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March 2019 Army Thread

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    Re: March 2019 Army Thread

    All tickety boo with you [MENTION=22456]starty[/MENTION], you sound like a massive weight has been lifted already! Keep spreading the word
    Watching Season 2 of Secret City (v good Oz drama)
    AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


      Re: March 2019 Army Thread

      Back to big coat and granny boots
      [MENTION=9094]satz123[/MENTION] Mr S at Cheltenham this week?
      Celebrated two years of the ciggies on Sunday.
      Off to work.
      It could be worse, I could be filing.
      AF since 7/7/2009


        Re: March 2019 Army Thread

        [MENTION=7008]JackieClaire[/MENTION] - WOW! That time has flown.
        So that's the drink & fags : what else can we make you give up :haha:

        Yes Mr S headed off this morning with his little suitcase.
        Left me on my own with little Rosie who is now used to big long mucky walks - and I'm too lazy :egad:

        Though looking at her here asleep - she's not in a rush anywhere

        She will come into heat very soon but hopefully not before next Tuesday when she has an appointment for spaying.
        DREADING it 'cos she is the love of or lives. Such a wonderful temperament ....... would be great in a house with kids too [MENTION=22411]IamMary[/MENTION] - just sayin'.

        She had a major grooming - but going to grow it back - we like the scruffy style:

        Last edited by satz123; March 12, 2019, 04:55 AM.


          Re: March 2019 Army Thread

          Originally posted by satz123 View Post
          [MENTION=7008]JackieClaire[/MENTION] - WOW! That time has flown.
          So that's the drink & fags : what else can we make you give up :haha:
          Its just soooooooooooo hard to choose.........seeing how I'm practically perfect in every way (move over Mary Poppins) :harhar:

          Originally posted by satz123 View Post

          Rosie will be'll be you that's run ragged trying to keep her still. Those new collars will be a godsend. Perhaps the vet will prescribe some for Rosie ...........two for you
          Dylan had to be neutered at 12 years old (suspected testicular cancer).......he spent a lot of the first couple weeks walking like a cowboy after a long time in the saddle with a slightly puzzled look on his face.
          It could be worse, I could be filing.
          AF since 7/7/2009


            Re: March 2019 Army Thread

            Id love if the kids had a dog one day [MENTION=9094]satz123[/MENTION] but Im not great with animals (most dogs are likely to tear my head off and chew my brain out). We will get there, but with us both working, it wouldn't be fair right now. Still planning to get a pair of cats before the summer..

            2 years [MENTION=7008]JackieClaire[/MENTION]! WOW, that went by so fast! Well done Missus :wings:
            Do you remember your skin when you were drinking and smoking? Not that Id make a L'oreal ad or anything, but its a sight better than dem days..
            Last edited by IamMary; March 12, 2019, 06:12 PM.
            AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


              Re: March 2019 Army Thread

              Morning everyone. No WiFi yesterday evening, tree down so we had no electricity. Well done JC on the smokes anniversary. Rosie is absolutely adorable Satz. You are right Mary, really not fair on a dog being locked up, lots of people now bring them to doggie daycare but that is another expense. My two went in the summer when I was away. Mind you it was necessary as one of them is a howler and did not want daughters boyfriend to get kicked out of his apartment over her. They had a ball. Very windy here this morning, hope to get a walk in.


                Re: March 2019 Army Thread

                Today's the day I get the actual ear trumpets especially designed for me.
                Bit of sadness going on as it shows that time's marching on but a lot of gratitude that we have the science to make them so discreet.
                I'm not nicotine free yet as I in progress????
                Right must go out into the gales.
                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                AF since 7/7/2009


                  Re: March 2019 Army Thread

                  Hope the audio world opens up to you [MENTION=7008]JackieClaire[/MENTION]! There was a lot of miscommunication between my parents for years that turned out to be due to my dad's hearing problem. His aids really improved their relationship!! My grandfather had them for decades and it used to be a family joke that when my grandma went on a self-righteous rant, which she was known for, you'd see him tapping down the volume on his hearing aids...:haha:


                    Re: March 2019 Army Thread

                    [MENTION=18725]NoSugar[/MENTION]..........good old Grandad..... a beacon for marital harmony
                    They are incredible, no other word for it. So good I'll be able to hear people talking behind my back
                    They do however make me feel slightly nauseous. Puzzling, but prolly something to do with shoving alien objects in yer ear-holes. I'll give it a couple of days. Luckily I've still got a fair bit of hearing.
                    How's you, love?
                    It could be worse, I could be filing.
                    AF since 7/7/2009


                      Re: March 2019 Army Thread

                      Congrats on the new additions [MENTION=7008]JackieClaire[/MENTION]! Is it weird to hear so much now?
                      Smart man your Grandad NS :happy2:

                      Mad wind last night, hope you got a walk in Rustop.

                      Nothing much going on over here. Getting ready for Sunday and all things green.
                      AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


                        Re: March 2019 Army Thread

                        Good morning everyone. It certainly is a wild and windy March. Did manage to get my walk in and hope to get out this morning too. Fingers crossed for Sunday. I never go anymore, not since my two grew up (St Patrick’s Day parade for those of you wondering).

                        How are you finding the new additions JC? Will probably take a while to get used to them and like No Sugars grandad you can use to your advantage. Marie Kondo’d hubbys clothes yesterday, on a real spree at the moment.


                          Re: March 2019 Army Thread

                          Maybe we all should invest in some (not)hearing aids :haha:!

                          I'm feeling somewhat better, [MENTION=7008]JackieClaire[/MENTION]. More light and better weather always helps my outlook. Spring is surely coming SLOWLY around here this year, though. Today is supposed to be warmish (67F with wind) so I'm going to be out as much as possible before the freezing temperatures return tomorrow.

                          I'm fascinated with the Brexit situation -- does it affect your day-to-day life? or will it post-Brexit? It is hard to believe both of our countries are in such a mess at the same time!

                          Hope all of you are doing well. :heart: NS


                            Re: March 2019 Army Thread

                            Hello everyone. Nice day today just walking and arguing with the pet insurance co :haha: they are so useless.

                            Hope the trumpets settle soon!

                            NS Brexit affects me because that is all they talk about and it is very dull. Our politicians seem like petulant teenagers and cannot decide on anything. It is quite embarrassing actually. You are right, we are in a terrible mess.

                            Just learned today that FIL has a non invasive cancer which is a huge relief as they think they have caught it all and wont need any further treatment. They are just doing another sweep next week just to be certain. He is 82 and I have been worried about him.

                            The weather is not nice here either. Supposed to pick up next week hopefully but not enjoying the wind just now. Still. lots to be grateful porridge for my tea today


                              Re: March 2019 Army Thread

                              Evening everyone. Lovely to see you No Sugar, threads are very quiet at times and always enjoy your informative posts. Glad you enjoying your free time Starty and great news about FIL, bit like JC’s MIL.

                              Another day sorting, gradually but surely getting through it. Need to address spare room, that’s where a lot of I don’t want to throw it out so you keep it, is stored!


                                Re: March 2019 Army Thread

                                Glad the doldrums are passing.
                                Brexit........ I'm a staunch remainer but its getting to the point that I want it over with and get on with it. Sick to the back teeth and sick to the stomach of watching it, listening to it, on the front page of every newspaper. Day-to-day I doubt it'll affect the majority of us. The poor will get poorer, the rich will get richer and those in the middle will pay for it. That's about as ranting as I get on-line but you should see me bouncing off the walls in the living room. :egad:

                                [MENTION=22456]starty[/MENTION]......fabulous news about FIL.
                                Pet insurance.......remember getting it for Bess when she first came to us and reading the small print........basically they would only pay out if our pet was attacked by a raging Yak in a supermarket car park. Came to an agreement with our vet to pay by installments if it was something hugely expensive happened and gave them the elbow.
                                [MENTION=15758]rustop59[/MENTION]...our smallest bedroom is the tidiest. Sometimes just go in there for some peace. Before it was just open the door and throw stuff in and then slam shut the door.

                                Life goes on........the S&H's best man became a father last night.....a beautiful little boy. Isaac.
                                The ear trumpets are taking some getting used know when a radio's not quite tuned in to the station.........its a bit like that. So sensitive at the moment I can hear me hitting the keys on the laptop. I'm getting re-tuned in a couple of weeks.
                                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                                AF since 7/7/2009

