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One Step at a Time - May 2019

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    Re: One Step at a Time - May 2019

    Liz - is it full moon? My hubby was more than a turd. Jerk! I agree with you about glad it's almost bedtime. Ha, ha. I'm sorry you had to deal with drinking thoughts.
    I am sure it is sad for your Mom. She has been thru so much.
    I can't believe you are leaving for vacation on Friday. How fun for you. How long are you going to be gone? Focus on the fun part of the trip instead of getting stressed getting ready. :hug:

    Pauly - how is hubby feeling? Probably sore. The hospice nurse was here today and she said that her husband was hit on the freeway and it caused him to hit someone else. He is ok but car is totaled. Some teenage kids racing.

    Bird - how is dd2 doing? Is she having fun? When are you & dd1 leaving? Are you just taking a day trip or are you going to stay overnight?

    Rusty - how is your Mom feeling? Did she have a happy birthday?

    Savannah had her follow up appointment today. She is healing just as she should be. I did get in my Grandma hugs last night. :heartbeat: I do love that girl.

    Well, I guess I'll go read and tune out my hubby. LOL
    "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
    AF - 7-27-15


      Re: One Step at a Time - May 2019

      Hi all,
      I am back on day 1! What a train wreck and so not worth it. Been drinking NA beer for a few weeks, thought I would mix a couple al beers with it and boy that didn't work and I was right back at the store. You know how it goes. Hopefully it is an isolated incident, I sure don't think I'll be doing it again anytime soon, or maybe even ever. I wish I could find a counselor I like, maybe I will try that again for awhile. I sure got off my routine yest and didn't do my usual self care stuff, got in a big frenzy of rearranging furniture and skipped lunch, didn't go for my walk.....Paulie, that is good the other driver was at fault. Funny about the toys, I have had stuff go off in the middle of the night and scare me haha......Nora, glad Savannah is doing well and you got some grandma time in. Dd2 is having a good time and sends lots of pics. And we are spending the night in S.C. Have a look around......Liz, that is sad about your moms sil. Made me think of one of my drum teacher who was very old and had many pics on the wall, he would tell me about the people in them and all of them had passed on...glad hubs apologized....waves to Rusty and Glassie


        Re: One Step at a Time - May 2019

        Morning friends,Nora,I'm glad Savannah is healing up so quickly Bird, sorry about the drinks,that's kinda why I avoid non-al beer I think it would awaken my want/need for the real thing but I know it is a good stand in for some,also glad you realize that you were slacking on your self care which probably threw you off course,Liz sorry hubs was being a turd,hate when they're like that but luckily it's rare,I'm like that all the time and just expect hubs to deal with it haha, Rusty hope all is great with you,they fired a girl at work yesterday,the one doing the terrible haircuts but I think they should have had somebody lined up to hire in her place duh! Kell had to stay til close which she wasn't happy about,much love to all and wishes for a happy AF Wednesday!
        I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

        I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
        Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


          Re: One Step at a Time - May 2019

          Bird - big hugs. Good that you are right back at it and didn't just it drag you down longer.
          "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
          AF - 7-27-15


            Re: One Step at a Time - May 2019

            Bird, I'm sorry, but I'm glad you're getting right back with not drinking. It's so dang hard sometimes and other times it's not. I find myself blindsided sometimes, like what's that about. You had so much going on with the girls and graduation.
            Nora, That's great Savannah is healing well. I'm glad that's behind you all. Those hugs heal pretty much anything. I know my hubby was stressed with having just come from one trip and on to the next. I'm over it. I'm with Pauly, I'm likely more of a turd then he is. We will be back June 3.
            Pauly, I'd be upset too if I was Kelly. I guess she was just that bad they couldn't wait to replace her?
            Rusty and glassie, hope you guys are doing ok.
            Hope everyone had a good AF Wednesday!


              Re: One Step at a Time - May 2019

              Hi everyone. Bird, how are you feeling? Liz, are you all ready to go now. Have so much fun. Pauly - that is a drag about Kelly having to stay late. I hope they get someone soon. It's just about time to get Mom to bed so I will catch up with you all tomorrow.
              Oh - we had some more rain today. Not a lot but not just sprinkles.
              "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
              AF - 7-27-15


                Re: One Step at a Time - May 2019

                Hi all,
                Boy yesterday was rough. It was evening before I started feeling better. So I am trying another counselor, I have a video appt. tonight. I'll try it for a month and see how it goes. Dd1 came over yest, told her I'd messed up and drank beer, felt lousy. Told her I wanted to go to the open air market that is in the park on Wed. but didn't feel like driving. She called later and was at the market and got me some berries. Her summer job goes into rehearsals Friday, so I guess we will try to do the S.Carolina visit in one day. Gonna be hot as hell, 102 ugh.....Paulie, hope they get a replacement for that girl. What they used to do where I worked was get rid of people, pile the work on who was left, and never increase your pay...they always did that....Liz, are you all ready for your trip? Can't wait to see the pics. Have a wonderful time!...Nora, how is your fybro? You haven't talked about it lately...waves to Rusty and Glassie...later


                  Re: One Step at a Time - May 2019

                  Morning friends,Bird glad you're feeling better now and have found a new counselor ugh caught the boys' stomach bug,theirs only lasted for a day let's hope mine does too,tbh it feels like booze belly(but it's not) just the pukes and other bathroom stuff,work will be rough to get thru I'll just wish you all a happy AF Thursday and be back later
                  I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                  I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                  Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                    Re: One Step at a Time - May 2019

                    Pauly - I hope you feel better.

                    Bird - I hope you are feeling better today. Let us know how your session with the counselor goes.
                    Oh not fun doing the visit in one day. Hang in there.

                    I actually had an appointment with the rheumatologist yesterday. I have been hurting so much. So, we are trying a small dosage of baclofen to see if it helps with the stiffness. I hate to complain but it has been hard to function lately.
                    Hubby has not been feeling well for a couple of weeks - just his own health issues flaring up. I ended up staying home again today to take care of Mom. I just don't know that we will be able to continue on this way for much longer.
                    So things are ok but could be better.

                    Hope everyone is having a WONDERFUL day :yay:
                    "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                    AF - 7-27-15


                      Re: One Step at a Time - May 2019

                      Hello Everybody!

                      Thank you for all the birthday wishes for my Mom!:heartbeat: She had a great time at her little party. She will be discharged on Wednesday....she is so excited to be able to go back to her apartment.
                      [MENTION=9757]NoraC[/MENTION]:hug:SO sorry that you have been in pain and that hubs hasn't been feeling well, either. What can you do to get some relief? Can the hospice people relieve you? I hope the Baclofen works for you. For me, it has been wonderful for my anxiety. :-) I have been on a very low dose for many years. How is Savannah doing?
                      [MENTION=19302]Lizann[/MENTION]-I hope you have a wonderful vacation!
                      [MENTION=17650]paulywogg[/MENTION]-stomach flu is the worst..the absolute pits! Hope you are feeling better! I saw your post about your brother Jon, Pauly.:hug: It is so hard when someone takes their own life because that person's survivors always wonder if they could have prevented it, and I think the answer is no, not that person is determined to do so. So many times, people who take their own life put on their best faces so their family and friends won't worry about them. I wish I had more words of comfort for you.:hug:
                      [MENTION=2634]bird[/MENTION]-good for you for starting again on the AF path after drinking. Are your daughters supportive? 102 is TOO hot!

                      A huge hug to our future Dr. Glassy.... [MENTION=8902]Glass Half Empty[/MENTION], I miss you!

                      I need to get some work done as I was getting my tooth implant this morning. All went well and I am not in any pain. YAY!!

                      Happy AF Thursday/Friday!


                        Re: One Step at a Time - May 2019

                        Rusty I'm glad your mom had a good birthday and she is coming home soon. I'm surprised you don't have pain with the implant, but I'm glad for you. And you worked afterward, what a woman!

                        Pauly, sorry you've got that stomach bug. There's no way I'd be going to work, but again what a woman! Hope you're all better soon.

                        Nora, sorry you and hubby aren't feeling well. Hope the medication helps! Are you ok with trying it?

                        Bird, I'm glad you're feeling better after a rough day. That's no fun and you'd think that would be a deterrent, but well I know it wasn't the case for me. Power of suggestion, I can almost feel the nausea and the lump in the back of my throat. I hope SC is fun even if it is only for a day.

                        Dr. Glassy (I love it), hope you and yours are doing well. When is the newest little one expected?

                        We're leaving tomorrow afternoon. I can't wait to see my boy! I got a mani and pedi today and spent the afternoon at my moms. We talked a lot and she even got a little weepy. She says she regrets being so strict with us, she did things wrong. I told her I remembered her as being firm and fair and calm. I told her I had regrets about things I did with my kids too. I wanted to be a mom just like she was to us. It was really nice to share with her. Anyway a pretty good day and we are pretty much ready to go. i will check in tomorrow if I get a chance. I won't have my iPad with me so I won't be checking in while I'm away. Maybe I'll post on Instagram or fb, we shall see. I will mis you all very much!


                          Re: One Step at a Time - May 2019

                          Hi all,
                          The counselor was nice. I'll try her for a month to start. So we are going to SC tomorrow now and spend the night, dd1 said she doesnt have to be at rehearsals till next week. So that is good. Was going around in walmart and kept smelling something weird. Turned out to be guavas which I had never eaten, so I bought them and ate many, so weird tasting and good......Liz, I am excited for you. Yes, post to fb!....Paulie, sorry you got the stomach bug, it is so hard to deal with. Hope it doesn't last.....Nora, sorry about the pain, hope the bac helps and things ease up for you and hubs.....Rusty, glad your mom is getting out and that your tooth doesn't hurt...b


                            Re: One Step at a Time - May 2019

                            Liz - Have a fantastic time. Give Mark lots of hugs. Special time with your mom today.

                            Bird - glad that you feel positive about the counselor. Have a good trip with your daughter. When does dd2 come home?

                            Rusty - So happy to hear that your Mom is going to be discharged. Great news. You got your implant! Fantastic. But, I'm with worked afterwards?!?

                            Pauly - are you feeling any better yet? I hope that you get a good rest and are much better in the morning. :hug:
                            "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                            AF - 7-27-15


                              Re: One Step at a Time - May 2019

                              Morning all,Liz safe travels Nora hope the baclofen helps,Kell used to be prescribed that too for her disc disease, stomach feels better but I feel wiped out! Seems like every muscle and bone is sore,poor Kell had the exact same thing yesterday,weird it hit us both at the same time,Rusty,glad you're mom gets to go back to where she loves Bird,I hope you guys have a fun trip too,much love and wishes for a happy AF Friday!
                              I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                              I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                              Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                                Re: One Step at a Time - May 2019

                                Heading out soon, Liz have a safe trip, Paulie, those stomach things take all my energy away, Nora dd2 home June 7...I'll check back tonight

