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February 2019 Army Manoeuvres

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    Re: February 2019 Army Manoeuvres

    Arvo all (morning Bridge)
    [MENTION=7008]JackieClaire[/MENTION] - Oban is bonnie innit? I will look out yer haunts while there. My Aunt and Uncle lived there for 10 years - house looking over the bay and harbour.

    Monday over which means, if the last two weeks are anything to go by Friday will be here quicker than you can say yes to a Crunchie.

    Advice ladies - and gents: I'm single, nearly 40. If IF i and another found each other then I think that would be probably be very good for me. I've had not a lot of experience in relationship dept - always short affairs, nothing long term really. Now, have done dating apps several times over the years... and after a break of a year from dating apps where I'd just got fed up forking out money each month for it, considering going back. Fearing the older I get the more reclusive i may become??? Also fearing atet when I'm ancient and in my final days it might be good to have a bit o' company :haha: Thoughts?

    All about me today....


      Re: February 2019 Army Manoeuvres

      [MENTION=18049]RunningCourage[/MENTION] go for it !!!!:horse:
      DD and her friends have been using dating sites for ages. Some met & married the person they met.
      DDmet a few dodgy ones but is now ready to admit she's met 'the one' and ready to settle down soon at 38 - .....

      It's too difficult to meet anyone these days I think.
      Are you in a running club ? I've heard that's a great way to meet people ?


        Re: February 2019 Army Manoeuvres

        If your up Oban or Loch Awe way come August we'll treat you to dinner.

        Why not give it a go? Go on spread your wings. We're nosy besoms here so will want to hear all about her.
        Its a bit early in your sobriety so bear that in mind.
        My brother was in his 40s and met the love of his life online.
        In fact, he was 45 ........just remembered that as the poor woman was brought to my 50th birthday party and met our family. The poor soul being thrown into the lion's den from the start. I love her to bits. He'd been married before and on his own for years and took the plunge.

        Jenny still off work, still proper poorly. Spoke to her today and the earliest doctor appointment's 18th February. But she can try again tomorrow at 8am to see if they've got any cancellations.
        It could be worse, I could be filing.
        AF since 7/7/2009


          Re: February 2019 Army Manoeuvres

          Thats bonkers about getting a doctors appointment [MENTION=7008]JackieClaire[/MENTION].. Is everywhere like that? Is that private and public?
          Poor Jenny, probably needs an antibiotic.

          +1 on the running club [MENTION=18049]RunningCourage[/MENTION], they are full of women! And don't stick to the marathons, loads of sociable 5, 10ks - they'd be fighting over you :love_heart:

          Keep an open mind. But its all maths really, the more you get out there, the greater the probability of meeting someone, or someones sister, someones buddy.. go for it.

          I love the love stories JC and Satz.. RC,
          AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


            Re: February 2019 Army Manoeuvres

            Originally posted by IamMary View Post
            Thats bonkers about getting a doctors appointment [MENTION=7008]JackieClaire[/MENTION].. Is everywhere like that? Is that private and public?
            Poor Jenny, probably needs an antibiotic.

            +1 on the running club [MENTION=18049]RunningCourage[/MENTION], they are full of women! And don't stick to the marathons, loads of sociable 5, 10ks - they'd be fighting over you :love_heart:

            Keep an open mind. But its all maths really, the more you get out there, the greater the probability of meeting someone, or someones sister, someones buddy.. go for it.

            I love the love stories JC and Satz.. RC,
            Ditto everything Mary says. Go for it RC. Poor Jenny, that’s mad, can she present at an A&E? No wonder you are so worried about her. Hey Starty, any news on the job front? Did another airport run after work so better get some shut eye, work in the morning. Night all


              Re: February 2019 Army Manoeuvres

              Originally posted by satz123 View Post
              Feck off :rant:
              If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
              Rejoined life 20/5/19


                Re: February 2019 Army Manoeuvres

                Just going to sneak in here for a bit.
                It's getting more archaic around here by the day. My team has just been given a cleaning roster for the month for the staff kitchen, with a job description attached ?? Then I am informed the at our staff development day on Thursday there will be a mandatory team building activity - Putt Putt golfing. How fucking infantile!
                All we need to achieve for a staff planning day is a FUCKING PLAN!!!
                God I hate this stuff. And work. And other people.

                Hope all sickies are feeling better and frozen toes are warming.
                If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                Rejoined life 20/5/19


                  Re: February 2019 Army Manoeuvres

                  Morning all, RC the others are right give it a go. I know peeps who have met and married their partners met online. Chillgirl for one. She is very happy

                  No news on the work front. sigh... The mat girl might be coming round for coffee after my hospital appt today if I am feeling ok. So might at least hear her plans. Dreading hosp

                  Bridge you are funny, and I feel your pain. That is office work for you!


                    Re: February 2019 Army Manoeuvres

                    Only God and the Queen can afford private You know I'm not even sure we have private GPs..........plenty of surgeons out there but they tend to specialize.
                    Its getting more and more common to have to ring at 8am. They started a couple of years back at my GPs. and the adverts for you to see your pharmacist are ridiculous........they just give you an elastoplast and tell you to see your GP.
                    Jenny needs a sick note and only her GP can issue one. A&E can't do it. You can self certify for 5 days.
                    We've got hospitals closed to visitors because of this flu virus. My cousin's kids school has 60 pupils off sick including 2 of hers. Its all a nightmare.
                    Luckily her mentor from school has told her not to fret which is like telling the sun not to shine.
                    Rant over.
                    [MENTION=22456]starty[/MENTION].......good luck with the procedure.
                    [MENTION=9170]byebyebridgetjones[/MENTION] which universe did they decide 'team building' was a good idea???
                    Last edited by JackieClaire; February 5, 2019, 04:17 AM.
                    It could be worse, I could be filing.
                    AF since 7/7/2009


                      Re: February 2019 Army Manoeuvres

                      Hello All, I am ashamed to say I have been drinking again 4 or so years. Started again as a coping mechanism for the witching hour after the birth of my son. I used it as I had before to go through the monotony of 5-8pm life with two young ones. I started with wine and the odd spirits but quickly accelerated to hiding spirits to get the hit. Fast forward to today. I am still drinking. 5-6 doubles every night. Feeling shame, guilt, remorse at what I have put myself, friends and family through. Family are talking of rehab. I still have a lot of issues with my husband. I get anxiety around 4-5pm and very jittery I end up taking a drink to stop it with the resolve to limit it. You all know how that works out. In addition, due to a stressful situation with my husband in September 2017 I’ve started smoking. I hate that I started, it’s not even something I would have considered before the said situation. It knocked my self esteem and I’ve lost who I am.
                      Past few days I’ve been listening to audiobooks and you tube videos of trying to stop drinking. In the last two years I have really got into something called Yoga Nidra and have completed teacher training for that for kids, insomnia, stress, relaxation, Dream yoga work and been getting into all sorts of teachings and readings around bhuddism, yoga and all sorts. I have coupled all this with neuroscience and science in general, as my career was as a scientist. This stuff is addictive and we all know I have addictive tendencies. ����*♀️ Today as I was feeling dreadful doing research on giving up drinking- just finished William Porters Alcohol explained I was led to the nobeeroneyear site and it occurred to me then “why am I going for other sites when the one that worked last time is still running”

                      So here I am I just want rid of this all!!! I was hoping some people would be able to talk or what’s app me when the witching hour comes around today. I posted on the newbie site for help from people in the same time zone and was recommended this forum.
                      Thanks for taking the time to read and respond.
                      Love MinStar


                        Re: February 2019 Army Manoeuvres

                        Originally posted by byebyebridgetjones View Post
                        Just going to sneak in here for a bit.
                        It's getting more archaic around here by the day. My team has just been given a cleaning roster for the month for the staff kitchen, with a job description attached ?? Then I am informed the at our staff development day on Thursday there will be a mandatory team building activity - Putt Putt golfing. How fucking infantile!
                        All we need to achieve for a staff planning day is a FUCKING PLAN!!!
                        God I hate this stuff. And work. And other people.

                        Hope all sickies are feeling better and frozen toes are warming.
                        FFS I used to hate that shite Bridge. Towards the end I made excuses not to go-unless I organised it and it meant something.
                        e.g. I organised them to do a paint job at a local school for kids with intellectual disabilities - that was at least worthwhile.
                        It was proper 'team building', interacting with the kids and not acting like the spoiled brats they were.

                        I arranged for food & a drink afterwards for them under duress :haha:


                          Re: February 2019 Army Manoeuvres

                          Evening everyone and :welcome: Minstar, glad you found us. We are mainly based in UK/Scotland/Ireland and we have Bridget from Australia and Stirly in Greece so we should be in your time zone. Threads are not as active as they once were but still plenty of good advice. Suggest you use Mary as a role model, she has young kids and knocked al on the head while they are still small. Wish I had as much sense when I was her age. I find just checking in every day keeps me focused. Anyway best of luck on your journey.

                          Did you get to meet mat girl Starty? Fingers crossed it all falls into place for you. Going to a funeral so need to grab something to eat first. Catch you all later.


                            Re: February 2019 Army Manoeuvres

                            :welcome: Minstar
                            Started again as a coping mechanism for the witching hour after the birth of my son. I used it as I had before to go through the monotony of 5-8pm life with two young ones. I started with wine and the odd spirits but quickly accelerated to hiding spirits to get the hit. Fast forward to today. I am still drinking. 5-6 doubles every night. Feeling shame, guilt, remorse at what I have put myself, friends and family through. Family are talking of rehab. I still have a lot of issues with my husband. I get anxiety around 4-5pm and very jittery I end up taking a drink to stop it with the resolve to limit it.
                            This describes exactly how I drank. Monotony of 5-8pm a life made me drink also.
                            I came here and after a few false starts I picked my day 1 and that is now over 5 years ago.
                            I was able at that time to relate to Molly & JAcks as we are same age with older kids.

                            So I think Rustop has a good idea there that Mary has young kids too and may have tips of getting through what I assume is homework, cooking & bedtime ?
                            My advice is to read & post every day and we can help you along the way .......... :hug:


                              Re: February 2019 Army Manoeuvres

                              Very late check in and really should have an early window repairs tomorrow.....will have a blooming big hole in the living room....they're coming sometime between 8:30am and whenever they when they feel like it.
                              It'll probably be 8am when I do a fair impression of death.

                              [MENTION=16215]MinStar[/MENTION] I just keep it short but a great big welcome......:welcome:
                              Just had a quick look at a few of your recent posts. The first piece of advice keep yourself hydrated........water and more water. My advice your sobriety has to be your first priority as well as feeding the kids. Keep everything to simple basics for the next couple of weeks.
                              More tomorrow and glad you found us.
                              Last edited by JackieClaire; February 5, 2019, 06:33 PM.
                              It could be worse, I could be filing.
                              AF since 7/7/2009


                                Re: February 2019 Army Manoeuvres

                                [MENTION=7008]JackieClaire[/MENTION], thats absolutely disgraceful! what about emergency cases or small kids with high temperatures? which is every second child over this side too.

                                Welcome [MENTION=16215]MinStar[/MENTION], no pressure, Im going to fix everything
                                I jest, but you've come to the right place. We have all come from where you are at now.
                                My older ones are teenagers now, but I was in the thick of it when I started here.

                                Do what ever it takes this week to get through the witching hour. Bribe yourself, chocolate, icecream. Distract yourself with anything, I obsessed over everything related to getting sober (I may have finished the internet) - Mr D is great. Go to bed early.
                                There will be a thousand obstacles over the next few days and weeks, dont let them get in your way.
                                We're all here :hug:
                                AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:

