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Wish me well today

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    Wish me well today

    Hi Mar, I hope all is well today. I hate having that done, my sister had breast cancer and I sat with her through all the chemo and stuff. I felt like I had been through the wringer along with her. I am so relieved when they tell me all is clear. I have to get what they call a Diagnostic Mammogram, and they don't have to call me back anymore, they can tell right away if there is anything abnormal. This was the first time they did it, just a month ago. I have gotten used to having to have a Sonogram after and when the nurse said "you are all set, everything is fine"...I went to the car and cryed like a baby. You will be in my thoughts today....Buffy


      Wish me well today

      a breast mouse!!! never heard a that 1, id have 2 have a breast very small hamster , my boobs not very big!!! hope its gone well mar xx
      :upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!


        Wish me well today

        Thinking of you and sending positive thoughts! And thank you for reminding me that I need to make an appointment myself--I've got the number right here and I'm making the call as soon as I finish typing this....

        "I'm a sucker for a good resurrection story." Anne Lamott


          Wish me well today

          Good luck simey..i,m off to a gynaecologist tomorrow as i have problems the other end!!!Remebering you in my prayers!

          regards Cassy


            Wish me well today

            I, too, had a scare the past couple of weeks. Found a lump in left breast doing my MSE. Got mammograms and they found a 9 mm lump. Told me they wanted it biopsied. Went in for biopsy and they couldn't find a thing! Turns out, it was around my period and it was a lymph node or something. What a scare! So hard to take peoples advise when they tell you not to worry, isn't it. Good luck!


              Wish me well today

              Mar, Wishing you well...
              Hope ya hear good news soon, and the day speeds by quikly! I'll be thinking of ya.
              The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                Wish me well today

                Hope all went well! I had the same thing happen last month and it was so helpful to hear how common it was with many of my friends (to get called back in and find out it was something benign).
                I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                  Wish me well today

                  Simey, I know you hate all that Doctor stuff, been going thru a bunch of it myself. They always say oh its proabably nothing but we have to run another test or scan et. I am prowd of you for your follow up. There are plenty of people who blow it off and that of course never is good. Being healthy sometimes is like a part time job, at least thats how I feel.

                  Take care,


                    Wish me well today

                    Hi al,l I'm at home now going back at 3:00 for ultrasound both boobies involved. I hate all this cloak and dagger stuff, go home then come back. It's frustrating. Thanks for all the support. Today I feel in deep need of it, I am very emotional today. Has nothing to do with the breast issue I think its the switching from Xanax to Valium, which I began last week.I am going to miss Xanax for all it's bad rap it sure made me feel in control and less vunerable. So forward we march. Mouse in your booby. Funny


                      Wish me well today

                      Good luck sweetie. Hugs and a treat afterwards sounds like it might be in order. I too hate the cloak and dagger stuff. If they would only tell me they were looking for xxxx then it wouldn't be nearly as bad as what my demented mind conjurs up. I had to go back for imaging in January, and have to go back for 6 month followup. Chin up!
                      Life itself is the proper binge. Julia Child


                        Wish me well today

                        Here is the latest, I went had the ultrasound. They found something in my right breast which appears to be a nodule. I mentioned that I had an ultrasound before on this breast with the same conclusion. Which that doctor decided to wait and see if it grew. They didn't have the films to compare. So I was given 2 choices wait and recheck in 6 month to see if it grows.Or have it biopsied. They gave me the name of a surgeon. So what to do, what to do? He said the chances of it being cancerous were small like 2% since there appeared to be no blood flow to it, but he couldn't guarantee that it wasn't.He seemed to want me to have the biopsie. I don't even have a clue if I'm spelling that right. So I'll call the surgeon,make an appointment and go from there. I asked how much it could grow in 6 months, once again no definitive anwser. Personally I am leaning towards no biopsie and total removal of this little invader. Any thoughts?


                          Wish me well today

                          Dear Mar,

                          I am sorry you have to go through the scare. It is rough when history is both sides, one side of family even. The ultra sound made me feel quite calm last year as she said, it almost gives a picture of 5 years out. Hope you will have excellent news and a very calm technician behind the ultra sound.

                          We are all praying for you sweetie!
                          xo, Mary

                          PS: Thanks for the reminder, just called for the full check up. LOL Sammys, is is a part time job!!! Now when we are all late 70's early 80's that is when it will be full time!!

                          PPS: Sorry Mar, I didn't see your post and then someone walked into my office, Get it biopsied and decide from there if they whole thing comes out. I would lean towards that too, if there is a heavy history in your family. xo sweetie, Mary


                            Wish me well today

                            Hi Mar,
                            Glad that`s all over for you. Since only 2% chance it`s cancerous, I wouldn`t really worry. Had a biopsy done on a mole on my leg about 4 wks. ago and hospital hasn`t contacted me as yet, so looks like it`s benign. Doc said I could just leave it alone and wait and see, but I chose the biopsy. Also, my aunt had a biopsy done on her breast a few yrs. back and turned out to be a cyst. Think many biopsies are carried out unnecessarily, as we tend to get ourselves in a flap about these things. Anyway, am sure you`ll make the right decision for you.


                            Starlight Impress


                              Wish me well today

                              Oh sweetie all will be fine....stinky but you!!!!! BIG HUG


                                Wish me well today

                                Dear Simey,

                                This doesn't sound bad at all. I had uterine cancer a couple of years ago. How invasive will this biopsy be? If close to procedure of removal of the nodule then I think I would definitely go for complete removal if it is small enough. It could eliminate a 2nd procedure. Depends on the biopsy procedure. But definitely have that done now.

                                But this sounds like it will turn out just fine. You are doing everything right & catching it all very early. Good for you!!

