[MENTION=11158]stirly-girly[/MENTION] ridiculous about blaming you for drying up. I didn't feed either Jenny or the S&H through choice. Luckily over 30 years ago now but these days I'd have been villified. There were a few in a mother's group I joined that didn't go past six weeks. She was just looking for a whipping boy to blame.
And listen two parties are far better than one.
The money spent these days has gone far past the bouncy castle and pass the parcel. My cousin told me one of other the mother's at the private school her kids go to hired a ferris wheel for the garden for her 10 year cousin's married to a surgeon and is fairly well off and her eyeballs nearly popped out.
Keep an eye on what you're coughing up (delightful subject).....a wee course of antibiotics might be needed.........but this time next week it'll prolly be over.
Free fruit and veg, eh??? another bonus
Pa-in-law is not well. They had to swallow some pride and ask Mr JC to take them some bread and milk. Pa-in-law finally rang the doctor and got a home visit. They've up the meds and to their horror a home nurse is coming round to help him dress today. Its all very worrying.