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Wish me well today

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    Wish me well today

    Hey all, today I go back for more mammogram images. Both boobies this time. I think and pray it's nothing. I had changed doctors and went to a new hospital for the tests. I knew when I had the images done 2 weeks ago I would have to go back,it was to quick and routine.I'm sure it will be fine, everytime I have a mamogram I have to go back for more images, this is the first time it involves both breasts. My Mom had breast cancer( 7 year survivor after being diagnosed with stage 3) and it always weighs on my mind. So a few good thoughts directed my way today would be appreciated. Going to be 95 degress today and no frickin' deodorant I think that irritates me more. Why is it they can do all these wonderful things with science, but some deodorant will mess up their imaging machine? Just another day in the life of.......
    the most cluless member!

    Wish me well today

    I wish you Well!
    Control the Mind


      Wish me well today

      Good luck Simey,

      I have a family history too and know it can be scary.

      Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.


        Wish me well today

        Wishing you only the best, Mar. Don't worry, a lady doesn't perspire, she just glows! And that is you, my dear! I'm praying for a good outcome for you.


        AF as of August 5th, 2012


          Wish me well today

          Good Luck Wishes Coming your way!!


          I went through exactly the same thing two weeks ago. Two mammos and a CT scan.

          Everything was good in the end. Same mommy history, too!!

          I carried my deodorant in my purse so I could put it on after the test.

          Then I went and had a pedicure. Did wonders for my nerves.

          Let us all know when you find out the results. I am sure they will be great!!

          AF April 9, 2016


            Wish me well today

            Mar, love & hugs for you today ...

            BB xx


              Wish me well today

              Good luck for today Simeybear.

              Starlight Impress


                Wish me well today

                Best wishes for your tests. I was just thinking this morning that mine are a couple of months overdue. I think I've been procrastinating. It's not just the deodorant, it's the no-coffee thing! Damn, one cruel indignity heaped upon another!

                It's very common, though, for them to ask for repeat mammos. I wouldn't worry too much.


                  Wish me well today

                  Hey matey,

                  I'm sure things will be absolutely fine Simey, but sending all the good vibes I can muster towards making you feel EXTRA positive. XX
                  A BushBaby with Attitude


                    Wish me well today

                    simeybear thanks for takin the time out to listen to me , i didnt realise an feel awful moaning on, i wish u all the best, an sending u a hug if i cud, ill cross my fingers 4 u, i wont b able to pick up a can then either, i think i beat u on the most clueless member, !!! lots a luck an love xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
                    :upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!


                      Wish me well today

                      Good Luck Smimey hope all goes well xxxxx


                        Wish me well today

                        Wishing good news for you..


                          Wish me well today

                          I am wishing you well Simey, hate mamograms, and hey, you don't smell bad to me at all


                            Wish me well today

                            Good Luck Mar, sending positive thoughts to you across the water.

                            Had mine done a few years ago after a lump was found during tests for something else..turned out to be gristle...nice !! gristley t*ts, what a compliment:H

                            And I can't smell you from here either


                              Wish me well today

                              Good luck, sure you will be fine. In Uk we always get called back for the slightest thing
                              (good but scarey), I was called back last year, fine told I had a breast mouse!! apparently
                              a moveable lump.
                              Best wishes Paula. x

