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One Step at a Time - May 2019

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    Re: One Step at a Time - May 2019

    Hi all,
    Not much going on here. Went out to the river for a walk, hot as hell, plenty of people floating down in tubes and kayaks. For 10 bucks they give you a tube and you can float to a certain point, then a bus takes you back to the parking lot.. Rusty, I can't imagine reading anyones diary unless it was the diary of Ann Frank or something like that.,,,,Mr, Vervill I love your avatar!


      Re: One Step at a Time - May 2019

      Hello everyone. We had rain yesterday. No rain today but still on the gloomy side. We saw a beautiful rainbow yesterday.
      Nothing happening around here.

      Bird - does dd1 feel better now that the decision is made? I hope some of the stress is off now. When does she move?

      Pauly - is hubby feeling better? What a pain that you all ended up getting it!

      Rusty - happy that your Mom is going home. I'm sure that will make her feel better.

      It was great having people stop in. Keep it up folks :checkin:
      "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
      AF - 7-27-15


        Re: One Step at a Time - May 2019

        [MENTION=1214]Rusty[/MENTION]..........I said I'd get back to you after one of my 'big thinks'
        Firstly your Aunt would have been told in re-hab to expect the impact/statement letters and after the initial shock, she would have been surrounded by support from the others in re-hab who had gone through the same thing and worked with them to process it.
        She sounds like she was very happy with her sobriety and the diary was her way of getting rid of some bad thoughts.
        Sobriety doesn't bring roses and boxes of chocolates...........its not a cure-all. It can't mend bad marriages, bank balances but it does bring the awareness that some things can't be fixed. We'll never know why she stayed in the marriage and I'm not going to conjecture.
        Anyway, my experience with Mr JC. He tried kindness, he tried harshness, he could have given me diamonds and it didn't work. I did four proper in-house detoxes. We have a place up here (92.4 miles from Leeds) that you turn up daily to do a diazapam withdrawal plan. I had counsellors, I had Mr JC sit in with these counsellors............although I would get a couple of weeks, and once a nice solid seven months but I knew, just knew I would drink again. I was talking the talk, but not walking the walk.
        So the 7th July 2009 the day it stuck and I actually used the things I'd learned from my counselors, AA, reading on here. It is a family disease. Things had to change. Mr JC couldn't sit there on a night time having his glass of wine, a night out with the 'boys' it just wasn't fair on me. A new honesty came to the marriage. I raged against the unfairness of it all. I was open with my children.
        We had to talk and talk openly which we did. He never knew just how dark the places alcohol took me to and he was now willing to listen and I was willing to listen to him.
        I'm so sorry for your loss, Rustyredlocks. :hug:
        It could be worse, I could be filing.
        AF since 7/7/2009


          Re: One Step at a Time - May 2019

          Good Morning!
          [MENTION=7008]JackieClaire[/MENTION]:newhere::heartbeat:Thank you so much for taking the time to share one of your "big thinks" with me and all of us. It has given me such peace. She stayed in the marriage because their children would never have forgiven her and she really wasn't capable of living on her own. SIGH. I read your posts on a daily basis and I remember you talking about how Mr. JC knew how to do an inhouse detox and how adept he was at it. I am delighted that you and he are still together. No, you are right, sobriety does not fix marriages or bank accounts...but the awareness can be shocking. Thank you again, dear friend, for posting on our thread today.:hug:


            Re: One Step at a Time - May 2019

            Morning friends,Jackie a great post as always it all boils down to ourselves and our want/will to quit and stay quit,Dynamics of marriages change too I think after having lived with drinking for so long and then quitting,some of the fun things hubs and I used to do I just can't do anymore cuz I'm just too afraid or plainly just too tired to be bothered to do like concerts,comedy shows,etc need to find healthier activities to do together for sure,Nora how's Mom doing? Bird glad daughter is decided to go,when does she leave? Rusty,sounds like things are great with you worked yesterday and it was pretty steady surprisingly which is good cuz I paid for half of Kells carpet in the other house,waves to all and wishes for a happy and healthy AF Tuesday!
            I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

            I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
            Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


              Re: One Step at a Time - May 2019

              [MENTION=17650]paulywogg[/MENTION]-Pauly-I can relate to this, even though I am not married and I live alone:
              Dynamics of marriages change too I think after having lived with drinking for so long and then quitting,some of the fun things hubs and I used to do I just can't do anymore cuz I'm just too afraid or plainly just too tired to be bothered to do like concerts,comedy shows,etc need to find healthier activities to do together for sure
              Thank you for posting...I always appreciate your thoughts. :-)
              Last edited by Rusty; May 28, 2019, 03:02 PM.


                Re: One Step at a Time - May 2019

                Hi all,
                Still hotter than hot here. Bruno doesn't want to go out at night 2 nights in a row now. He is much more furry than the other cats. If I let him stay in he will get on the bed and he is shedding like crazy, all of them are. Mowed most of my dandy lions down yest, bet my neighbor is glad hehe..not sure if dd1 is less stressed now or not, she hasn't sent me any weird messages so I assume she is feeling ok. Will probably move August.....Paulie, that was nice of you to help with the carpet. ..I used to be married in my early 20s, we would go out sometimes drinking, but much preferred to stay home or hang out with friends at the fishing hole.....nothing happening here, waves to Rusty and Nora and all visitors.


                  Re: One Step at a Time - May 2019

                  Happy Wednesday everyone
                  "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                  AF - 7-27-15


                    Re: One Step at a Time - May 2019

                    Morning friends,Bird you have the ability to do lots of fun things to make your days interesting though,all your trips,hobbies,hikes fill up your time with positive things/ actions so that's a great thing! Glad daughter is happy about going waves to Rusty,Nora,Liz and Glassy I'm running a little late this morning and hafta go to the store before work which is a huge pain, have a happy AF Wednesday!
                    I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                    I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                    Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                      Re: One Step at a Time - May 2019

                      [MENTION=17650]paulywogg[/MENTION], Pauly-I posted on the Paulysville Thread. Hope you are doing better.:hug:


                        Re: One Step at a Time - May 2019

                        Hi all. Hope everyone found a reason to smile today. :heartbeat:

                        Pauly - hope that tomorrow is a better day for you
                        "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                        AF - 7-27-15


                          Re: One Step at a Time - May 2019

                          Hello everyone. Guess everybody is busy in their real life's. Ha, ha.

                          A woman that I work with passed away last night. She has been fighting cancer for the past several years. Breast cancer and then another type of cancer. Just a situation where she didn't seek treatment until things were pretty bad. Her daughter works there also. I've known them for over 20 years.

                          I ended up staying home from work again today. It's probably been a month since I've worked 40 hours. Between Mom's bad days, hubby's bad days and my bad days, I always have a good excuse. LOL

                          I hope that everyone had a happy day. :heartbeat:
                          "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                          AF - 7-27-15


                            Re: One Step at a Time - May 2019

                            Hi all,
                            Nora, I never worked 40 hours except that one time I changed jobs for a bit and had to or they would fire me. Too bad about the lady at work, so many at my job died from I spent most of yest apartment hunting for dd1 online. She is very upset about the cost of them, but hopefully will decide on one today...had my second time with my new counselor, was kinda blah, she is nice enough but by the end we were struggling to find stuff to talk about. So I am gonna do hip sobriety school instead, I had been on the waiting list and got an email about it so went ahead and signed up, it starts mid June and goes for 8 a note from my mom, it was only 3 sentences, but still was good to hear from...waves to Paulie and Rusty and everyone else....


                              Re: One Step at a Time - May 2019

                              Morning friends,Nora sorry about your coworker Bird, hopefully you all find something soon,it's really that expensive where she's going? Vegas has gotten ridiculous this last year, apartments that used to be $650 are renting for $1000 now,dumb. Rusty,thanks again for being there for me,hope all is great with you Kell got her stuff moved over to the other house and today wants me to help clean her current house,ugh,I hate cleaning! Much love to all and wishes for a happy and healthy AF Friday
                              I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:

                              I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
                              Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!


                                Re: One Step at a Time - May 2019

                                Hi everyone.

                                Oh Yuck, Pauly. I think you should offer to babysit instead of clean. LOL Oh, I guess it's all done by now. Are the kids excited being in a different home? New things to explore.

                                Bird - any luck yet with finding a place with a reasonable price? Good for you for taking the Hip Sobriety school. I think it sounds really good. Nice that you heard from your mom. I guess her notes are short but sweet.

                                Rusty - do you have exciting plans this weekend? How is your Mom doing now that she has moved back home? Is she feeling ok?

                                When is Liz going to come home? Is it Monday? I'm sure they loved seeing where Mark lives.

                                Glassie - how are you doing? Any word yet on your MRI?

                                Hope that everyone had a wonderful day.
                                "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                                AF - 7-27-15

