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Sad !!!!

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    Sad !!!!

    Hi Keepon,
    I agree with Lucky, before entering into a re-hab facility, check them out. I've been to re-hab as an in patient 21 days each time.. 1000's of $$ ...

    Nothing has done more for me than this site right here! And all it cost me was the time, a Doctors appt, and a presription for topa, & some supps, along with major determination, and maybe some sweat...

    I think a lot of re-hab centers charge you a lot of $$ to "house" you for a few weeks, teach you what AA does (anyway, for non-profit 24-7 ), and send you on your way, to go to 90 meeting in 90 days...

    With not a very good track record of success. Just my personal experience...As well as stats...

    But whatever works ... Do what you feel is going to help YOU. Best of luck. We're here. XOXO
    The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


      Sad !!!!

      Wow Jude

      Thanks so much for the cautionary note. That sounds horrible!

      However, no doubt there are different approaches. I think for example, in the UK there
      are options aside from AA/12 step approach, at least there are on an outpatient basis so maybe inpatient too.

      Probably worth investigating.

      It's good that we have members who have experienced rehab. I never have done it.


        Sad !!!!

        I did meet some wonderful people in re-hab. But I meet wonderful people all over the place. A LOT of them right here in fact!:h

        Not trying to dicourage anyone from treatment. Just telling you, what has worked better than anything else I've tried...(and that has been just about everything!) Before finding MWO.

        I'm forever grateful for RJ and everyone here.
        :thanks: :l
        The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


          Sad !!!!

          I think Lucky and Judie and Nancy are a wise and great debate here and I think you should weigh that debate carefully. That being said I think you should make your decision fairly quickly and move on with your future especially because your child is involved. Once the decision is made the process will be slow baby steps so aren't you ready to get started? I know that once I know where I am going to be I just want to get there.

          No matter what you choose we will all be here for you. Keep reading and posting.

          If I ruin my body where will I live? :ranger


            Sad !!!!

            Lots of great advice here!

            About my experience in rehab--it wasn't so much the program that was so great--it really wasn't--but what I guess I needed was to get away from my regular routine for a few days...I had to get away from all the things that triggered me wanting a drink--and I wanted to have a clear "before" and "after" that it was psychologically more difficult to slip up again. In the past, every decision I had made to quit had been overridden as soon as I couldn't stand not having a drink...usually a few hours, or a day or two at most.

            Also, since I was just unable to cut down, I knew that I needed to detox off of my typical 3-4 bottles of wine per day, plus a few extra slugs of can be really quite dangerous to simply quit drinking that much alcohol... Obviously, if I could have cut down slowly it would have been okay--but I just wasn't able to do that....

            Of course, the REAL work began once I got home again! But I was somehow strengthened by the fact that I didn't want the whole experience--and the efforts of my friends and family to get me there--to be wasted.

            But, as everyone as already said, rehab isn't by any means the only way to go and, ultimately, it is a personal decision that depends on a lot of different variables.

            Wishing you all the best in making your decision...

            "I'm a sucker for a good resurrection story." Anne Lamott


              Sad !!!!

              im folloing your posts on here , it seems relevant, i got me an appointment at drs !
              :upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!


                Sad !!!!

                That's great news, hope you get the help you need.

                I'm feeling better, but that scares me too, it seems when I feel fine, that's when I feel like a drink again, then I'm hung over, depressed and can't sleep etc, swear to never do it again, then I feel better.....

                It gets so tiring!

                Love Jas
                :thanks: :h


                  Sad !!!!

                  Thats exactely how i feel when i dont drink and all happy with myself thats when I convince myself im just gone enjoy one bottle 6 days later when realise that that one bottle has turned into 7 days drinking I think oh shit here we go panic attacks sweats shakes not wanting to face people head fuzzy hearing taste and smell messed up sick aching depressed guilty bruises regret anger at myself ashamed feel like scum wish i was normal!!!!!

                  WANTING TO FIND THE ANSWER WHY WHY WHY WHEN IS ALL GONNA STOP WHEN IM ON MY DEATH BED I WANT MY LIFE BACK WITH MY SON sorry got carried away but thats how i feel trapped and my life is wasting away I dont actually take any medication sounds silly but im scared too apart from hormone ones which supposed to be helping me stop drinking and i gave it a try and thought i hope this works but no i ended up binging again.

                  I know rehab sounds heavy but i need to change and im willing to try anything anything just to get my life back !!!!!!

                  Thankyou all that have posted you are real people with real hearts of gold not fake like most people out there that dont understand and judge they think you should just not buy it easier said than done you be me for 6 months and tell me how simply it is
                  and see what pain us drinkers go through were not happy because we drink at all !!!!

                  Its a dark dark long sad lonely road and we are stronger than most out there because we are fighters!!!!!

                  Anyway enough said I hope you all understand what I was trying to say xxxxxx:thanks:


                    Sad !!!!

                    keep on. my heart goes out to you. rehab is a place for you to have a time out and really not be stressed by anything so you can sort it all out. if your family is behind you and i do believe you can have visitors as well, then you have a loving and kind environment around you. you are surrounded by alot of people that obviously care about you. sounds like you have a few guardian angels. you get to do the footwork and there is plenty here as well to help with strength and guidance. just know you can breathe deep and surrender to that there is a way and you can do it.

