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February 2019 Army Manoeuvres

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    Re: February 2019 Army Manoeuvres

    Afternoon all. Well done on the walk Starty. Afraid I did not get out at all. Neighbors had something on that I was invited to. Hope JC is having a great time at the wedding. Read and keep posting MinStar, distraction is key in the early days. I binge watched Netflix, took up crocheting, kept myself busy.


      Re: February 2019 Army Manoeuvres

      [MENTION=22456]starty[/MENTION]- thanks for that I will take a look in a moment. I know alcohol makes it worse and that drinkers then take ‘just 1’ to take the edge off. This past few weeks I’ve listen to and read loads on alcohol addiction. I’ve also looked up ways to reduce the anxiety. I am taking herbs for it.
      Did you ever read Jason Vale’s book ‘ kick the drink easily ‘. It was the book that made me quit last time. I’m re-reading it again too.
      I’m dreading the kids coming home and anxiety kicking in. Normally I would’ve had a drink to ‘ease’ my nerves by now


        Re: February 2019 Army Manoeuvres

        Hi Rustop. Dont blame you for not going out it was baltic out there

        Yes I have read that book. Good idea to read it again. How old are your kids and what is it that makes you anxious?


          Re: February 2019 Army Manoeuvres

          I don't want to put words in Minstar's mouth but ....I think it's maybe the relentless ' looking after' kids that wears you out. And if you are not up to par it is such a difficult job.
          I know this because I felt exactly the same [MENTION=16215]MinStar[/MENTION] - and drank to get through too.
          MrS then casually brought home a pup one night : I had two kids ,Full-time job and a fecking pup. I found it hard going back then.....
          To my shame the dog got neglected by me. I let MrS deal with him - I just couldn't.
          [MENTION=16215]MinStar[/MENTION] - get some blood tests done and see if there is anything you are lacking ? Vit D, B12 , Iron maybe ?
          Last edited by satz123; February 9, 2019, 03:06 PM.


            Re: February 2019 Army Manoeuvres

            Not been home long and had to lie face down on the settee. A wonderful wedding in a tiny country church. Even had a bash and singing the hymns. We sat near the door and when we caught sight of the bride, I started filling up. I've know this woman since she was a wee nine year old (I'm filling up now) and was so proud. Mr JC's worked with her Mum for 20 years and she was just amazing.
            Blooming knackered now, was full to the gills. Then we retired to the conservatory area of the reception place and saw the cheese board and coffee......I may never eat again.

            [MENTION=16215]MinStar[/MENTION]....lovely to see you posting around the boards. Lots and lots of good people here.
            More tomorrow as I'm soooooooo tired in the best possible way.
            It could be worse, I could be filing.
            AF since 7/7/2009


              Re: February 2019 Army Manoeuvres

              Originally posted by IamMary View Post
              @byebyebridgetjones and @starty are both back in the saddle recently and doing brilliant, despite the dramas in work (which they both love dearly ).

              We had our staff training day and our bloody corporate Putt Putt shit. Lots of fake laughter and áwesome' ideas which will never get up because people are too fucking lazy to actually do anything.

              Welcome [MENTION=16215]MinStar[/MENTION] and good on you for getting back in the saddle. I've realised myself the last couple of days that this has to be our main work. As soon as I don't check in here regularly and work proactively at sobriety I start to hit the skids mentally and the cravings kick in. I'm assuming that you are in the UK? although the situation with the kids that you describe is universal. Certainly had a lot to do with my drinking back in the day. At the moment I am trialing an over the counter supplement called NAC (related to glutamine) with myself and so far so good although far too early days. It has a range of benefits including protection for the liver. The main thing I'm interested in is a current study where it is being used to reduce cravings in ex ice addicts. There is very little experience with alcoholism but what the heck, I'll give it a crack.
              Anyway, I've got a birthday to attend and then a very quiet afternoon in preparation for what will surely be an hellacious week. I have a group of academics actually bullying their students. Proud moment indeed.

              Jenny must have one hell of a flu there JC. And that flu going around sounds downright bizarre.

              Starty I'm so glad your workplace agreement was approved. Work is just work and it should only take appropriate priority in our lives, not dominate it.
              If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
              Rejoined life 20/5/19


                Re: February 2019 Army Manoeuvres

                Wedding sounds fabulous @ JackieClaire, your probably snoring your head off now.

                How are you doing this evening [MENTION=16215]MinStar[/MENTION]? I read the Alan Carr book, among others, that was an early quit (on my own), lasted 30 days.
                Starty is right, it is brainwashing. God knows we have been brainwashed all our lives to believe that booze is a wonderful thing - time to reverse that.
                Completely understand that overwhelming feeling when all the small ones want mammy. Big smile, loads of hugs, dont try to be perfect for a while. They can sleep in the same sheets as last week (last month! ), skip a few baths and cheat on dinners..

                I had a crap sleep last night and a bonkers day, looked in the mirror an hour ago and thought, Thats what I used to look like on a good day, haggard.
                AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


                  Re: February 2019 Army Manoeuvres

                  Originally posted by byebyebridgetjones View Post

                  We had our staff training day and our bloody corporate Putt Putt shit. Lots of fake laughter and áwesome' ideas which will never get up because people are too fucking lazy to actually do anything.

                  That sounds like the MrM evening Rant.. He especially loves the 'Morketing' team :smiles:
                  AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


                    Re: February 2019 Army Manoeuvres

                    Originally posted by IamMary View Post
                    That sounds like the MrM evening Rant.. He especially loves the 'Morketing' team :smiles:
                    Those people are the biggest psychos of all at our place. Apart from the academics who are mostly on the spectrum.
                    If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                    Rejoined life 20/5/19


                      Re: February 2019 Army Manoeuvres

                      OK so one of the interlopers of the week has bought a young 'lady' home last night then promptly gone to work and left her here in his room. I now need to go out and have to work out how to extract her before I do. I have a suspicion that she is already awake in there and trying to work out how to climb out the window and down the drainpipe. My brother and I are in stitches trying to work out how to handle this.
                      If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                      Rejoined life 20/5/19


                        Re: February 2019 Army Manoeuvres

                        Setting off the fire alarm should do it Bridgeypoos, just sayin....
                        Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                          Re: February 2019 Army Manoeuvres

                          [MENTION=9094]satz123[/MENTION] You got it! The relentless looking after kids house job. I feel like I’m in a ground hog day type of life. I know I should just enjoy the moments but it gets too much. My cousin got me some super vitamins and minerals which I started taking last Sunday. I think they have helped with food as well as I am much more hungrier than I used to be.
                          [MENTION=22411]IamMary[/MENTION] I’ve already started skipping stuff. Not worried too much about dinners. Kids aren’t always bathed every night. Heck the sheets aren’t changed for weeks osteroops:
                          [MENTION=9170]byebyebridgetjones[/MENTION] is your over the counter supplement from the UK. I also have been taking natural herbal pills for the anxiety and liver function. What is it that you do? Sounds like your in academia? [MENTION=7008]JackieClaire[/MENTION] sounds like the wedding was fun. Glad you survived it


                            Re: February 2019 Army Manoeuvres

                            Originally posted by Tabbers (a.k.a. KTAB) View Post
                            Setting off the fire alarm should do it Bridgeypoos, just sayin....
                            :harhar: I love it. Brilliant idea.

                            Originally posted by MinStar View Post
                            [MENTION=9094]satz123[/MENTION] You got it! The relentless looking after kids house job. I feel like I’m in a ground hog day type of life. I know I should just enjoy the moments but it gets too much. My cousin got me some super vitamins and minerals which I started taking last Sunday. I think they have helped with food as well as I am much more hungrier than I used to be.
                            [MENTION=22411]IamMary[/MENTION] I’ve already started skipping stuff. Not worried too much about dinners. Kids aren’t always bathed every night. Heck the sheets aren’t changed for weeks osteroops:
                            [MENTION=9170]byebyebridgetjones[/MENTION] is your over the counter supplement from the UK. I also have been taking natural herbal pills for the anxiety and liver function. What is it that you do? Sounds like your in academia? [MENTION=7008]JackieClaire[/MENTION] sounds like the wedding was fun. Glad you survived it
                            I was just going to mention you and here you are.
                            Only hotels change their sheets and towels every day and and they get money to do that and industrial sized washing machines.
                            For the next few weeks its KISS (Keep it simple).....if they want to watch Frozen/Minions/Secret Life of Pets on a loop, Thundercats, luckily I used to have Neighbours (my two were addicted)......then let them.
                            As parents we tie ourselves in knots trying to give them experiences.......tumble tots, bouncy castles, play-dates when what they actually remember digging holes in the garden, indoor picnics and a blanket in the living room and goodies like mini sausages, a those mini egg things and paper plates are remembered to this day. They still eat pasta, tuna and sweetcorn even now they're in their 30s its their go to comfort food.
                            Another thing treat yourself to a glossy magazine, a book that doesn't have to be about recovery, put a couple of pound in a jar and at the end of the 30 days buy something just for you.

                            This afternoon is Ma-in-Law's 94th birthday party and I can bet she'll be a blooming sight more sprightly than I feel. My tired is tired.
                            It could be worse, I could be filing.
                            AF since 7/7/2009


                              Re: February 2019 Army Manoeuvres

                              Morning [MENTION=7008]JackieClaire[/MENTION]. Sounds like you have a full on weekend. Any chance of a nap?

                              Kids have already watched the Lego movie and are currently hiding under the frozen blanket as I pretend to say the kids have disappeared I wonder where they have gone? Mr MS said they wanted to go trampolining but I said I wasn’t going so a day in for us. Thanks for the ideas I think we may have a carpet picnic lunch. We’re have some quorn cocktail sausages that they love. Loadsnof cheese crackers etc.
                              You must have read my mind as I was just thinking of lunch and dinner ideas.

                              I’ve come back to bed to read posts and look up some of the suggestions on threads I’ve posted on.


                                Re: February 2019 Army Manoeuvres

                                You won't believe this I'm just about to go shuttle off and have an hour or 10. Mr JC's gone to the tip with a bundle of stuff from the garage so peace and quiet reigns. Its one of his favourite places.
                                The S&H is 30 and still reckons the Lego movie is one of the funniest he's seen and he loves Baymax.
                                Right time for some zzzzzzzzzzs
                                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                                AF since 7/7/2009

