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February 2019 Army Manoeuvres

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    Re: February 2019 Army Manoeuvres

    Rather weird that I have nothing to do but relax.
    Me and Bess going out to the nearby dog friendly coffee shop later this morning.
    Room is really, really good and a good size and for a change the shower is fantastic.
    Welcome home, Rustop.
    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      Re: February 2019 Army Manoeuvres

      Hey all. Lots going on in the army. I’m reading every day but haven’t had much chance to post. We had half term last weeks so both kids at home. Two weekends ago I went to see uni friends and then my mum and sister with her 6m came over for the rest of halfnterm. Last weekend busy with kids clients and hubby side of the family and then prep for starting back at school. Gosh gone so fast!
      I can’t remember everything the past week but good luck to those reducing hours at work. Glad those who went away had a good time and your kitchen and hotel is good.
      Hope everyone is enjoying the milder weather we’re having. I’m off to pick up DS

      Oh and I joined WFS forum and have been reading there too. Never can do too much reading


        Re: February 2019 Army Manoeuvres

        Originally posted by JackieClaire View Post
        Rather weird that I have nothing to do but relax.
        Can I just say, I am really jealous, new kitchen AND relaxing :waaaa:
        Will they be finished this week?

        Sounds like a brilliant weekend [MENTION=15758]rustop59[/MENTION]. Is she settled in Budapest do you think?

        How are you doing at witching hour [MENTION=16215]MinStar[/MENTION]? We call it 'mid term' here, I had a lot of moany kids yesterday morning - the shock of being woken up at 7.30!

        Appointment at the hairdressers tomorrow evening, it cant come quick enough. Scrolling through hairstyles on pinterest, picking out all these gorgeous models with amazing cuts.. well, I have to start somewhere...
        AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


          Re: February 2019 Army Manoeuvres

          Good morning everyone. Hope the hair turns out like the picture Mary, mine never does. Daughter is home in Ireland since June, she did her 6 month placement here and was offered two jobs yesterday so we are onto the next phase. Lucky you JC. We stayed in a nice hotel in Budapest this time, really enjoyed it. Think I am going to start on my clothes today and Marie Kondo them.


            Re: February 2019 Army Manoeuvres

            We've been here less than two days and I'm homesick with slight anxiety. Prolly because I don't like strangers in the house. Mr JC been checking the house on his way home. He's taking photos of the progress. Started when the old one was in, then when it was gutted and so on.
            Bess is in her element. The area we're staying has a huge student population and she's getting so much attention
            Another gorgeous weather day.
            Waves to everyone and kudos to those who post from their phone.
            It could be worse, I could be filing.
            AF since 7/7/2009


              Re: February 2019 Army Manoeuvres

              [MENTION=22411]IamMary[/MENTION]- yes tears by my 4yr old. My 8yr loves school so was very excited. Hope your hair turns out. I’m like you @ rustop. It never turns out the way I like. I need to get mine done and dyed as too many whites showing through. I actually moved my parting today from one side to the middle and it’s covered some greys. Not all though. [MENTION=22365]rus[/MENTION]top congrats on being offered two jobs. That’s awesome [MENTION=7008]JackieClaire[/MENTION] - you’ll be back into your swanky new kitchen soon. Enjoy the sun and the attention Bess is getting. Myra in always type from my phone so loads of typos.
              Off on school run. Hope all are ok


                Re: February 2019 Army Manoeuvres

                Originally posted by rustop59 View Post
                Daughter is home in Ireland since June, she did her 6 month placement here and was offered two jobs yesterday so we are onto the next phase..
                Wow Rustop, thats fantastic! Has she decided which one to take?

                Hairdresser was sick so looks like the woolly hat will have another day out. :cuss: But, i had time for a quick poke in the normally-very-expensive boutique and they had a rail for €30 (some ridiculous looking clothes were previously selling for over 300!). Such a mark up on clothes, its immoral.
                Still managed to spend a small fortune, which is justified, as always, by the Bottles-of-Wine piggy bank (which is of course virtual, but Im trusting my mental calculator).
                [MENTION=7008]JackieClaire[/MENTION], not long to go now, hang in there, its going to be absolutely fabulous! :hug:
                Last edited by IamMary; February 27, 2019, 05:57 PM.
                AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


                  Re: February 2019 Army Manoeuvres

                  Rustop congratulations and well done to baby rusty. That's a big accomplishment.
                  Bit jealous of all of you getting away for mini breaks, I am.
                  I have a flex day coming up tomorrow and intend to use my days off to Marie Kondo my clothes as well. It's time to bite the bullet and do a bit of a new capsule wardrobe as they say these days.Seriously, half of my wardrobe is held together with safety pins and the other half has curry stains down the front. Disgusting. No use waiting until I am two sizes smaller because that's delusional.

                  Hold hard JC! I hate strangers in my house. Hate it. Can't wait to see photos of the finished product though.
                  If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                  Rejoined life 20/5/19


                    Re: February 2019 Army Manoeuvres

                    Great news Rustop! Bet you are proud

                    Soon be done Jax, I wouldnt be happy being away from home while strangers were invading it either

                    Good to see you min, hope all is well

                    Hope you get your barnet sorted mary. Mine is looking distinctly badger like. I have another 2 weeks to wait for a do.

                    Last day of full time working today. I am delighted as I am absolutely bollixed. This week has been mental and everyone is crawling out of the place on their knees lately. So relieved I only need to do 3 days a week now. My spare days are already getting booked up which is lovely must make sure I make time for rest and nana napping :haha:


                      Re: February 2019 Army Manoeuvres

                      Good morning all. Awake again at silly oÂ’clock Delighted it is your last full week Starty, believe me you will fill those days. Have you tried those sprays for the badger patch, love them. Hope you get yours sorted Mary. SheÂ’s taking the south side job, other one was in Kildare. Starting Monday so all go. New kitchen will be in before you know it JC and believe me you made the right decision to get out. We lived in the chaos and never ever again.

                      Bridget I started Marikondoing my clothes yesterday and have tops and bottoms done and folded. SheÂ’s got something with putting everything on the bed. No hiding, 3 of the same thing in front of you, much easier to let go. Basket of long dresses that I had for 20 years, donÂ’t even fit into, gone. IÂ’m actually looking forward to doing the dresses, jackets, coats now, feel great :welldone:


                        Re: February 2019 Army Manoeuvres

                        Morning Army brats :checkin:

                        Been filling in for lack of receptionist / admin at work. 5 days, including weekend, on the trot. Today is the last day I'm doing it.
                        They can f*ck off I'm too long in the tooth to be working :haha:

                        I'm actually jealous of those who are 'Marikondoing' their clothes . The closest I've been was to get rid of the ancient bed in the box-room and buying a free-standing clothes rail.... ( still in the box)
                        I have two men in this house who are worse than useless.
                        MrS is always in the shaggin' garden & looking after a very demanding Rosie
                        YS does absolutely NOTHING ...... he's either drinking or hungover or in recovery.

                        Netflicks : Dirty John - 6 parts.....they get married he turns out to be a physco
                        Last edited by satz123; February 28, 2019, 03:02 AM.


                          Re: February 2019 Army Manoeuvres

                          I'm sorry I've been such a twisty knickers. Trouble is I get homesick when I'm in Tesco's too long.
                          Will be home this time tomorrow. :happy2: Most of the stuff is done and he's due to finish at lunchtime. I'll hide in the back bedroom.
                          Can't do the @ on this gadget.
                          Starteroo, Are you having a mini-leaving do?
                          We did the big clear out of clothes when we got the skip . Not that we put clothes in the skip we got carried away with having space an went hammer and rings at the wardrobes and drawers. Most of it went to charity shops. What shamed me, especially, there was still stuff with price tags on.
                          It could be worse, I could be filing.
                          AF since 7/7/2009


                            Re: February 2019 Army Manoeuvres

                            Originally posted by MinStar View Post
                            Hey all. Lots going on in the army. I’m reading every day but haven’t had much chance to post. We had half term last weeks so both kids at home. Two weekends ago I went to see uni friends and then my mum and sister with her 6m came over for the rest of halfnterm. Last weekend busy with kids clients and hubby side of the family and then prep for starting back at school. Gosh gone so fast!
                            I can’t remember everything the past week but good luck to those reducing hours at work. Glad those who went away had a good time and your kitchen and hotel is good.
                            Hope everyone is enjoying the milder weather we’re having. I’m off to pick up DS

                            Oh and I joined WFS forum and have been reading there too. Never can do too much reading
                            Minstar,thanks for the heads up on WFS I just signed up too waves to all in the Army
                            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                              Re: February 2019 Army Manoeuvres

                              What is WFS? Worldwide flight service according to google..

                              Being guilt-ed into organising my clothes here .

                              Lists on the Fridge [MENTION=9094]satz123[/MENTION], with names and tick boxes. They love all that.

                              Watching In the Dark (Netflix) - very good, BBC drama.

                              Delighted for you [MENTION=22456]starty[/MENTION]! A new Chapter :sohappy:
                              Last edited by IamMary; February 28, 2019, 06:43 PM.
                              AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


                                WFS is Women For Sobriety [MENTION=22411]IamMary[/MENTION], you can find it here
                                Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
                                Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
                                Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.

