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i think i got myself a stalker!!

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    i think i got myself a stalker!!

    knowing my luck he s reading this now, !! i only got computer few mths bk, it caused many rows with bf, he was prob half right, well heear goes no 1 but u lot know this, we were rowin all time an i got really rally drunk everynight as i was sleepin downstairs 4 a week, istarted chattin to a bloke who seemed real nice, not sexually,chattin to start,he gave me his number an like a mug i txt bk, i must a told him TOO many details, he checked it out on google an knowsTOOO much about town i live in, place i work etc etc an a pic of me! prob be posted all over internet for bf to see soon, ! he was txting all day, an calling me , i admit, to start it was nice to chat to some1 but if i didnt txt b k he was caling, tricky at home ,work etc , he then announced last week he would b travelling 300 miles to c me PANIC,b4 this announcement i had ignored phone turned it off tried tellin him i couldnt chat, an me an bf were makin go of it im shxxxxg myself expecting him to come down, he said he wont bother but every time i turn phone on theres 100s of messages, i even said bf got sack, so hes in all day , thought he got the hint but yesterday, he asked if nxt week would b better, im a mug, like most things in life i bought it all on myself thru drink, i just hope it dont screw my life up more , keep expecting to c him walk in the door at work, ohh again, what a mess!! i may change user name to that,
    :upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!

    i think i got myself a stalker!!

    i dont know y i posted that, im sure any respect any of u may of found 4 me has prob gone, i just needed to get it out, its been in my head too long, oh what have i done again, at least may solve the bf issue, if he finds that 1 out ill b out 4 sure, shit im an idiot,
    :upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!


      i think i got myself a stalker!!


      I don't respect you less, hon, we all do stupid things when drunk. But you need to take care of this. This guy might be harmless or he might be dangerous to you, you can't HOPE he is harmless.

      I would change my telephone number for one. Block him on the computer immediately. Does he know where you live? Definitely DON'T MEET HIM.

      My life was changed by a stalker. I did date him twice and he went crazy when I ended it. He stole my address book and called all my friends, etc, in it. I ended up housesitting for a long time so he wouldn't bother my mother I was 19. I got a restraining order against him but they aren't a lot of use.....he ended up killing himself. He also had a history of doing such things.

      I didn't tell you the above to frighten you......or maybe I did, better to be frightened and act than to sluff this off and not.

      Tell someone in real time about this. Maybe have a large male friend meet this guy and give him the riot act to scare him off. Whatever you do DON"T meet him alone. I would advise you not meet him at all.

      I want you safe.:l


        i think i got myself a stalker!!

        u did scare me but nomore than i scared myself, i did tell him bf was ex boxer which is true, i have told him i cant an wont meet him, luckily he is so far away i think, i think he got the hint, not spoke in a week an only txt 3 times, god im stupid, god your stalker sounded scary, i had few exs like that, my lads dad was 1, i think it shud b sorted, know any big strong men, i only know my bf!!!!
        :upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!


          i think i got myself a stalker!!

          Rachel, we would NEVER lose respect for you, you can post anything here and no one will judge, we have all done stuff that we regret.

          Love BB xx


            i think i got myself a stalker!!

            I respect you, if you knew some of the things I have done while drunk, oh my god.....

            Just try to get away from this crazy guy.. You just never know what someone might do.

            Take care,


              i think i got myself a stalker!!

              Please be careful, I agree with Hart, tell a person you know about this guy.

              Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.


                i think i got myself a stalker!!

                rachel28;151348 wrote: i dont know y i posted that, im sure any respect any of u may of found 4 me has prob gone, i just needed to get it out, its been in my head too long, oh what have i done again, at least may solve the bf issue, if he finds that 1 out ill b out 4 sure, shit im an idiot,
                If we we all perfect this entire forum would be empty, we're here because we have issues
                to deal with.

                If flirting were a crime I not see the light of day . I haven't any stalkers tho ?? What is it
                with men hey that is weird behaviour. If I get even a foul look I am running for the hills.

                Ahhhhhhhhhh................., your avatar is a little distracting for this man anyway.



                  i think i got myself a stalker!!

                  Rachel, you were lonely and you talked to somebody. Maybe you weren't as careful as you might have been had you been sober, but that's all, hardly something to make people lose respect for you.

                  You are IN NO WAY to blame for his behaviour, he is. NOBODY has the right to do what he is doing. Go to the police and report him, there is some new legislation about stalking which is much more effective.

                  Take care


                    i think i got myself a stalker!!

                    I can't even type out all the crazy stuff I have done...the system would crash! Not enough space in cyber world!!!! Like everyone else has said,we aren't here to judge you!


                      i think i got myself a stalker!!


                      Probably most of us don't even remember some of the crazy stuff we have done. Just know some of the aftermath, like the bruises, where we woke up, angry husbands.

                      Girl, no one here would EVER judge you.

                      Please be careful and let others know about this guy. We are all concerned for you!!

                      AF April 9, 2016


                        i think i got myself a stalker!!

                        Rachel, No judgement here. Trust me I can top anything anyone has done! You were lonely and reaching out I get that. Listen to Hart, very good advice there, you do NOT want to meet this guy, you obviously feel uncomfortable in this situation. Trust your gut!!!


                          i think i got myself a stalker!!

                          Rachel, no judgement, as the others have said. But there are hugs and support and concern. Please be careful, and don't let this continue. Changing phone number and blocking im's on computer are great suggestions others have given. Please consider them.
                          Life itself is the proper binge. Julia Child


                            i think i got myself a stalker!!

                            Hi Rachel, big hugs from me too, we ALL know that horrible feeling of Oooh Shi...... what have I done NOW!! Take care of yourself and hope that this blows over.

                            Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


                              i think i got myself a stalker!!

                              thanks i really do feel so stupid, but hey nothing out of ordinary there, i havent heard anything, so far day, so fingers crossed , did u read i got drs appointment weds so it really is time to b honest thanks 4 all advice, keep it comin i appreciate it, an 4 once im listening xxxxxxhope all of the members r thinking of the good tommorrow could bring and not the crap that yesterday bought, xxxx
                              :upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!

