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One Step at a Time - March 2019

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    Re: One Step at a Time - March 2019

    Fenn!!! It is good to see you!.....Rusty, Vancouver looks wonderful!...I am feeling back to normal today! Going hiking....back later


      Re: One Step at a Time - March 2019

      [MENTION=1214]Rusty[/MENTION], it is so kind of you to give me an electronic hello when you post :hug: Thank you.


        Re: One Step at a Time - March 2019

        [MENTION=12165]fennel[/MENTION] so good to see you!!! I have missed you. Hope things are well with you. Yes, I believe those spammers are gone. Fill us in on what's new with you? I have just celebrated one year sober! [MENTION=5628]Nora[/MENTION], sorry about the cat. Hope it's nothing serious. I personally like the self check outs and yes most stores here have them, but just for express lanes. When the kids were younger they'd all fight about who would get to scan. I also prefer to bag my own groceries, too. [MENTION=1214]Rusty[/MENTION], your pictures are beautiful! That whole shower thing was a bit odd though. I'm glad your enjoying your surroundings. I hope the pretzels were good.
        @ Bird, glad the show was fun, even with the storms. I am glad your feeling back to normal!
        Pauly, how are you doing? Anymore snow by you?
        Glassie, how did your office redo come out? Have things calmed down for you?
        We had about six inches of snow and our office had a delayed opening. I figured I'd get there around 11 am or so. What normally takes me 7 minutes ended up being an hour commute. The roads were totally cleared but there was an accident literally 7 or so cars in front of me. A bobcat ( excavator type vehicle for snow removal) fell through a walking bridge over the highway and onto a utility vehicle . I missed it by maybe 5 minutes and was stuck in the traffic behind it. Nowhere to go. I texted my nephew who's on a local fire department and he filled me in about what had happened. It took some time but police finally turned us around and got us outta there. Six hours later driving home that side of the highway was still closed. I was shaking by the time I got to work. And there by the grace of God go we. That was my day. I am grateful that I left for work when I did and praying for the three people that were injured. One report said there was a fatality?
        Hope everyone has a quiet AF night!


          Re: One Step at a Time - March 2019

          [MENTION=12165]fennel[/MENTION] - so WONDERFUL to see you. The funny thing is that this past weekend, I thought about you a lot. Maybe you got my mental vibes. How are you doing? Please fill us in.
          You just really brought a smile to my day. :hug:

          Bird - I'm glad you are feeling better. How was the hike?

          Liz - how scary about that accident. Yes, things happen so quickly. I hope you are able to relax this evening.

          Rusty - how are things going in Canada? Are you getting some downtime in?
          [MENTION=17650]paulywogg[/MENTION] - where did you go? Did you see that Fennel was here?

          No Sugar - always happy to see you
          "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
          AF - 7-27-15


            Re: One Step at a Time - March 2019

            Hi all,
            Not much happening, working in the yard. Dd2 came over, had some stuff I had to sign for her trip to Greece. Went to walmart for birdseed and then forgot to buy it hehehe. Dd1 and her friends are going to Savannah tomorrow. It is spring break. Then they will all be over here Thursday for dinner and games. Think I will make a pot of chili for tonight, it is cold out. ...Nora, did you take your cat to the vet?......Liz, that is scary about the bridge!.......b


              Re: One Step at a Time - March 2019

              Happy Tuesday! Bird how exciting your daughter is going to Greece? It's so beautiful there! Would love to go back. Maybe someday!
              Nora, how is the cat?
              Talked to CJ today and they are doing well. Busy working and then working on the house. MArk is in Brussels for the week for business and then heads to Paris before coming home (London, home).
              Bitter cold here. Sounds like your sharing some of that too [MENTION=2634]bird[/MENTION]. Chilly sounds wonderful. Erin and Logan had dinner here. Just left a few minutes ago. I'm off to get ready for work tomorrow!


                Re: One Step at a Time - March 2019

                Bird - I have been in the mood for chili lately too. Shadow is feeling better so no vet visit. We are just watching him closely. Made me laugh about forgetting the bird seed. I've done that so many times even when I had a list. Ha

                Liz - that is really special that you get to spend so much time with Erin & Logan. Careful in all your snow. We've got rain again.

                Did I tell you that we are right in the flood zone of a dam that needs repair. My city would be the first hit.
                Because of the potential of massive flooding, the Army Corps of Engineers is rushing to begin a $500-million repair project for Whittier Narrows Dam, classified as the highest priority of any of the 13 “high risk” dams in the country.
                Nearly three years ago, the Army Corps of Engineers elevated the risk of failure from “high urgency” to “very high urgency” after a re-inspection revealed a greater threat of erosion and breach that would cause massive downstream flooding to one million Southern California residents in the event of a severe storm event.
                Among the communities hardest hit in a dam failure would be xxx, a city of about 63,000 people immediately below the dam. In a worst-case scenario, it could be hit with water 20 feet deep, and evacuation routes would be turned into rivers.
                Of course, these articles are talking about a highly unusual situation. Not something expeted to happen. But, it has been in the news lately so maybe they will actually get the funds to go ahead.
                Last edited by NoraC; March 5, 2019, 09:10 PM.
                "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                AF - 7-27-15


                  Re: One Step at a Time - March 2019

                  [MENTION=9757]NoraC[/MENTION], if it highly unlikely to happen, that is seriously scary! I hope they get the funding to fix that dam. I'm glad shadow is feeling better.
                  How was everyone's Wednesday? We're dealing with moms tax filing. Talk about complicated. They told my mom that she is going to owe a HUGE amount of money. We're not sure why? HUbby and I think we've got it figured out, but mom was pretty upset. Mom goes to one of these tax places. I seriously don't think this woman knows exactly what she's doing. Just such a run around. She refused to call my hubby and wants to talk to my sister. Putting hubby on it anyway and hopefully we can get it all straightened out! I'm just so upset, because they got mom so upset. So here's the silver lining in this story, I actually think I understand it all now too! For what that's worth and I'll probably forget it all anyway.
                  Hope your day was better than mine. Have a great night!


                    Re: One Step at a Time - March 2019

                    Hi all,
                    Nothing going on here. Went to find a new hike today but took a wrong turn somewhere and ended up coming back to town haha. Dd2 had brought me 3 basil plants yest and I put them in the garden and covered them with a tub, but they got to cold anyway so I had to dig them up and bring them in. I hope they don't die.....Lizann, so you have been to Greece? I am worried about it of coarse, she will be flying over alone and meeting her classmates there...I need to start my taxes, it is gonna be hard this year, I might have to hire someone, but will try it myself first.......Nora, that is scary about the dam. Glad you didn't have to go to the vet....


                      Re: One Step at a Time - March 2019

                      Happy Wednesday. I've been confused on my days all day.

                      Boy - our little group is really getting small isn't it?

                      Bird - I would be nervous about my daughter traveling alone too. But, our kids seem to handle these things better than us. Ha, ha
                      I laughed a your new hiking trail ending up back in town.

                      Liz - I'm sorry your Mom got so upset. I hope hubby can get some answers. How smart you are that you understand. My brother and I have been dealing with stuff and I'm just about at the end of my rope. All this stupid financial & tax stuff.
                      "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                      AF - 7-27-15


                        Re: One Step at a Time - March 2019

                        Hey all
                        Nora – we are small but we are still mighty. Also - I hope that dam is OK!

                        Fennel – I have missed you very much!!!! How are you my love?

                        Well my house is starting to look more like the home of a 57 year old woman and less like a student dorm – so that’s positive! Also I think I told you I’m working from home each Monday now so I can look after HRH for a few hours because G1 has been asked to do a guest university lecture each week. So I’ve basically swapped my study day to babysit his daughter so he can do what I was doing in the first place. Funny – non? Actually - I think it's really great that we can have that flexibility now.

                        Liz – this is a perfect example of things I was saying I don’t understand here in Oz: you saying you were going to “see if the neighbors dug my mom out, if not we will head over there to do it” sounded freaking hilarious! Please reassure me that this means it’s actually her house that needed some snow clearing – not that your Mom was buried and you were considering whether or not you needed to pop over there!

                        Re: the food on planes – yes they definitely still do hot meals on the airline I use. When I flew to Africa a few months ago we had two menus with about 9 choices in each and full silver service with embossed plates and cloth napkins etc. Unfortunately I displayed my lack of class by somehow managing to drop my fork into the armrest hole, but the stewards were so professional they pretty much assured me that everyone did it! LOL

                        Much love to Pauly, Bird, Rusty and I hope I haven’t missed anyone
                        Last edited by Glass Half Empty; March 7, 2019, 06:36 AM.
                        There's two ways of looking at the holes in your shoes
                        You can dig the ventilation... or you can sing the blues

                        I didn't come this far to only come this far.


                          Re: One Step at a Time - March 2019

                          Glassie, thanks for the laughs! Did you fly first class? That is on my bucket list to do. I'm used to back of the plane, sigh! I'm glad your figured out what I meant with mom. Yes, we needed to dig her property out of the snow! Do you even know what snow is? Mark is in England now and he shares sometimes how the people there don't have a clue what he is talking about with some of our expressions. It's very entertaining really! How nice you get to watch HRH! They keep us young.

                          NOra, yes we seem to be getting smaller all the time. GLassie says we are mighty and I like that! We're still here plugging along. We are taking the baby over to moms later. Batten down the hatches mom, the little guy is a comin! He's all over.

                          BIrd, I know it's hard to let the little ones go, but your daughter will have an amazing time.

                          Gotta run, I'll finish later!


                            Re: One Step at a Time - March 2019

                            Fennel, I'm delighted to see you. I think about you. You sound pretty good and I'm glad you stopped by, always good to see you.
                            Enlightened by MWO


                              Re: One Step at a Time - March 2019

                              Hi all,
                              Well had the kids over for dinner and a couple of their friends. I had found one of their old games from a long time ago and they had a fun time playing it. .....Glassie, I remember when I was on the undies thread and had to ask about what was being said a lot. Made me think of when I first moved south, I had a very hard time understanding anybody. I still have a hard time, some of them have such a thick accent. Nobody understood me either, they still don't hahahaha. Funny, we are all English speaking but so different huh? Some of the people in Alaska were hard to understand. dd2 got into a summer program in N.Y. which starts about a week after she gets back from Greece. Gonna be a busy summer for how is everyone doing today?....later


                                Re: One Step at a Time - March 2019

                                Geez, sorry I had to rush off before. MY SIL called, the one who had the surgery. She was diagnosed with a very early stage lymphoma when her spleen always removed. She was healing nicely but yesterday came down with shingles! We talked for quite awhile. She's my favorite SIL, I wish she lived closer.
                                Went to Moms house. We started to straighten out her tax papers. The banks made mistakes and that needs to be fixed, hopefully it's an easy one.
                                So hubby is looking to go to the Keys in Florida with his brother and nephews. I would be here by myself for a few days. Last time they left me alone I didn't do so well and drank, a lot. Didn't even occur to hubby, or he just doesn't care enough about leaving me, or maybe he trusts me enough now? Have I proven I can be trusted? Sissy remembers last time very well. She said it was a lot of fun sleeping over here, just the two of us, but not the reason why she had to. We'll see if it really pans out, but I'm a little afraid to be alone. I would be working and have the baby. It would be fun to have a girls week with sissy, dinner out Netflix binges? [MENTION=2634]bird[/MENTION], how do you feel about your daughter spending the summer in New York? Will she be doing something in her line of work. Experience is so valuable in getting a good job, I'm sure you know. You must be so proud of them!
                                Mark arrived back safely in London after working the week in Brussels. Lots on the news these days with terror threats there and frankly I do lose sleep over it. [MENTION=1214]Rusty[/MENTION], r u back home yet? How was the weather in Canada? We're supposed to get more snow tomorrow! Just like last March, winter is finally here!
                                I am pretty tired tonight so off to bed. Hope everyone's doing ok. Wishing you all a great AF night.

