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December Army Manoevres

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    Re: December Army Manoevres

    Went to bed just after 10pm last night....unheard of for me. Watched Gogglesprogs (I'll let Bridgeeeeeee google that) for the first time. Apart from one child that I wanted to smack around the head the rest were so sweet and naive.

    Just in........went to get my eyebrows was now or never...I can now get my fringe trimmed

    [MENTION=15758]rustop59[/MENTION]............when we had our old Lab he just the same with the rabbits.......he'd give them a give sniff first and then they could do what they wanted with him. To be honest, only once saw him bare his teeth and that was when I was walking him with the kids when Mr JC was away and two lads in jeans approached us........they were harmless. Kids I knew, but nice to know would have been safe. Many doggy chox for him when we got home.
    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      Re: December Army Manoevres

      Evening all. Late check-in. Eventful day - groomers / mothers/ birthday meal for MrS...... fecked.
      Rosie had her first grooming - FAB-U-LOUS !!!
      Managed to get her to sit still for a minute - but she looks like she has no legs now - :haha:



        Re: December Army Manoevres

        Happy birthday Mr S, he must be delighted Rosie made such an effort

        Big gang here for Christmas, but a few non drinkers so we've decided shift the focus from the boozers to the non boozers.. working on interesting mocktails. Loads of good ideas on the internet, but if anyone has any tried and tested mind blowing recipes, share please!
        Last edited by IamMary; December 19, 2018, 06:27 PM.
        AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


          Re: December Army Manoevres

          Yes please for the mocktail recipes too!!!
          Now I geddit Rustop. My Goldie is also a pushover.
          Rosie looks like a little stuffed toy. She is so utterly beautiful Satzy.
          I thought it might be a Gogglebox spin off there JC. We get Gogglebox UK here on Lifestyle channel.
          These ones are my favourite, They're hysterical:

          If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
          Rejoined life 20/5/19


            Re: December Army Manoevres

            [MENTION=9170]byebyebridgetjones[/MENTION]........that pair are just wonderfully dotty.

            I can't do cocktails mock or otherwise......too much ice and ice sets off my IBS Love the Fentimas range of soft drinks apart from the rose lemonade. Belvoir raspberry lemonade. Fevertree mixers. Can't stand anything with apple in it.

            I beat Mr. JC in the obligatory Christmas fencing match using the inner tubes of wrapping paper last night. 5 body hits to 1.

            I just :heartbeat: Rosie. and happy, birthday Mr Satz.

            Today's song...........The Lion King - Hakuna Matata (HD) - YouTube
            It could be worse, I could be filing.
            AF since 7/7/2009


              Re: December Army Manoevres

              Good morning everyone and belated happy birthday Mr S. :heartbeat::heartbeat: Rosie, might be tempted to dognap. Thanks for all the links JC and well done on the fencing win. I bought some non alcoholic mulled wine in M&S Mary, have not tried it yet but their stuff is usually good.

              Doing last bit of cleaning today, the oven uggggh but needs must. Had my last smear this morning too, they stop screening at 60 here and I’ll be 62 next time. I’m quite happy to stop. Blood pressure was fine, last time they put me on 24 hour monitor and then diagnosed white coat syndrome. Had the bloods done too but will face that in the New Year. Know cholesterol is probably high but you know what there are worst ways to go. If I exercise and eat well and no grog, feel better about it. Interesting she told me to cut the carbs when I mentioned my sugar addiction, interesting. Now I had better get back to the oven.


                Re: December Army Manoevres

                Had 2 posts I thought I'd posted on here today - both gone.

                In a nushell :
                Rosie is still a joy
                YS is still a drunk
                His sister is in lurve. Left work yesterday to go to doctor cos she thought she was having a heart attack from stress in work. Phoebe in 'Friends' style.
                MrS is a grumpy pain in the arse - because afore mentioned is a drunk. And takes it out on me.
                Mother still demented and says she's going home that there is nothing wrong with her
                Then can't find the loo that she visits 100 times a day ...

                These things are sent to test us - well that's what I'm hoping :haha:

                ME? I'm grand thanks very much ....


                  Re: December Army Manoevres

                  [MENTION=9094]satz123[/MENTION] do make me smile. :hug:
                  [MENTION=9170]byebyebridgetjones[/MENTION] the 21st Dec your last day at work for a while??
                  [MENTION=15758]rustop59[/MENTION].........just had to check its 64 for us women over here. One more to go. Get the mamograms 'til we're 70. Just as well they don't do both at the same time.
                  I loathe cleaning the oven. Years ago I paid someone to do it.

                  Shout outs to Stirly, Running Courage et al.

                  Took to my bed this aftie with horrible flu-like symptoms.......much better after a four hour nap.
                  It could be worse, I could be filing.
                  AF since 7/7/2009


                    Re: December Army Manoevres

                    Satz, your being pulled every which way but at least you have rosie now. Plus, daughters stress will float away by tomorrow afternoon and she'll be Mills&Booning it again. Hows the Wedding of the Year outfit looking??
                    Had to google White Coat syndrome Rustop.. You sound in good shape, but with all the walking you do, Im not surprised. Sometime the cholesterol is just genetic. My folks are the polar opposite of each other in physique and diet - its the skinny healthy one who had to give in to the cholesterol pills in the end.

                    Drinks for thought there JC and Rustop.. will keep you posted on anything creative, apple free of course.

                    Only going in for a couple of hours tomorrow.. then its ikea :egad:
                    Last edited by IamMary; December 20, 2018, 05:47 PM.
                    AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


                      Re: December Army Manoevres

                      Originally posted by rustop59 View Post
                      Know cholesterol is probably high but you know what there are worst ways to go. If I exercise and eat well and no grog, feel better about it. Interesting she told me to cut the carbs when I mentioned my sugar addiction, interesting.
                      I know a very straight talking doctor and he is adamant that as we get older our cholesterol needs to get higher and we should stop all the nonsense of statins that do nothing but turn the pharma companies into millionaires. A bit like when we were told margarine was better than butter : all fats are bad : cigarettes were not harmful : a glass of wine is good for us : and all the other lies that lined the pockets of the those who shout the loudest.
                      He also says that, far from being harmful, cholesterol is essential and that new research confirms that if you have a high cholesterol level you will live longer :egad:

                      He is 80 - still practicing and fit as a fiddle.


                        Re: December Army Manoevres

                        Morning loverlies,
                        Got to mention Gravy Day to Bridgee and Mr G. Mr JC asked me to ask if you do anything for it.

                        Don't know if anyone else does but I've been carrying this nervous knot round in my stomach for about a week. Seems to have disappeared this morning.

                        Anyway, just a quickie as I'm off to work.
                        It could be worse, I could be filing.
                        AF since 7/7/2009


                          Re: December Army Manoevres

                          Quick drop in. First day of holidays and a lovely mix of productivity and rest and relaxation.
                          I have never in all my days heard of gravy day. PMSL. You'll have to provide details.
                          My poor little neighbour with dementia ran away earlier tonight and came in here to dob on her husband for being cranky. She had half the neighbourhood chasing after her but had dodged them all. Remember the closing scene of The Benny Hill Show with that music? They were all standing on my front path when I went to the front door. It was like a hostage situation. Jesus it was funny.

                          More tomorrow, I'm knackered.
                          Are you all almost ready for the 'big day'?
                          If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                          Rejoined life 20/5/19


                            Re: December Army Manoevres

                            Good morning all and good night Bridget, that story made me laugh 😆 . Had to google gravy day, had never heard of it. Fairly organized but I do things as I go along. Think it’s the media who try to whip up a frenzy, maybe subconsciously that’s what caused the stomach knot JC. It’s only one day and a turkey is just a big chicken. Really feel for you Satz, no family is perfect and we all have our ups and downs. Remember the old saying merrily merrily the wheel goes around, the side that is up will soon be down. You will come out of this and then it will be somebody else’s turn. In the meantime my recommendation is take to the hills and walk the beautiful Rosie, food for the soul up there.


                              Re: December Army Manoevres

                              [MENTION=9170]byebyebridgetjones[/MENTION]..........according to the BBC you're all in a frenzy.
                              Why Australians are celebrating 'gravy day' - BBC News

                              There's still a fight left in that auld biddy. I think I love her.

                              Remember the old saying merrily merrily the wheel goes around, the side that is up will soon be down
                              What a fabulous saying........I'll keep that in mind.

                              The cafe at work was so quiet I left early. Walked through Marks and Spencer's on the way to the bus home and it was frighteningly'd have thought they had Tom Hardy, Elvis and Take That manning the tills by the hysteria.

                              Our Christmas number one single.......... LadBaby's charity sausage roll song pulls off Christmas chart upset - BBC News :applouse:

                              Mr JC out with the lads tonight. Got my crochet, my Bess and Point Break recorded...bliss.
                              It could be worse, I could be filing.
                              AF since 7/7/2009


                                Re: December Army Manoevres

                                Never heard of 'gravy day' either JC. But i now understand the kafuffle.

                                Seems it's taken from this beautiful song from Oz's own Paul Kelly who is a long standing legend of song here. Gravy as in the gravy you'd pour over the xmas roast. Thanks for reminding me of one of my fave xmas songs. The lyric relates to many of us too who may've found ourselves on the other side of the law. Have a beaut weekend friends.

                                PAUL KELLY - How To Make Gravy (Live) - YouTube
                                Last edited by Guitarista; December 21, 2018, 06:29 PM.

                                'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                                Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-

