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channel 4 tonight drinking yourself to death

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    channel 4 tonight drinking yourself to death

    Hi everyone in England..just about to start on channel 4 is a documentary on liver disease related to alcohol...oh the guilt.not sure i can bear to watch it without having nightmares about the stae of my liver!!!

    on the other hand it mind be a programme to strongly motivate me and others to cut the booze before its too late!!

    would welcome your comments to switch it on 8pm - 9pm channel i go..having to face up to the probable damage done BUT its never too late to make changes....i hope.

    Regards Cassy

    channel 4 tonight drinking yourself to death

    cassy;151483 wrote: Hi everyone in England..just about to start on channel 4 is a documentary on liver disease related to alcohol...oh the guilt.not sure i can bear to watch it without having nightmares about the stae of my liver!!!

    on the other hand it mind be a programme to strongly motivate me and others to cut the booze before its too late!!

    would welcome your comments to switch it on 8pm - 9pm channel i go..having to face up to the probable damage done BUT its never too late to make changes....i hope.

    Regards Cassy
    Anyone who has been consuming long term has to be worried. Tho, a blood test on a regular basis can give you a heads up warning . Once the liver starts going, it does so
    very quickly as I understand .


      channel 4 tonight drinking yourself to death

      Hi ..just back after watching the documentary....and made myself a hot choc. i know i will have a big worry about the state of my liver after nearly 40 years of boozing...cant change the past but plan to keep making some changes now and in the future.

      My drinking patterns have been variable over the years from not at all, to social, to alcohol way in excess of anything resembling government guidelines.

      i do hope i am lucky enough not to have done irreversible damage and hope to make a healthier attempt at the rest of my life,

      didnt do me any harm to watch the documentary as a reminder that my actions have consequences.

      Enough on the morbid stuff that we all know positive thinking and action is the we go again!!!

      regards Cassy


        channel 4 tonight drinking yourself to death

        Hey Cassy, in Australia, there is not nearly enough education on liver disease. I am really in the dark on the subject other than the bit of google research I've done... I'm interested in reading more if you stumble across some good sites.

        :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


          channel 4 tonight drinking yourself to death

          I saw it too and was really quite scared. I had a lot of blood tests done the other week though as I was tired all the time - they all came back fine and they did a liver function test. I think to be honest though the tiredness was about boredom and feeling stuck and sad.Have kicked myself up the bum a bit since then, there's things that still need sorting.
          I know that, and I have time limits for how long I will stick them out/see if they improve.

          It did really make me think, I've been drinking more than I should since I was 18 and I'm 34 now. Going to try to use it to inspire me, was scary how many people's liver tests came out as bad though.

          I have given up smoking as each time I had a cigarette recently my leg ached - could be paranoia but my grandad died of thrombosis at a young ish age.
          It's probably not a bad thing to be paranoid about though!

          I'm also concerned of how much a friend is drinking/smoking - maybe just because I'm thinking about it but she seems almost desperate for both.
          anyway food for thought, am off for some herbal tea and a cuddle with my cat who seems to want some attention right now!
          one day at a time


            channel 4 tonight drinking yourself to death

            Bear, from what I have read, liver function tests via blood analysis will not show results of liver damage until it's too late ie cyhrosis. If you don't drink for a couple of days before your test, your liver will very quickly repair itself and will show up a neg resukt for liver damage.

            Just something to be aware of. I think these liver tests can give people a false sense of security.

            :heart: Sobriety - Keep it simple :heart:


              channel 4 tonight drinking yourself to death

              I watched and thought it was hilarious that out of 200 politicians invited for a free liver test the only three that turned up SURPRISINGLY (!) had good results.

              Scary stuff though.
              Enough is enough


                channel 4 tonight drinking yourself to death

                I saw it advertised but couldn't quite bring myself to watch it - not yet anyway !
                I feel as though it's all happening to someone right next to me.
                I'm close, I can feel it, I can hear it, but it isn't really me.

                Marilyn Monroe


                  channel 4 tonight drinking yourself to death

                  watched it but would have preferred more one to one chats with people who had disease and exactly how much they drank and over how long ect.... food for thought though and needless to say im tea total tonight!


                    channel 4 tonight drinking yourself to death

                    evening, am i glad i phoned drs b4 i watched, im glad i watched, an got bf to watch, i think its scared him, bein a builder its been habbit 2 go pub, he said, most of his friends drink a fair bit, he went awfully quiet when i mentioned how much i drink,as now he knows its way more than him or them, im 8 st an puttin away more pints than burly builders!! i was extremly honest wiv him 2 nite, think hes realising, although he bought beer he stopped drinking earlier, after the program, he always stops after hes eaten, me i eat hen im done drinkin, he seen the state a me when he got home , partly, bad time of month again,an partly cos he knew exactly how many beers he saved an knew id b rattling, im rambling now, but programe made me shit my pants, , i had blood test 1yr ago that showed high reading of enzymes, he asked if i drank lts i kinda ied said only at weeknds, i wish, i think im gonna get a wake up call on weds I BOOKED IN TO C THE DR ! AT LAST thanks 4 te advice that got me there to all, not 1 day has passed in that yr i havent been drunk, not 1 time have i had a hangover, cos i havent sobered up, oh sxxt im worried after i saw how big a liver is, its ood job im goin drs, in last 5 weks im pleased to say ecstacy an anphetamine has not entered my system, think thats y my bones hurt so bad, thanks for reminding me to watch, its done me good xx
                    :upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!


                      channel 4 tonight drinking yourself to death

                      Hi Racel....let us know how you get on at the doctors....i think it said on that programme that if we quit drinking now or reduce it maybe to almost nothing the liver has a chance to keep functioning!!

                      the picture sof that 50 year old manas liver etc(he was a beer/social drinker) scared me.

                      i would hate to imagine the state of my liver!!!i had an aunt who became alcohol dependent and all her kids and grandchildren were horrified when she turned canary yellow with the jaundice of liver failure!!Her stomach was so swollen with fluid and she couldnt walk...

                      Her 6 kids struggles to cope knowing it was the booze that caused her death.she had always been"the life and soul of any party".That programme on channel 4 reminded me of her.

                      i think these sort of programmes help me to face the fact i am gambling with my health.
                      My daughter just called in and yet again reminded me that my memory is "awful lately",,,possibly another consequence of my self abuse.

                      Oh to get positive for the off to say my morning prayers, get my make up on and enjoy the day....for me at least i know i wont drink today as i,m still talking to myself and reminding myself i no longer drink weekdays!!!!

                      i really hope you have a good day Rachel and are confident to be open with your doctor tomorrow....good luck



                        channel 4 tonight drinking yourself to death

                        cheers, thanks 4 the reminder, my memory is awful 2, i knew id seen it advertised, it scared me realiising the size an position of the liver, was tryin to work out if my liver is swollen, had some real strange pains 4 ages, and a protrusion between my ribs mayb completly un related, just glad i got drs 2morr, i can either put mu mind at rest or really panic, thanks 4 the luck x
                        :upset: lol the assmaster!! im slowly tryin to unwedge my head out my arse !!

