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February 2019 Army Manoeuvres

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    Re: February 2019 Army Manoeuvres

    I have to wear contacts AND glasses for reading. And they get stronger every bloody year :haha:

    Jax, you know how to crochet dont you? I want to learn and make blankets for an animal sanctuary. How difficult is it and do you think I could do it via you tube etc?


      Re: February 2019 Army Manoeuvres

      Oh Mary that is not good. Really hope you get rid of the bug soon! Or did I missread and it was someone else?

      In other news, today is the LAST FRIDAY I will (ever??) work Big celebrations here


        Re: February 2019 Army Manoeuvres

        [MENTION=16215]MinStar[/MENTION] (think I did that right?) How are you doing?


          Re: February 2019 Army Manoeuvres

          Happy FINAL WORK DAY Friday, Starty!

          Happy Friday peeps. Off for a swim... Google Image Result for


            Re: February 2019 Army Manoeuvres

            Originally posted by RunningCourage View Post
            Happy FINAL WORK DAY Friday, Starty!

            Happy Friday peeps. Off for a swim... Google Image Result for
            YAYYYYYYYYY :haha: Soooo ridiculously over excited about it!

            Ah perfect, another thing to add to my list of stuff I want to do more of. SWIMMING! Enjoy RC


              Re: February 2019 Army Manoeuvres

              Love the vid! That is like Casey


                Re: February 2019 Army Manoeuvres


                [MENTION=22456]starty[/MENTION]...........I did 6 weeks at a class and by the end of it the other eight in the class were just about crocheting wedding dresses I did make a simple square But I also had to use You-tubes as well. Bella Coco is especially good. Make sure that you type in UK videos as the USA use different terms and it confused the feck out of me. I now must have a 1000 squares and still haven't put them together.
                And this woman's good.........Pink Milk

                If you get five minutes have a look see at this. Heartbreaking and heartwarming. Going to run round like a loon getting dressed so take a bit of time to watch the fly past before I go up to work. Won't be putting my mascara on 'til after though.
                Sheffield bomber crash: Fly-past due on 75th anniversary - BBC News
                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                AF since 7/7/2009


                  Re: February 2019 Army Manoeuvres

                  Well, that was incredibly moving.
                  [MENTION=19596]Slo[/MENTION]...........thank you. That's what I've been doing .........missing words. Had a look at the hearing aids on offer they not too horrible and it'll stop me constantly saying, pardon.........what was that? ..........say it just me or is the sound bad on this programme?
                  [MENTION=22411]IamMary[/MENTION]......the dreaded sleep overs. I'll have a word with him upstairs about a sainthood. Why did/do we do it? I always remember being startled about how much they can eat and how often they need food.
                  [MENTION=9094]satz123[/MENTION] was Rosie when you got back. Bess used to have two ways..........either turn herself inside out with excitement or be very aloof for a couple of days.
                  [MENTION=22456]starty[/MENTION].........the last Friday.........:dancegirl:

                  And I've just found a tenner in the back pocket of my jeans.
                  Must away.
                  Last edited by JackieClaire; February 22, 2019, 01:04 PM.
                  It could be worse, I could be filing.
                  AF since 7/7/2009


                    Re: February 2019 Army Manoeuvres

                    Aww JC part and parcel of us all getting older, at least we will get older as we dont drink! Im like NS, blind as a bat and it scares me, things i used to see without glasses i now need for and i have to push myself next week to get my eyes tested. Mum is as deaf as a post so i probably will be too but thats ok, well at the moment it is.

                    The ARmy and NN are the threads i just love looking at and reading all the goss, we all have our ups and downs but the Army got me through many a night when i was starting my sobriety.

                    Satz you have the cutest puppy, has she stopped biting and chewing yet. Carl is driving me insane but hopefully puppy school will sort him out if he stays awake for it.

                    Love to all xx
                    AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                      Re: February 2019 Army Manoeuvres

                      [MENTION=16186]available[/MENTION].......I remember you're first year AF anniversary like it was yesterday........we had arctic roll and a 70's buffet

                      S&H just been round to help move some stuff. The kitchen's being delivered tomorrow and we needed to clear the dining room for the eight squillion boxes. This time next week it'll all be over bar the shouting. I have to admit I had a teeny tiny bit of excitement.

                      I told him about the hearing aids and his fiance is now in denial she needs reading glasses. She's feeling very, very old at 29.
                      I was also told by him and his best man and the MC will be here the night before the wedding to go over the plans for the big day. S&H will be staying the rest of the beggars are going home. In reality its to eat a mahoosive curry and drink beer.

                      By the way, I need a dog sitter for the big day. We pay well.

                      Back to Gardener's World..........I'm so rock and roll these days
                      Last edited by JackieClaire; February 22, 2019, 08:31 PM.
                      It could be worse, I could be filing.
                      AF since 7/7/2009


                        Re: February 2019 Army Manoeuvres

                        Originally posted by available View Post
                        Carl is driving me insane but hopefully puppy school will sort him out if he stays awake for it.
                        I love that you called him Carl, brilliant name for a dog
                        [MENTION=22456]starty[/MENTION], delighted and totally jealous! What other day do you have off? Hows Mat girl with it now? - so do you have to have lenses and glasses to increase the strength? If I wear my lenses (distance), I need reading glasses, but it I take them out, Im grand (for now, tick tock).

                        Big day is getting close [MENTION=7008]JackieClaire[/MENTION], are you all getting excited?

                        Running club ladies planning a big night out tomorrow, night club, loud music, dancing.. its the type of night that you'd need to be hammered to survive, well I would, so Ive told MrM that we are going on a pre arranged very important date, to the cinema.
                        I feel like Im always antisocial, but honestly, I could not be arsed.
                        AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


                          Re: February 2019 Army Manoeuvres

                          Originally posted by JackieClaire View Post

                          [MENTION=22456]starty[/MENTION]...........I did 6 weeks at a class and by the end of it the other eight in the class were just about crocheting wedding dresses I did make a simple square But I also had to use You-tubes as well. Bella Coco is especially good. Make sure that you type in UK videos as the USA use different terms and it confused the feck out of me. I now must have a 1000 squares and still haven't put them together.
                          And this woman's good.........Pink Milk

                          If you get five minutes have a look see at this. Heartbreaking and heartwarming. Going to run round like a loon getting dressed so take a bit of time to watch the fly past before I go up to work. Won't be putting my mascara on 'til after though.
                          Sheffield bomber crash: Fly-past due on 75th anniversary - BBC News
                          Thanks Jax. I only want to do simple stuff and I would love to do something useful for an animal sanctuary. I used to volunteer at a kennels. Every spare moment we had was there, cleaning, walking, training and rehoming dogs. We ended up bringing many home and it was heartbraking. In the end I had to stop as I was exhausted and quite poorly. Mr S contracted campylobacter twice, I had eye infections and we had a house full of dogs that needed expert care as they were the most troublesome dogs we had adopted. We were also both working full time. A classic example of taking on too much. The kennels were not well run and I think we kind of felt responsible so we took on too much and now I am kind of afraid to volunteer again in that capacity however, I would love to do something other than just give money to support.


                            Re: February 2019 Army Manoeuvres

                            Originally posted by IamMary View Post
                            I love that you called him Carl, brilliant name for a dog
                            [MENTION=22456]starty[/MENTION], delighted and totally jealous! What other day do you have off? Hows Mat girl with it now? - so do you have to have lenses and glasses to increase the strength? If I wear my lenses (distance), I need reading glasses, but it I take them out, Im grand (for now, tick tock).

                            Big day is getting close [MENTION=7008]JackieClaire[/MENTION], are you all getting excited?

                            Running club ladies planning a big night out tomorrow, night club, loud music, dancing.. its the type of night that you'd need to be hammered to survive, well I would, so Ive told MrM that we are going on a pre arranged very important date, to the cinema.
                            I feel like Im always antisocial, but honestly, I could not be arsed.
                            Good move Mary, I would avoid that like the plague. One of the reasons I am glad I am not working Fridays any longer is that it will be easier to avoid these sort of work do's. You are certainly not anti social as you do go out and socialise with your colleagues for lunches etc. But I know what you mean as I feel I am anti social as I do turn down a lot. However I do meet up with certain colleagues outside of work. I just avoid the whole company do's as they are way too much


                              Re: February 2019 Army Manoeuvres

                              OMG they've arrived with the boxes. Big breaths.
                              It could be worse, I could be filing.
                              AF since 7/7/2009


                                Re: February 2019 Army Manoeuvres

                                That was exciting and its just a pile of boxes. In fact beyond exciting I was squealing louder than when I see Paul Rodgers. The fear that we picked the wrong worktops has gone. They're spot on.
                                And Bess and I have an early check in for the hotel on Monday.

                                [MENTION=22456]starty[/MENTION]..........up the road at the cat and dog shelter they're asking for kitten cuddlers.........I :heartbeat: cats but Mr JC's allergic. Might add that to my list of good doing.

                                [MENTION=22411]IamMary[/MENTION].......nice swerve there, darling. Can't abide forced jollity.

                                campylobacter..............had to look it up. Horrible.
                                Last edited by JackieClaire; February 23, 2019, 05:15 AM.
                                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                                AF since 7/7/2009

