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February 2019 Army Manoeuvres
Re: February 2019 Army Manoeuvres
Originally posted by byebyebridgetjones View PostWell, morning morning all.
Yesterday we had 40 degree heat. It was just horrid. Today we are back in the 20's and can breath again. So that's nice.
I have been getting some really shithouse cravings lately. I'm not giving up though. I'm onto a supplement called NAC that may help so ordered online this morning and will give it a crack. It is being used in a clinical trial at work to reduce cravings in ex meth users, so I accessed the research findings so far and it's looking promising. Must see if anyone around here has tried it.
Last day of work today, thank the Lord. No sleep due to the heat - woe betide anyone who gets on the wrong side of me (or makes eye contact) today.
And as I'm up so early I'll give that a google. Whatever it takes, right? L-glut any good for you?
We have the S word..........not a lot and it'll make walking across the big field to work a doddle.
Needed some comedy last night and started watching The Good Place......its hilarious.It could be worse, I could be filing.
AF since 7/7/2009
Re: February 2019 Army Manoeuvres
Originally posted by JackieClaire View PostBrought you over here..........I used acramprosate in past quits.........pretty good but you can drink on it. Be interesting to hear your findings.
And as I'm up so early I'll give that a google. Whatever it takes, right? L-glut any good for you?
We have the S word..........not a lot and it'll make walking across the big field to work a doddle.
Needed some comedy last night and started watching The Good Place......its hilarious.
Bugger the time difference.If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
Rejoined life 20/5/19
Re: February 2019 Army Manoeuvres
Thanks for the rec bridge, going to look into NAC too. I know amino acids helped me before as I took the all one for years. It is so expensive though and I had to import it from the states. Never found anything comparable but I know aminos have a terrific effect on the brain.
Not much snow here either and still no feckin news. think I am going into HR this arvo and demand an update
Re: February 2019 Army Manoeuvres
Off out into the blizzards and over the frozen tundra to Tesco............if you need any supplies just drop me a text. I'll bring some ice-lollies back for Bridgeeeeee.
It must be bad.........Mr JC's wearing his wellies.
Our Jenny still very poorly.
Lovely visit from the S&H............looking quite pale but that's due to the fact him and his future Mrs were adding up the cost of their wedding and they came over rather sickly and green. They're paying the majority with donations from us and the other parents. Nothing huge from either set. Shall I start hinting that Gretna Green's just up the road
The proper manager was back to work this morning she's had some kind of weird flu strain that mimics chest infections. Been in hospital and everything.
[MENTION=9094]satz123[/MENTION].......the press, they're a disgrace. I knew a lovely man years ago who tragically committed suicide, a fairly well known business man........they couldn't even spell his name correctly. Newspapers........just about good enough to put your fish supper in.It could be worse, I could be filing.
AF since 7/7/2009
Re: February 2019 Army Manoeuvres
I have been telling MrS for MONTHS to clear the debris from the end of the garden and stop putting out bird seed that I'd heard both attracted rats. He ignored me - told me to stop nagging - continued to feed birds & wouldn't order the skip.
Well guess what ?
He saw 2 rats at the end of the garden gaily running in & out from under the shed feeding on the seeds that the birds dropped.
OMG !!! 40 years in this house - NEVER had mice - let alone rats.
We get Rosie - which I thought would deter rats not attract them ?
MrS set traps. Went out with Rosie to do wee (Rosie not him) stepped in poo and walked it in around the house before he discovered it. I came home from work to all this wonderful news ....
I can still smell it :yuk:
Rosie was oblivious eating a hairbrush - as you do.
I will not sleep tonight ..... mainly because earlier this week I'd heard terrible scratching behind the wall in the small living room ........... they could be in the house too :egad:Last edited by satz123; February 1, 2019, 06:03 PM.
Re: February 2019 Army Manoeuvres
Guy I work with had one in his living room 2 weeks ago! (house badly needs renovating, problems everywhere) Got the Rat busters out and found the entry point. All grand. They wont be in the house Satz, they just want the pile of shite at the end of the garden. Rosie will be on guard anyway.
[MENTION=9170]byebyebridgetjones[/MENTION], time for icecream and whatever else it takes to distract you from this blip. Exhaustion and heat are not helping, but it WILL pass.
Its the Weekend and its February and you are racking up the days again Mrs..
Strange that its SO hot over there and we're frozen over here! We did have snow this morning, for a minute. THere was a big YAY, followed by a sad ahhhhh...Last edited by IamMary; February 1, 2019, 06:31 PM.AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:
Re: February 2019 Army Manoeuvres
Wondered that about the 4 boys in Donegal - were they drinking/high. Its heartbreaking for the families.
But if the message is not engraved on the brains of every young fella that thinks they are invincible, there will be more and more deaths.
Not just young fellas either.
Loads more deaths dont get reported too because they lived for a while after an accident.AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:
Re: February 2019 Army Manoeuvres
Thanks for the icey treats all. Another relatively cool one today.
We were joined overnight by a young lady in the next room *cough* who slunk out sheepishly to meet us this morning. I did find a long black hair in the bathroom last night and wondered.......
That sounds like a nasty old infection there JC, poor girl. It can hang around for weeks these days. Not the old fashioned 3 day cold that we used to get as children.
Starty, I've ordered from the US as well, and iherb locally to get started quickly.You might want to look into it, yes, because it's a lot cheaper than the All One was. Very reasonable indeed if bought in quantity.
Acetylcysteine - Wikipedia
Top 9 Benefits of NAC (N-Acetyl Cysteine)If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
Rejoined life 20/5/19
Re: February 2019 Army Manoeuvres
Yeah rats. I hear they like to breed indoors in colder weather. Or hot weather for that matter. A year or so ago, a neighbour found one nibbling on her toes when she woke up. :egad:
Have a fab February everyone!
'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'
Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-
Re: February 2019 Army Manoeuvres
Good morning all. Another baltic one. Must be the weather for rats. A friend has something in her attic. They had somebody out who put down bait and some sort of fluorescent powder so that they can trace how it gets in. He said that they donÂ’t usually go where there are dogs but they found a hole behind a pipe around the back which backs onto a cliff and the dog never goes around there. I have a JR and she would make short shift of any rodent. Nothing much planned for today, just trying to keep warm.
Re: February 2019 Army Manoeuvres
Been faffing about this morning and got nothing done.
Rats..........shudder. You need the Pied Piper or in reality, a man that can. Although this might turn many a stomach but my brother had two domesticated rats. Fascinating friendly and extremely entertaining.
Had to smile at Rosie and her hairbrush. I :love: her and never met her, yet.
In all the years, Jenny was in the booze industry she rarely had a day off sick.......in fact I can't remember her taking a day off sick now she's teaching ankle biters she's never been well. Yep, she's proper poorly. Her BF has to go out today but her friend is coming round to sit with her while he's out. She's got to have some blood tests next week and quite frankly I'm worried.
Himself is away to see a live band tonight. I've chosen not to go as I just can't be bothered to get dressed up.It could be worse, I could be filing.
AF since 7/7/2009
Re: February 2019 Army Manoeuvres
Morning troops.
No. Sorry...
FFS - that's what comes from being up before dawn's even gone to bed.
Right - happy February all. [MENTION=9170]byebyebridgetjones[/MENTION] - gonnae blow some of that heat this way please? Fecking frigid hear. Though, surprisingly, we don't have the snow that dan saff do. Still a bit o' heat would be good - even if just to warm my wee fingers. Went for a cycle this morning, planning on doing maybe 26-30miles on a flat canal route. Got to mile 3 and literally felt as if Piranha's were serrating their teeth into my fingers so painful was the biting cold. By mile 11 (no shit) they did warm up a bit... just as my feet lost all sensation :haha: But it's easier / preferable being out with cold feet than cold fingers. It was painful.
[MENTION=7008]JackieClaire[/MENTION]... though when I got home I realised i had not taken my VitB tablet - since giving up AL first time, I have daily been throwing back one of those effervescent multi vitB (pretty high in B12 - like 700% or something) (though nothing to what Molly said she took when she first was prescribed B12). Anyway, wondered whether neglecting to take it added to my shortened bike ride - got to Glasgow, shot into Morrison's to grab milk and warm my neb, then got the train home. Lazy sod that I am.
Been sitting on wee arse since. Just booked an overnight stay in Oban next weekend - would stay 2, but for the cat - as next week we have 3 days off :yay: Will be nice change of view for 36 hours.
Enjoy the sun everyone. Doesn't;t seem it'll last...
Re: February 2019 Army Manoeuvres
[MENTION=18049]RunningCourage[/MENTION]...gone green with envy. I love, love Oban. So much so we'd retire up there if we had enough pennies, When we're at Loch Awe we have a pootle down/up there for an afternoon each time and we'll do it again in August.
Have a walk along the seafront and the big block of apartments is where we've stayed a couple of times for a week. Bess had her first holiday in Oban
I got the B12 prescribed. Very, very important for a recovering alcoholic. I also got some cod liver oil, VitC, and folic acid. Will someone please remind me to take them everyday.It could be worse, I could be filing.
AF since 7/7/2009