Yo troops
Sorry, just reading back. [MENTION=9094]satz123[/MENTION] like Rosie's new cut. Tres cute.
And a belated St P's day to all you mischievous oirish peeps

And can only share my sadness re the NZ tragedy. What I found quite surprising was waiting in the queue on Friday morning and hearing a guy who goes to the gym, he's about 60, saying how what had happened was shocking but that the problem was letting different people from different countries and cultures into the country.... then continued to berate how the Poles, other European countries and countries from where people have fled due to war and how all these people had inundated many towns in the UK, and that it wasn't;t right cos they are different from us... yada yada...
And he comes across as a nice enough guy.
And he just has these opinions which are different from mine...
But I couldn't help wonder how far his line of thinking had to be to be equatable to that of those who perpetrated extremist views, even though he admonished the attacker who carried out this atrocity.
Sorry, that went a bit deep there.
Hey there Tabbers - as the Doc Satz says, you gonna stick around? Please? Am the only boy on the block - though nice to see Mr G pop his pecs in :haha:
Busy here - school show - so am co-leading on that. And as for the B word... like, WTF?! I can't get my wee heid around it... but quietly hoping actually all this prevaricating and fudging is a long-winded way to give up trying to extricate us!