [MENTION=9094]satz123[/MENTION]............little Rosie spreading her magic through the family :heartbeat:
    That’s great Satz. I guess those across the pond are put under pressure earlier than us with having Thanksgiving and Christmas. Have some lovely memories of Christmas but regret that I had not given up the booze when my girls were young.

    Find out what he is on and pass it on JC. Finished watching Line of duty and now watching I’m a celebrity get me out of here.


      Re: November Army Manoeuvres 2018

      Where's line of duty on Rustytop ?
      Great series on Netflix - Sinners
      There's 2 separate stories
      1) Cora
      2) Justin
      The Justin one is very very good ........ 8 episodes I think.
      Last edited by satz123; November 19, 2018, 05:17 PM.


        Re: November Army Manoeuvres 2018

        Originally posted by satz123 View Post
        Where's line of duty on Rustytop ?
        Great series on Netflix - Sinners
        There's 2 separate stories
        1) Cora
        2) Justin
        The Justin one is very very good ........ 8 episodes I think.
        I watched the Cora one, havnt started Justin yet.. maybe tomorrow. Line of Duty is on Netflix too, I LOVED it.
        Not a reality TV show fan, but the kids had I’m a celebrity on... its a bit addictive. I even series recorded it!
        [MENTION=7008]JackieClaire[/MENTION], Whats going on over there in Happy Land!! Sounds live your feeling a lot better too?
        Any ideas about what to wear yet?
        AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


          Re: November Army Manoeuvres 2018

          [MENTION=9170]byebyebridgetjones[/MENTION] 3 weeks, you legend :balloons:
          AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


            Re: November Army Manoeuvres 2018

            Well I just lost a big post so now I've got the poops. Auto-save doesn't work does it?

            Anyway thanks all for your thoughts.
            Ab Cowboy -expecting and planning for the cravings. Found an old diary from first time outlining explicit details which has been handy.
            Mary thanks mate. WIll watch out for Line of Duty.
            Maybe Mr JC has been possessed by our alien overlords. How are they at mowing?
            Satzy all puppers are perfect except for the landmines to pick up
            Rustop I wish I'd seen the light earlier too. You run the risk of resentment from the kids and miss out on so much good stuff.

            I just staged my first rebellion at work over the no lunch thing and the shit has hit the fan. I'm not planning to stay in an exploitative environment anyway so it suits me. Amazing how people who know damn well that they are exploiting you suddenly feign innocence.....
            If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
            Rejoined life 20/5/19


              Re: November Army Manoeuvres 2018

              Originally posted by byebyebridgetjones View Post

              I just staged my first rebellion at work over the no lunch thing and the shit has hit the fan. I'm not planning to stay in an exploitative environment anyway so it suits me. Amazing how people who know damn well that they are exploiting you suddenly feign innocence.....
              They will feign horror at accusations too - your job is a vocation - why are you making a fuss?
              Now that you are out of the alcohol / hangover see-saw - things become more clear and confidence returns? No tolerance for shit any more.

              Very proud of you Bridge - added details please
              Last edited by satz123; November 20, 2018, 03:36 AM.


                Re: November Army Manoeuvres 2018


                [MENTION=15758]rustop59[/MENTION]........I wish I knew. I'll take blood samples and have them tested.

                Electrician's here.............bacinabit.
                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                AF since 7/7/2009


                  Re: November Army Manoeuvres 2018

                  YS in court today for DUI in Hotel car park - then refusing (?) to give a urine sample at the station. Arrogant dope. Even as he told me the full story last night - his denial was coming through and he was trying to talk his way out of it.
                  I find I'm eerily calm and focusing on Rosie and her disastrous potty training :newhere:
                  I saw puppy diapers in the pet shop - I won't lie - I was tempted :haha:

                  Part of me is glad YS has this consequence to face.
                  He took his AB in front of me & headed off.


                    Re: November Army Manoeuvres 2018

                    Originally posted by IamMary View Post
                    I’m a celebrity on...
                    [MENTION=22411]IamMary[/MENTION] - I LOVE it ... but find I'm focused on what Holly's wearing too much this year
                    Some of the Dec 'jokes' I find very rehearsed & a bit juvenile ....


                      Re: November Army Manoeuvres 2018

                      Now, where was I........not used to people turning up early.

                      Reckon Dec is so used to just bouncing of Ant that its going to be a bit strained.

                      [MENTION=9170]byebyebridgetjones[/MENTION]..thinkits something in the male gene around here. My father-in-law, Mr JC and the S&H are obsessed with their a very excited phone call from the S&H .......... he'd bought an old fashioned push one. Apparently ideal for winter lawns.....who knew?......and don't mention moss..........they wear black for a week and mourn over the slightest sign.

                      [MENTION=9094]satz123[/MENTION].......arrogance is the word. The police must have just rolled their eyes.

                      Step away from the puppy pads.........she'll get the hang of it. Least it doesn't pong to high heaven like cat pee.
                      It could be worse, I could be filing.
                      AF since 7/7/2009


                        Re: November Army Manoeuvres 2018

                        Originally posted by JackieClaire View Post
                        Step away from the puppy pads.........she'll get the hang of it. Least it doesn't pong to high heaven like cat pee.
                        Smells like roses Jacks :flower:
                        I think she's possibly already ruined. She's curled up next to me or MrS every night on the sofa :egad: Is that bad parenting ?

                        I'm having a lie-in this morning. It's torrential rain outside - sheets of it.
                        May be challenged today - Rosie doesn't use the shaggin' puppy pads.
                        Last edited by satz123; November 20, 2018, 04:33 AM.


                          Re: November Army Manoeuvres 2018

                          Reckon Dec is so used to just bouncing of Ant that its going to be a bit strained.
                          With Ant it was WORSE JC ..... Holly looks uncomfortable with the kiddish jokes. I'd prefer if they'd just get on with it naturally & let it just flow.
                          Like Holly & Phil on the morning programme - natural humour - having a laugh ... not contrived 'funniness' - really annoys me.

                          Rant over !


                            Re: November Army Manoeuvres 2018

                            Originally posted by satz123 View Post
                            Smells like roses Jacks :flower:
                            I think she's possibly already ruined. She's curled up next to me or MrS every night on the sofa :egad: Is that bad parenting ?
                            The rules we made when Bess came to her forever she'll sleep in the kitchen.........she'll never get on the furniture.......she'll never go upstairs...........
                            She's now on the settee with me and she has her own furry blanket beside our bed. She can't tell us what her previous life was like but she hates, hates walking sticks so that made us think she was beaten. She came to us terrified of loud noises and still is. She did have some accidents but once she got the hang of where the back door was it was a doddle.
                            Unlike our children she's always pleased to see us and she gets excited over treats.

                            The day will come soon when we loose her. She's way over 14 years old and when she goes she'll take a large bit of my heart. I'm near tear just typing that.

                            Do we spoil her.....absolutely and why not.
                            It could be worse, I could be filing.
                            AF since 7/7/2009


                              Re: November Army Manoeuvres 2018

                              Evening everyone. Of course we spoil them but look at all the unconditional love they give us and it does not take very long for them to wrap us around their paws. Little puppy was sick this morning and daughter going to be away next few days. Took early lunch to come home and check on her. Feel very responsible as she’s going to her forever home at weekend and they are so excited, bed, toys etc all bought. Thankfully she seems ok this evening.

                              Think the lawn is a man thing JC, himself is obsessed with it. Well done Bridget, part of it is not drinking but also an age thing, not putting up with bs. Thanks for the Netflix recommendations girls, loved Line of duty.


                                Re: November Army Manoeuvres 2018

                                Hello troops,
                                [MENTION=9094]satz123[/MENTION] - how'd it go with YS today? How's it going with the pup. Friend of mine had to rush their pup to the Vet A&E as it had eaten chewing gum :egad: which can be fatal. Glad to say the wee soul is back home chewing things it can't blow bubbles out of.
                                [MENTION=7008]JackieClaire[/MENTION] - your Bess sounds like my late uncle and aunt's dog Bess who they believed had been abused by men in her previous home as she was always wary of men... In the end, after 10 years together, my uncle was dying of lung cancer and Bess herself was showing real signs of popping her clogs. So loyal had she become to my uncle we all believe she stayed alive to be with him until the end... days later she died herself. Sad, but kinda lovely ... like Grayfrairs Bobby.

                                Good to see you [MENTION=21602]abcowboy[/MENTION] and your thoughts. Always find your thread a good one to dip into for a think.

                                How's everyone else over the rest of the world? Grease? Upside-down Island?

                                Off to prep.

