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Sad !!!!

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    Sad !!!!

    Hi all you wonderful friends at MWO,

    I feel very sad today Im a binge drinker,single mother of one child, I stop drinking Saturday night after a weeks binge still feeling rough no sleep last nite !!!!! My family have suggested i go too detox/ rehab and they will take care of my child etc im scared that people will look down on me if I do but I know in my heart I need to do it for my child I love him more than anything and I dont want to take his childhood away from him by doing what I do the demon drink I have tryed lots of different ways to quit b4 but always end up falling on my bum MODS dont work for me at all even though I try to convince myself it does!!!!!!

    Does anyone have any advice on what is the best thing for me to do please!!!!!!!:upset:

    Thanks xxxxxxx

    Sad !!!!

    hi , im trying hard to moderate but im starting to realise unless i have a brain transplant its really prob not going to work, i been drinking a long time, not ghad a day of for a good while, since i found this site i ve been daily reducing so the withdrawals arent so bad, i cant really offer u much advice other than read the posts past an present, an soon enough there will b some one with some wonderfull words of encouragment from some wonderfull people, u need to decide what u want to do, not parrents or friends, although your parents sound supportive, its your choice, spend some time on this site and i hope you can start to see a way out, im looking 2, xx
    :upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!


      Sad !!!!

      Keepon, I like your user name.

      Do just that, keep on going until you find what works for you. I think sometimes we know in our heart what the right answer just have to listen for what it's saying:l

      Wishing you health and happiness.

      :h :h :h :h


        Sad !!!!

        just wanted to add, if u r on this site u r takin steps already, it will b a new addiction!!
        :upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!


          Sad !!!!

          Hi Rachel28 Quiescent Janie
          Them kind words have cheered me up a little, I feel in my heart that I dont want to give up my home be away from my son, but if thats what it takes ive gotta do it !!!!

          And janie thanks for the gold medal I nearlly cryed when you wrote that in a good way

          Also Quiescent i like you name too!!!!!

          To you all :h


            Sad !!!!

            Rachel28 ive spent hours on this site since April it does get addictive becuz I feel that im not gonna be judged here ive neva had that before and its nice!!!


              Sad !!!!


              With your family supporting you, you are very blessed!!

              If detox seems like it will help, go for it.

              Remember, though, that is only one step and then you have to face the rest. We are all here to help you if you want.

              Great people here. Like you, I have just started taking my first baby steps and it is only because of all the wonderful people here.

              Best wishes,
              AF April 9, 2016


                Sad !!!!

                Keepon, you are already taking steps towards a better life for you and your son by talking to people on this site. I agree with everyone, just keep on reading and you will know in your heart what is the right thing to do. I am so pleased that you have a family who are willing to support you, they obviously have faith in you so gain strength from that. It takes a strong person to admit there is a problem and an even stronger one to do something about it. You are willing to do something about it so you will succeed. Good luck in whatever you decide.:l


                  Sad !!!!

                  ive only been lon a couple a weeks im HOOKED think i got an addictive personality, i think i can understand your situation, i was on my own wiv son now 10 for 7 yrs, my mums given up on me, sounds like yours is supportive, maybe there is another way apart from rehab, its obvious u do not want to leave him, an its obvious u want a better life, if u went to rehab do you think you would be to busy missing your son to concentrate on yourself an progressing, possibly there r more effective ways than rehab , lets hope we all find 1 soon, best wishes xx
                  :upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!


                    Sad !!!!

                    Hi Keepon!

                    Great user name and great spirit!

                    I think you are very courageous to be willing to do whatever you need to do for you and your do have different options and, as people have already said, only you will really know what it is you need to do.

                    But I would like to share with you what worked for me....I finally decided to go to rehab last year and it was one of the best decisions I have ever made.

                    I had been AF for 11 years--even became a rehab counselor for 8 years!--but I relapsed when I got a new, corporate job and had to travel all the time. I then drank for 10 more years. By last year I was drinking ALL THE TIME...I got up in the morning and had to have vodka or wine or beer just to get going...I would "sip" on wine all days and sometimes I would not even actually up except to go the fridge and pour more (I was not working at the time because I had gone back to school); then I would drink more in the evening with my partner who had no idea that I had been drinking all day--that's how high my tolerance was--I would even get up in the night sometimes and have a quick slug of something....

                    I felt totally hopeless, I had anxiety attacks, was depressed and often suicidal. I was able to keep up a fairly good image because I am good at covering up (that is, lying...) and I have an enormous tolerance. I was never really obviously drunk (except to those who knew me well) but I was never, ever sober. Add to this some prescription drugs and I was becoming a real mess. I knew that I couldn't keep it up much longer.

                    I knew that I needed to get major help--but I was embarrassed and I didn't want to leave home...then, one morning last April (2006) I was given the strength to blurt out to my partner, "I think I need to go away...I just can't stop drinking...I really need help," and then, of course, I started crying.... I was also fortunate to get lots of support from my family and I went away for 10 days... I didn't like being there, but the relief I felt that I was finally doing something both for myself and for those who love me was enormous.

                    Soon after I got out of rehab, I found this site and started coming on here regularly--sometimes many times a day! It has been yet another blessing! I have now been AF for over 14 mos--and my life has changed for the better in so many ways....

                    As anyone who has ever read any of my posts over the past year will know, I have a saying that I repeat over and over to anyone who wants to change their life and get over drugs/alcohol. And that is: WHATEVER IT TAKES!!

                    So, again, I applaud your courage to be willing to do whatever it takes to get help for yourself and, by doing so, to get help for your child. It may be that going away for a short period to get well is much better than being away from your family in a haze of alcohol...we all know that it is difficult really to be there for anyone else when we are drinking....

                    Everyone needs to make their own decision, it's true...I agree with all the others who say this. But, for me, rehab was a life-saver. I don't think it is the ONLY way to do this--but it is one way, and it worked for me.

                    I am sending you positive thoughts and wishing you all the best--you deserve it!

                    "I'm a sucker for a good resurrection story." Anne Lamott


                      Sad !!!!

                      hi keep on

                      I think you are very very lucky. Your family is giving you a choice and support for your child.

                      It's a hard decision, but be glad that you have this option.

                      In terms of what people will think, try not to let that enter into it. Why do you have to tell the people the truth about where you are going?

                      I imagine whether you would like rehab depends on what the program is like. Why don't you do some research and see if you like the philosophy of a particular program.
                      no doubt they are not all created alike.


                        Sad !!!!

                        My advice is before agreeing to re-hab, read up on their success rate and be prepared for the AA model. Re-hab or no re-hab, it comes down to make the decision not to drink day by day and sometimes minute by minute in the witching hour. It can be done. Re-hab may give you a running start but in the end, the decision is still the same. Personally, I think good diet, good exercise, good sleep, good support, good love, and fun are the ticket. And I am all about the drugs- especially campral. It really does help tremendously- but your brain still has to make the choice to drink or not drink on it. I understand your pain. I can relate to it. Just know there are options and a healthier lifestyle is definately within your power to create. Does not matter through what program or system, or lack thereof, that you create it- just that you do.

                        All the best. You can get this monkey off your back. Start visualizing being free of the compulsion and you will be.

                        I cannot be mods @ this time but others can be. If you want mods, I still suggest a good long stretch of @ least several months of abs prior to attempting it.

                        Just my $0.02. Feel free to take it or leave it.


                          Sad !!!!

                          I also took Campral for the first six months and gave up sugar...I think the combo of everything helped, just feeling so effing desperate!

                          "I'm a sucker for a good resurrection story." Anne Lamott


                            Sad !!!!

                            Thank you all so much for your valuble advice it allmade perfect sense to me and I will see if I can get some help with rehab there was a good point made about me going away to get better to behave like a mother should thanks again


                              Sad !!!!

                              Perhaps doing the full M.W.O. programme could be the answer to your prayers, only you will know if you think you could commit to it 100%. But, if rehab is your answer, then let it be, for there is no shame in something which frees you to become the kind of woman and mother we would all like to be.

                              My thoughts are with you,

                              Starlight Impress

