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One Step at a Time - March 2019

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    Re: One Step at a Time - March 2019

    Liz - I know what you mean about the uncomfortable feeling. I am the same way. I am so nervous and always felt that a drink loosened me up. Well, it did - I loosened me up too much. But, I am getting better at realizing that I am actually a pretty fun person just the way I am.
    I just make a statement right away that I don't drink. It takes the pressure off me. And when I get questioned now, I just shrug and say I don't drink anymore. That is normally enough. More questions, I say that I haven't had a drink in a long time and leave it at that. I think if anyone questions past that, then they probably have their own alcohol problems.

    Pauly - I noticed that newbies disappear too. Not too many newbes that I even see. I really haven't read much out of this thread in a long time.
    I completely agree with what you are saying about our minds tricking ourselves into thinking we're more social. I am so glad that I don't do that anymore.

    Glassie - can't wait to hear how the sleepover went. HRH must have been so excited!!!!!

    Bird - that's good that you forced yourself to get out. I know it's hard sometimes. Sounds like really fun events you are going to. How fun.
    That is so good you are going thru stuff. I told hubby that I just want to start doing it. I'm sick of the way I have been putting it off.
    Made me laugh about Leave it to Beaver. Yes - times have changed!
    "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
    AF - 7-27-15


      Re: One Step at a Time - March 2019

      Liz/Nora –I so understand the whole persona change about when you’re drinking. But I’ve also come to understand that if people only like drunk GHE then they aren’t good friends anyway. I know that doesn’t help if you have to socialise at work functions, but you can still carry it in your heart.

      Bird – it sounds as though your daughters aren’t quite old enough yet to pass all those old report cards etc off to. They will be soon and it’s great!

      Well the sleepover went ok! YAY!! We ended up moving HRH’s bed into my room at about 10pm and then she slept until about 5:30. And then Sesame Street was on for ½ an hour so as they don’t have a television at home she was allowed to watch it as a treat. Now it’s 8pm and I’m exhausted!
      Last edited by Glass Half Empty; March 29, 2019, 05:08 AM.
      There's two ways of looking at the holes in your shoes
      You can dig the ventilation... or you can sing the blues

      I didn't come this far to only come this far.


        Re: One Step at a Time - March 2019

        Hi all,
        I miss my parents too, especially my dad. A lot of the stuff I am going through is pics of him and papers, letters people sent when he died and lots of military stuff. Got a bit of a trigger going through it, used to end up drunk off my ass when I would look in those boxes, but did ok this time. Will have to thin it out more though another time. I am excited about the cemetery thing tonight, wondering who the actors will show up as...had a dream last night that I had a bad charlie horse in my calf, then I woke up and I did, it still hurts. Going out to the lake in a bit and work it out.......Liz, idk what a memory box is but maybe I would want to make one. I have made some youtube videos for my kids to remember their school days, photos in chronological order. It was great fun...I know I sure turned into a blabbermouth drinking socially. In person and on the phone. It is one of the things I found appealing about drinking in the beginning. Everyone always said I needed to talk more and boy did I. But then they wanted me to shut up hahaha.......Nora, did you ever manage to quit Diet Coke? I am still stuck on this pepsi....Glassie, glad the sleepover went well. How old is HRH? My kids watched a lot of Sesame Street. Waves to Paulie and visitors....have a great Friday...


          Re: One Step at a Time - March 2019

          Morning friends,Glassy,glad the sleepover went ok! Bird,yep I used to drink to look through the boxes too,get half done then just shove it all back,all my kids'baby boxes are in disarray still cuz of those times all mixed up,hope the play is fun tonight having strange drinking feeling and I don't want to but keeps popping into my head, maybe cuz Lb is here,not like I ever drank with her but I've drank around her on her visits before,sick of that shit and wish it would just leave forever,Liz the memory box sounds cool,Nora,you made me sad when you said you miss your parents,I'll be so super sad whenever it gets to that point for me Rusty,looks like she's having a fabulous time,I'm jealous of her too! Haha,have a happy AF Friday all
          I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

          I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
          Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


            Re: One Step at a Time - March 2019

            Paulie, I hate it when I get to feeling that way, like some bee buzzing in my head, sometimes it is hard to find what triggered it. Sometimes just thinking it is Friday is enough even though I am not working. Went out to the lake a bit, then read awhile.....Nora, looks like you are having a good day:happy2:


              Re: One Step at a Time - March 2019

              Yes - we did have a wonderful day. I thought it would be funny if we posted an Instagram picture at each of our stops. Ha, ha
              Here is our day:
              Stopped and walked around a park that we both had played in as children
              Went to Albertson's grocery store so hubby could get his coffee...he mixes different types of coffee beans and my job is to grind them
              Went to The Hummus Factory (yummy falafel) for lunch
              Went to the 99 cent store (I though of you Pauly!)
              Went to Ralph's grocery store because the other grocery store is too expensive
              Then on to Lowe's hardware store for some mulch and soil and a daisy plant
              By this time we aren't having as much fun taking our Instagram pics :rotlf: we both are NOT photogenic so we spent a lot of time bickering about which one looked better.
              Went to CVS pharmacy to pick up 6 prescriptions ...... my goodness, we are getting old with all these meds!
              At this point, the selfie's poses came to an official end before there was bloodshed
              Then a final stop at Northgate market for some corn tortillas and some freshly made salsa. A Hispanic market with yummy freshly made hot sauces and they also make the tortillas there.
              Home and in time to see our granddaughter. They had come to visit my brother.

              We were only gone 4-1/2 hours but we did get a lot taken care of. My brother did just fine taking care of Mom. He had to help her to the bathroom at one point. He waited right outside and as soon as she was finished, he was in there helping her wash her hands.
              It was so nice to get out where there was no time limit.
              "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
              AF - 7-27-15


                Re: One Step at a Time - March 2019

                GLassie, glad the sleepover went well. HRH must have been so excited to watch tv. I can imagine you're tired. When is the next sleepover?
                bird, I can't wait to hear about the cemetery tonight! So nice you organized the kids "memories" for them. I kept a journal when I just had the two girls, by the time my son came along, I couldn't keep up anymore. Those leg cramps are horrible!
                Paulie,I hope those drinking feelings subside, but I know you can power through them. It's an exhausting battle for sure. How long is LB here for?
                Nora, you guys looked like you had a fun day and accomplished a lot.
                Not much going on here. Went to a concert thing at church tonight, but left early. Just not feeling social. I did more than my share this week!
                Hope everyone's having a good night


                  Re: One Step at a Time - March 2019

                  x-post Liz. I agree that you have done more than your share of being social this week. That would have been enough for a year for me.

                  Glassie – so happy that the sleepover was a huge success. I had a little laugh at the moving of the bed at 10:00 pm.
                  "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                  AF - 7-27-15


                    Re: One Step at a Time - March 2019

                    [MENTION=17650]paulywogg[/MENTION] - how's that feeling? Isn't it strange how those thoughts/feelings pop up. Just like Bird's like a bee buzzing.
                    How is LB doing? I hope you're having a wonderful visit.

                    Bird - how is your charlie horse leg? Ouch I can't wait to hear about the cemetery thing.
                    You are so great at the things you do for your girls. Those youtube videos are such a cool idea.

                    Yes - I hope that Rusty is off relaxing somewhere.

                    I hope that everyone had a happy day.
                    "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                    AF - 7-27-15


                      Re: One Step at a Time - March 2019

                      There is a synthetic alcohol discussion going on. Lots of good points being made but I thought that this was really a spot on post for me. [MENTION=21602]abcowboy[/MENTION]
                      The health issues and hangovers are but a tiny part of the problem that alcoholics face. To be honest, I didn't care about hangovers, I didn't care about what was happening to my health, and I didn't care about what my drinking was doing to others, all I cared about was me, when could I get drunk next. I didn’t drink to be social, I didn’t drink for the taste, I drank to get drunk. And whether it’s real alcohol or synthetic, it would mean the same to me, a means to get drunk.
                      "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                      AF - 7-27-15


                        Re: One Step at a Time - March 2019

                        Oh and I forgot to mention my excitement of the morning.
                        Hubby was in the shower and I was in the living room. I picked up my crochet tote bag and there was lizard underneath it just laying still as a statue on the floor. :egad: I haven't held a lizard in about 50 years and I wasn't about to start holding them again today. I went to the bathroom and told hubby to get out of the shower NOW. Let me tell you right now that his NOW and my NOW are completely different things. He came out about 5 minutes after my plea. I've been perched on the couch staring at it so I could see which direction he went in case he made a run for it. :taz:
                        Hubby said 'oh, that's a big one.' I left the room and safely escorted Mr Lizard back out side.
                        I think he got in under our front screen door. We'll have to do something about it this summer because we leave the front door open. There are quite a few lizards living out front.
                        "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                        AF - 7-27-15


                          Re: One Step at a Time - March 2019

                          Hi all,
                          So the cemetery thing was.. you walk and then there would be an actor. Someone notorious from Macon's past. They would tell you all about themselves and what they did. It was pretty good. Then we went to dinner. Was going to go to percussion ensemble but dinner went too late there is a big arts and crafts thing going on downtown, they have the roads blocked off. Also a sidewalk chalk thing in the park at the university the kids go to so will check that out. Then this eve is the lantern tour at the mounds with dd2 and her bf. Dd1 is in rehearsals, the next (her last) show opens next week. Its gonna be nonstop stuff happening between now and graduation......Liz, I agree, you have done a lot of socializing this week!.....Nora, loving your pics and bet it felt good to do all that stuff!Glad bro did good with your mom and you got to see the baby.. I have heard about the synth. al but who needs another addiction. I have to pick up lizards a lot, the cats bring them in, I always have the doors open too hahaha...I am excited about today, heading out soon!....


                            Re: One Step at a Time - March 2019

                            Morning all,Nora,I loved seeing the postcard pics you two did get alot done,LB is only here til Wednesday and I'll be sad when she leaves,we used to see her and her boyfriend more when his mom still did catering here but she dropped all of her clients except one Bird,sounds like a fun time you had,definitely something different and interesting that's for sure,Liz,yep you've had a busy week! Romeo was being such a turd last night,I almost felt like he hated me he was being so grumpy! I think his ears are bugging him but Kell thinks I'm just being pushy I think,I dunno waves to Glassy and Rusty,wishes for a happy AF Saturday!
                            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                              Re: One Step at a Time - March 2019

                              You guys make me laugh! Nora and the lizard! Bird, who needs another addiction? I'm with you on that one! Pauly calling Romeo a turd! Sorry if you guys didn't mean to be funny, but the posts today are very entertaining!
                              Nora, I didn't realize we cross posted last night. Your picture did make it look like you were having fun. BIrd, that lantern thing sounds like a lot of fun too. do they do a lot of these festivals there? There's nothing like that here, or maybe I just don't know about it,
                              PAuly, I know how hard it's gonna be when LB leaves. How far away is she again? I haven't seen CJ since the summer and really have no definite plans to see her until October., hopefully.
                              Just a beautiful day here. Hubby and I went and got some mulch and pansies. Love how the flowers look on the front steps. It's spring. I washed the dining room windows and curtains tore in the wash! OMG! I loved those curtains and I guess I've had them awhile. But really? Went to Ikea and bought new ones for that room and our bedroom. Don't love them, but they'll do.


                                Re: One Step at a Time - March 2019

                                Hi all,
                                The lantern thing was fun. It was like the cemetery, with actors stationed along the way. Didn't get home till about 10 which is really late for me. Going up to the mountains for a couple days, dd2 going to tend to the cats. I am going to have to drive thru Atlanta or go way out of my way, so Atlanta is probably gonna be the way...ugh.I guess you have to go thru the bad to get to the good......Nora, hope you don't have anymore lizards come in today hehe...Paulie, that is nice you have LB for a few days. Hope Romeo is feeling better today...Liz, I find a lot of those fest etc. on fb. Look on the left and click events, it will show you stuff in your area...sorry your drapes got ruined. I love pansies, so pretty. October seems like a long time away. Lucky we have skype and facetime these days. Reminds me of living in Germany as a kid and every once in awhile would have a short call with my grandma, the connection was so bad and crackly, and always short because I guess it was very expensive.. I'll try to check in on my little trip....b

