Pauly, yes my greys are covered! I love when I get my hair washed at the salon, it's amazing! Got a mani today and it's, of all colors, grey! Hubby says it looks like battleship grey! Actually it's a purply grey! Glad Romeo didn't eat a lot of that nail polish, but boy do I know how fast those little ones move.
RUsty, are you back to work yet? Bird, what fun things did you do today? Nora, how's things by you, Mom ok? GLassie, how is HRH doing? Just wondering how your room redo came out? I was supposed to get my shade today for the living room window, but it never came. Maybe tomorrow. Having company this weekend and wanted to have it up for then, Busy day today, OMG! Still, a busy day at this office is still manageable. Not like at the hospital. I actually dreamt I was working there again last night. I woke up tired!