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BUT............Mummy said I could!!! lol

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    BUT............Mummy said I could!!! lol


    BUT............Mummy said I could!!! lol

    Star, you won't! saviour your victory of last week. I guarantee that is a sweeter taste than that Chardonnay! I know you can do this!


      BUT............Mummy said I could!!! lol

      Your progress is such an inspiration. I can't tell you how happy I am for you!

      I don't think your mother is right. Obviously you can handle a big change.

      Maybe she means people drinking more than you were. Like people who get the shakes etc. when they withdraw. Even though a bottle a night is a lot for a woman, as you know tthere are women who were drinking twice that amount. I don't recall you saying you had bad withdrawal symptoms. Seems to me that your dependence has been psychological to a big degree.


        BUT............Mummy said I could!!! lol

        There are enablers and people in denial of your problem. Both can love you dearly. But their love does not always help you. Only you know what is best for you. From any given advise:take the best & leave the rest.
        :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


          BUT............Mummy said I could!!! lol

          i cant say it better than breeze, xx
          :upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!


            BUT............Mummy said I could!!! lol

            I agree with Nancy. (and don't forget, I'm the one who is always warning people about the dangers of withdrawal on your your own etc etc yada yada.). If you went the whole week ok, you are ok. 5 days is generally considered how long it takes to detox. So you are effectively detoxing every week if you don't drink in the week. You do NOT need to drink every night and I don't think you should (personal opinion creeping in-- not so subtly.). You are doing great. I wish I could manage that but unfortunately one bottle of wine would definitely become two and just Saturday night would extend into the next week and beyond. So good for you and keep it up! (Haven't you read the book about "Sometimes even mammas make mistakes"?)
            Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

            Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


              BUT............Mummy said I could!!! lol

              I agree with everyone here - you've already proven that you don't need to drink every night! It's a tough one having your mother give you permission to do something - we tend to think of them forbidding more than is necessary and the 'if mum says it's ok, it must be' attitude is pretty ingrained.

              It's going to be pretty tough resisting that bottle, so I'm sending you lots and lots of strength.



                BUT............Mummy said I could!!! lol

                If your mother is a tee totaller, she won't understand an alcoholic mind.... My mother doesn't drink a drop, she thinks I drink on purpose and should just stop my terrible problem by pulling myself up by my bootstraps... yikes.


                  BUT............Mummy said I could!!! lol

                  my mothers exactly the same, tea total and always telling me im too hard on myself about my drinking. But she means well and does not understand and I need to always bear that in mind when im talking to her about it .She sounds lovely and wants the best for you but on this one her advise is best left to one side .Good luck ,you are doing great!


                    BUT............Mummy said I could!!! lol

                    Thankyou guys for giving me your opinions and support.

                    Limers, am not doing so great, as I`m on last glass of `that darned bottle`!!! lol

                    Must say, it`s going down splendidly, but, what the heck, tomorrow is another day, so going straight back to AF until Sat. Thing is, I know I can do it now, so just gotta be determined to stay AF each week until Saturdays. Just gotta listen only to myself and all you guys as opposed to my mother who means well, but as a tee totaller, just doesn`t live in `our` world.

                    Starlight Impress


                      BUT............Mummy said I could!!! lol

                      hi , im not doin 2 good either, was this morning but bf nd 24 tins a cold beer what could i say? NO would a been a good idea, i got a n apppointment 2 c dr this wed 8,50 in morning, im gonna spill all to him, after that im gonna b posting a different story i hope, just 1 af fre day id b so proud a myself at this moment in time, congratulations on your abstinnce, and good luck on starting the next stint of your journey, i hope to join u soon x
                      :upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!


                        BUT............Mummy said I could!!! lol

                        i think i may change my pic bk its kinda makin my eyes wobble,
                        :upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!


                          BUT............Mummy said I could!!! lol

                          You`re a good laugh, like a breath of fresh air, so just think what you can achieve when you get that booze under control. Good luck with the doc.`s appointment, and be honest with doc., although I know it`s hard.

                          We`re all here, waiting to hear how you got on at doc.`s.

                          Rooting for you girl!!!!

                          Lots of love,

                          Starlight Impress


                            BUT............Mummy said I could!!! lol

                            P.S., was gonna use that avatar, as I`m lotsa fun, but thought better of it as I`m a ripe old/young 42!!!!! lmao

                            Starlight Impress


                              BUT............Mummy said I could!!! lol

                              thanks i will b here 4 sure, im signing up to mwo annymous while im there, im sure i get withdrawels from here already, u got laugh ey, im sooooooooo bored a cryin, xxxx
                              :upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!

