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Here I go again

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    Here I go again

    As the topic says, here I go again.
    This is my 4th try at abs. I admit that I have cut my booze by a lot but have just not managed abs for more than one day.
    I just need to break the habit of reaching for booze when I am bored or doing nothing. If I am busy I don't even think of it BUT really appreciate a drink (or several) when I sit down and relax at the end of the day.
    I confess that a cup of tea or coffee or a big bar of chocolate does not even tempt me. I just like to sit down with a drink and relax.
    Anyway I'll try again

    Here I go again

    Good luck, Maires!

    I get the boredom thing too! Staying busy helps me a lot. When I attempt abs, in the evening I try to stay busy until at least 8 or 9. That way there's only a bit of time to get through before I can hit the sack. I'm not a raging success story with abs, either, Maires! I'll send you some good vibes!:h

    All the best!


      Here I go again


      You story sounds very much like mine...Ican abstain for almost 30 days at a time and all it takes is alot of downtime and I seem to get caught up with boredom...

      PS...I've tried to EZ mail you a number of times, but I don't understand why it hasn't gone through...I tried to delete all the old stuff, but I know you probably didn't get it, or you would have responded to it..


      PS..Maires welcome to the board!


        Here I go again


        Believe me, I know abs isn't easy! It takes a lot to work through the boredom and break the cycle, but you can do it! There is much you can do to fill your time; movies, walks, talk with a friend, garden, clean, cook, read a book, work the program, read the boards, stand on your head...ok maybe not, but you get the picture.

        There is much support for you here! Best of luck to you!



          Here I go again


          I have found one thing that helps with the boredom. My problem is that when hub and I are watching TV at night, I get fidgety and what can cure that, obviously, is a nice glass or three of wine. Or four. So I took up knitting! Just simple knit stitch so far and plain scarves. I like the feel of the wool and seeing the scarf get longer and longer. So far, I have four friends and relatives who want one from me, so there is a sense of purpose. I used to think knitting was idiotic but now I know why people do it. To avoid BOREDOM. For me, boredom leads to drinking. Now, it's not a cure-all of course. I did have a slip last night but that was because I drank a couple of glasses of wine at a party and came home and finished the job with a whole bottle of chardonnay! But if I can just get knitting when I sit down for TV, I can get over the hump more often than not. I am alternating abs and mods, mods being two glasses and then go to knitting. Knit fast and furious if needed to change my focus from wine to relaxing. Hope this helps. Every little bit can help, I guess.

          Hugs, Ned


            Here I go again

            Thanks for your support everyone. Bad habits are there to be broken and I have to break this one.


              Here I go again

              Re: Here I go again....yeah me too

              Same here, boredom sneaks up on me and gee, let's have a beer. That of course turns to 6 or 8 or sometimes 10. Yikes, what happened?
              I have been able to achieve 10 AFD's one month and only 7 AFD's in a row. But I try each month.
              It does get better, hang in there with us all.


                Here I go again

                Re: Here I go again....yeah me too

                Yep everyone. The boredom factor is a MAJOR issue for me. I find that anxious/butterflies feeling in my stomach and really can't settle down. The glass or three of wine always assisted with this. Now, I pace back and forth and don't know what to do. Last night I ended up having about 5 drinks so I am not happy with myself today. :|
                Anyways, talk soon


                  Here I go again

                  Re: Here I go again....yeah me too

                  I like Ivy's idea of knitting, and I look forward to getting started on a project one of these days, but at this point, I still have many things I SHOULD be doing, I just don't always feel like doing them.....:


                    Here I go again

                    Here I go again...

                    True, true all, boredom is a main factor so I keep my laptop close at hand for research, writing, miscellaneous fun, etc. I also have been buying movies and magazines and bought a portable FIR sauna that I can lay down in and read/watch tv while I detox...I can even do the hypn tapes while in the sauna because of the configuration! I hate boredom!

