Well, Mom found her slippers! The cleaning lady had shoved them WAYYYY under a chair. Why would she do that??? How dumb!
[MENTION=19302]Lizann[/MENTION], Liz:heartbeat: You are a fantastic woman, strong, and a wonderful friend....AND.... I am going to give you my best advice in dealing with your sister. You have every right to feel emotional because you have worked SO hard at your sobriety. She needs a kick in the butt. I know she's upset about her daughter moving out and I think she secretly is jealous of your kids and how well they have turned out...but that's a different story. I will stick to the problem at hand. I would SPEAK UP and tell her, FIRMLY...."Do you realize that I have been sober well over a year?????? I guess you didn't notice. I do NOT need a babysitter!!" The fact that hubby didn't mention it to you means he trusts you.:welldone: Sometimes I really think your TS tries to set you up to fail out of jealousy. My SIL tries to do it to me and my sister all the time. This BS with your TS has gone on too long and it's time for it to end ASAP! Love you.