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February 2019 Army Manoeuvres

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    Re: February 2019 Army Manoeuvres

    Why do the oldies turn up every day....... is it part and parcel of our own sobriety that we do to give back and we do that willingly.

    Every day isn't a fecking barrel of laughs. It hard, very hard. After hearing today's news I'm typing this near tears as I've just had a hearing test. Guess what.........I'm going to be fitted with hearing aids on the 5th March. Hoorah. Despite the assurances they're very descreet........if they're so discreet how the feck did I see the woman sat beside me at the wedding we've just been to. And the discreet ones are hideously expensive. No you don't get those kind on the NHS.
    Had this been 10 years ago I'd have slipped into a pub had a couple of swift ones while pretending to wait for a friend.......grabbed a couple of bottles from M&S on the way home and be on my way to be lying face down, unconsious on the settee when Mr JC when he came in from work.
    This is a 'yet' in I've never come across a situation that could make me drink............yet.
    But from the tools I've learnt from those that have been through worse, much worse than me ........I'll get through.

    Shit nearly posted this in the Newbies Nest. FFS.
    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      I see you were quick about deleting the post in the Nest [MENTION=7008]JackieClaire[/MENTION] lol. I read it there, came here to comment, saw the same post, went back to the Nest, and it was I'm dizzy lol.

      Nothing wrong with needing hearing aids Jacks, I just got mine about 6 months ago. Yep, those expensive ones that are supposed to be discrete. I knew for a long time that I needed them, and just like being an alcoholic, didn't want to admit it. You won't care what they look like once you get them, it'll be so nice hearing everything again! I didn't realize the signal lights in my truck made a noise to remind me they were working, when did they make that happen lol.
      Last edited by abcowboy; February 21, 2019, 05:33 PM.
      Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
      Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
      Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.


        Re: February 2019 Army Manoeuvres

        ((Hugs)) Jacks
        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


          Re: February 2019 Army Manoeuvres

          Originally posted by JackieClaire View Post
          Why do the oldies turn up every day....... is it part and parcel of our own sobriety that we do to give back and we do that willingly.
          Well, those of us who stick around know that the daily check-in seems to work. Other approaches probably do, too, but we don't have much evidence other than from those who occasionally check in with positive updates like Jane and Rahul. I personally don't want to risk giving up all I've gained and I hope to somehow pay back. Plus, touching base on MWO adds to my life - it doesn't feel like a responsibility or a burden - and I would miss all of you!

          This is a 'yet' in I've never come across a situation that could make me drink............yet. But from the tools I've learnt from those that have been through worse, much worse than me ........I'll get through.
          I'd be bummed about needing the hearing aids, too, but like you, would no longer drink over the disappointing news. I guess I would try to think about them like I do about glasses - yesterday I couldn't find mine and couldn't see anything clearly (which of course makes it really hard to find the dang missing glasses!!). It occurred to me how grateful I am that glasses exist!! What in the world did people do back in the day??? Maybe you'll start overhearing all sorts of juicy gossip now :smile:.

          I worry sometimes about 'yet', too. I have some upcoming life changes, some are planned and others are just inevitable parts of life and they are the types of upsets that I used to drown in wine. What we have going for us now though is an awareness of what we were doing and the too high price we paid. We'll get through :hug:

          Shit nearly posted this in the Newbies Nest. FFS.
          Might not have been a bad thing, actually. Like you and I have discussed, it is hard to suddenly reveal vulnerability when you've seemed so strong for so long. You've taken the risk here the last few days and it benefits all of us. Thank you. xx


            Re: February 2019 Army Manoeuvres

            This is a great thread for everyone to read, IMO! What a lovely bunch of down to earth, honest, loving people you all are over here in the army.. and a great example of life not always being roses, but you march right through it with your friends, your tools.. getting through to the other side without the old crutch.. which always dragged you down further, anyway. I read here almost every day and you all do me a world of good! Help me feel "not quite so alone and weird".. and give me many laugh out loud moments.
            So thank you!! And big hugs to you, Jackie, you amazing source of support and wisdom!:love:


              Re: February 2019 Army Manoeuvres

              Originally posted by JackieClaire View Post

              Every day isn't a fecking barrel of laughs. It hard, very hard. After hearing today's news I'm typing this near tears as I've just had a hearing test. Guess what.........I'm going to be fitted with hearing aids on the 5th March.
              JAcks :hug:
              Does it make you feel old ? No need ...
              As NS says we all need something to enhance our senses. Mine is glasses too - yours will be hearing aids.
              You won't know yourself .... it's amazing what we miss out on by not getting these things.

              Let's all be grateful these things were invented
              Kneel & give thanks to the universe oooooooommmmmmmmm !!:worthy:
              (well maybe that's taking it too far )

              Just turn it into a positive : now you will HEAR everything - hurrah ! Your life will be better for it.


                Re: February 2019 Army Manoeuvres

                Hi all,
                Sorry you had that news Jax. I hope that once you get used to the idea it wont seem so painful. The others are right, it might be a whole new experience being able to hear better. Mr S has recently been diagnosed with cataracts. I think sometimes we all feel as if age is crashing towards us at a rate of knots that we are not ready for. For him, I am grateful that there is an operation he can have to restore his sight and for you I am grateful that there is a device to help restore your hearing x


                  Re: February 2019 Army Manoeuvres

                  You've all got my back again.:love:
                  At least it won't be one of these, they're the NHS ones.

                  Originally posted by abcowboy View Post

                  Nothing wrong with needing hearing aids Jacks, I just got mine about 6 months ago. Yep, those expensive ones that are supposed to be discrete. I knew for a long time that I needed them, and just like being an alcoholic, didn't want to admit it. You won't care what they look like once you get them, it'll be so nice hearing everything again! I didn't realize the signal lights in my truck made a noise to remind me they we working, when did they make that happen lol.
                  Shouldn't laugh but that did make me smile.......:happy2:

                  [MENTION=9094]satz123[/MENTION] makes me feel positively ancient.........but it is what it is. Get it from my Dad's side of the family. The years of being a heavy rock follower have finally caught up............would I do it again....yep, in a heartbeat.
                  I'll have to up my sockets in the kitchen as they're another thing that'll need charging.

                  [MENTION=18725]NoSugar[/MENTION].......I suppose a yet is a bit like black just can't see it coming. Frightening but maneuverable.

                  [MENTION=15430]lifechange[/MENTION]...Elsie, its lovely to see you.......don't be a stranger.

                  [MENTION=17650]paulywogg[/MENTION]...right back atcha :hug:
                  It could be worse, I could be filing.
                  AF since 7/7/2009


                    Re: February 2019 Army Manoeuvres


                    Originally posted by starty View Post
                    Hi all,
                    Sorry you had that news Jax. I hope that once you get used to the idea it wont seem so painful. The others are right, it might be a whole new experience being able to hear better. Mr S has recently been diagnosed with cataracts. I think sometimes we all feel as if age is crashing towards us at a rate of knots that we are not ready for. For him, I am grateful that there is an operation he can have to restore his sight and for you I am grateful that there is a device to help restore your hearing x
                    That's a bugger........seriously though my Granny was 90 when she had hers done.....uncomfortable for a day or thing she did.
                    It could be worse, I could be filing.
                    AF since 7/7/2009


                      Re: February 2019 Army Manoeuvres

                      I know Rustops in Budapest but has anyone heard from IamMary?
                      It could be worse, I could be filing.
                      AF since 7/7/2009


                        Re: February 2019 Army Manoeuvres

                        I’m sorry, JackieClaire. Although very, very common, it is scary & hard to have hearing loss.

                        My mom blew out her ears at too many loud rock concerts when she was in her 40s, and the condition grew worse through her 50s.
                        But unlike you, she ignores the problem and pretends she can hear!
                        She’s a pretty good lip reader, but that’ll only take you so far. She misses out on a lot of conversation.
                        When babysitting the three school-age grandchildren whom she cares for weekly, she misses some of what they say, which makes them feel ignored & misunderstood.
                        My little sister with the four younger children is worried when she babysits, as it’s a safety issue that she might not hear the baby or something else gone amiss.

                        So I’m glad you are facing this and taking advantage of modern technology!

                        I am very blessed to have had my lifetime of poor vision reversed with LASIK surgery. Now I need readers, but I ignore that...that’s what backlit screens & larger fonts are for!
                        Once a pickle, never a cucumber again.


                          Re: February 2019 Army Manoeuvres

                          Originally posted by satz123 View Post
                          I LOVED LOVE LOVED Oxford bags !



                            Re: February 2019 Army Manoeuvres

                            [MENTION=7008]JackieClaire[/MENTION] - :hug: I think it needn't;t matter what it is that you get - be it hearing aids, or glasses, or shaving yer head to be proudly bald - which I'll need to do sooner than later - but the change and that, perhaps deep down, we perceive these changes as negative. They're not, but society seems to be set up in an ageist kind a way that anything that is a little further removed from some Grecian body is seen as "less than".

                            It's not. And as others have said: you'll hear! My aunt has had hearing aids - and then a cochlea impact - for most of her life. She can only hear sound-vibration things now, so music, which she loved, she cannot hear, nor what a persons voice sounds like. She can lip read though My dad too has had hearing aids too for the last 20 years but he kinda looks at his whole body like a car, so if something doesn't work, his attitude is that it then needs to get fixed. He's very good that way! He's not your typical male who avoids dealing with symptoms or docs. I should take a page out of his book. I'm an avoider...

                            Big waves to youse all. Tomorrow's FRIDAY

                            (Unless yer upside down Bridgey)


                              Re: February 2019 Army Manoeuvres

                              Originally posted by JackieClaire View Post
                              I know Rustops in Budapest but has anyone heard from IamMary?
                              Am here JC, just not able to get on for long enough to post. I gave in to 6 months of begging and had a 13 year old slumber party with 9 girls last night. Good god I am wrecked.
                              We had 1 puker, 1 home sick and 99 trips to the bathroom. Every sentence starts with Oh My God..

                              I hear ya on the hearing aids JC (no pun intended!), but Id say the Idea of them is worse than actually getting them. Ive no doubt I'll be following you, some pitches already I struggle with (the 'whine' for example :witless.

                              If jodie foster can pull it off, it wont be a bother to you

                              Last edited by IamMary; February 21, 2019, 06:01 PM.
                              AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


                                Re: February 2019 Army Manoeuvres

                                Originally posted by Slo View Post

                                I am very blessed to have had my lifetime of poor vision reversed with LASIK surgery. Now I need readers, but I ignore that...that’s what backlit screens & larger fonts are for!
                                I need readers too Slo, not officially yet, but I cant read a thing with contacts or distance glasses in now.. Soon I'll bite the bullet.
                                AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:

