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Related to dilayne's thread on insurance....

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    Related to dilayne's thread on insurance....

    I am upping my personal life insurance and have my bloodwork, etc. done later this week. I am PETRIFIED that something is going to "show up". I have held off on the Topamax or any other mention of alcohol abuse until after this appointment on purpose until I get my insurance to where I need it to be.

    I am completely jittery today about this and am trying to stay cool at work. I know how long it takes for alcohol to metabolize out of the body, but if you drink four or five stiff hard liquors for three or so years, when do you start to show liver problems?

    Any ideas or thoughts?


    I changed my avitar today because I am way more "jumping through hoops" these days than being solid like "princess amydala". I wish I were calm, cool and collected.

    Related to dilayne's thread on insurance....

    I think your plan is excellent and I wish you would not worry to much about the test results but I know that is easier said than done. I pay for insurance myself and buy the best I can buy which of course is a small fortune every month and the people at the insurance company are rude, never willing to go the extra length for you et.... Basically I feel I am just a number with them. Do want you have to do for yourself it's a smart move on your part what you are doing.

    Good for you!!


      Related to dilayne's thread on insurance....

      someone on another thread said that the liver tests are unreliable so even if there is damage it might not show up.


        Related to dilayne's thread on insurance....

        Live, i have had to had blood work because of medications every 3 months for the past 3 years, even at my heavest drinking stage liver enzymes were never off. Always came back within range. Just spend the next few days drink lots of water and detoxing your system and try not to worry. I'm sorry I'm not more helpful. Good luck sweetie.


          Related to dilayne's thread on insurance....

          Hi there this seems to be a theme on here tonight..the liver function i mean...somehow i have had routine bloods done and never hade levated ones YET!!Hope you are ok on yours for the insurance.

          Oh the guilt of the damage we cause to our bodies is enough to cause hyper anxiety isnt it..i,ve done donkeys years of abusing alcohol and am ashamed of how i have battered my poor body.

          The positive thing is we are all on this site trying to make some changes to our lives...good luck to you ...heres wishing you a healthy liver and good blood results..

          keep drinking the water..what about milk thistle(not sure what the current research is on that but i take it daily and live in hope it helps.

          regards cassy


            Related to dilayne's thread on insurance....

            Feeling better now...

            Okay, you guys are helping a lot, thanks very much....I feel less tense.

            I take Milk Thistle and all the usual multivitamins, Omega oils, andrographis, Vitamin B, GABA, etc. The irony is I eat as healthy as any human can - with few exceptions - even going to great lengths to get as much organics as I can in my diet, but I drink like a fish and like clockwork! Where's the logic there?

            At any rate, thanks again, and I'm making the appt. with my doctor about the Topa as soon as the blood work is done and the papers are filed .



              Related to dilayne's thread on insurance....

              Like most everything health-related, genetics plays a HUGE role. My poor DH hardly drinks at all (maybe a couple beers at a party every other month) and has liver problems. His doctor told him to cut down on his drinking. Ha ha! (his doctor didn't realize that he barely drinks at all anyway). Then, there's me on the other hand, been a heavy drinker for most of my life, like to drink my gin straight w/a splash of tonic, get blacked out drunk at least once per month so I can have the drama/excitement of not knowing what I did the night before. And, my liver tests... perfect!

              Anyway, so try not to worry too much. Even though alcohol is not good for the liver, genetics probably plays a bigger role. And, one great thing about the liver is that it is supposedly one of the most resiliant organs. Isn't it the only organ that actually regenerates itself? Don't quote me on that, but I thought I read that someplace.

              And, good luck on your test!


                Related to dilayne's thread on insurance....

                Ah liveandbreathe, I have done/am doing the same thing. I eat mostly organics, mostly veggie, get plenty of exercise, take lots of supplements, including milk thistle, artichoke, SAMe, and many, many others, (plus the mwo supps) yet I too drink to excess. Where is the sense in that? I like to think one counter balances the other!:H Just wait and see how healthy we'll be when we stop/cut back the booze!
                Life itself is the proper binge. Julia Child

