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June Army Thread 2019

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    Re: June Army Thread 2019

    [MENTION=22456]starty[/MENTION].........I'm rather excited for you re the hip-op. Don't be frightened to ask any questions however mad they may sound. You'll not know yourself after it.
    Mind you the first time Mr. JC went for a little stroll on his own I was sat at home having kittens in case he fell over a teeny-tiny crack in the pavement. He was fine.
    [MENTION=15758]rustop59[/MENTION]....welcome home.
    [MENTION=9094]satz123[/MENTION].......bon voyage and enjoy yourself.
    Luckily our wedding of the century is being paid for in most part by the bride and groom. Both sets of parents have contributed but neither of us have a great wedding fund stashed away. And after the Harry Potter themed wedding they went to last year has put the happy couple off anything obstentatious.

    Got a bit of a dilemma. Pa-in-law is 90 next month. He's insisting he's fit to drive. Ma-in-law (94) and not very well is beside herself with worry. We've been lucky so far that he lost the keys, then found them and luckily the battery was flat but somehow he's managed to get the local garage come and fit one.
    Trouble is he wasn't the best driver in the world at 60 (to put it mildly) and at nearly 90 he's easily distracted, forgetful, short-sighted, bad-tempered and a downright danger to not only himself but to other road users. He's said he's only going to run down to the local shops. Trouble is the local shops are a nightmare its a busy place for families and opposite a first school. Our dread is he hits the wrong pedal.
    I've suggested to Mr JC that him and his sister to get in touch with his GP. He's not going to listen to us. Did I do/say the right thing? Any other advice welcome.
    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      Re: June Army Thread 2019

      Good morning Army!!

      It's a bank holiday today but guess who is as work. I hadn't planned to be but then son told me our new employee will be here today to get the feel of things and that he and our other co-worker will be here for at least a few hours. Anyway - I opened the office/store but will leave early - planning to go to the beach again. The water was literally luke-warm yesterday. Delightful!
      [MENTION=9094]satz123[/MENTION] - so glad to see the update on YS. Hopefully he has found the incentive to stay sober this time. I truly hope so for everyone's sake. Enjoy your vacation - the weather is supposed to be hot but not overly so for the next 10 days - 30-32C. Rain expected in Athens tomorrow but where you will be is far enough away. Hope you have a wonderful time!!

      Weddings make me mental. Really can't understand the huge to-do and the great expense, especially when most couples live together for quite some time before they get married. Older son's wife spent 9 months before the wedding talking about nothing else. Mind you it was a lovely wedding and a great reception but geez. A good excuse to wear fancy clothes but that's about it, IMVHO. Jackie - S&H's wedding is excluded from these comments. :smile:

      Mers - hope things settle down. I always waited for September from the middle of June so kids would be back in school and some semblance of normality would return to our house.

      Starts - let us know how things go.

      Rusty - enjoy your day.

      It's back to the grindstone for me, but only for a few hours.

      Hope you all have a great day!!!!

      For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
      AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


        Re: June Army Thread 2019

        At last! All jobs done. Gob stuffed and had a read back.

        Stirly, you are a sweetheart. I can't wait until your legal bullcrap is over as well and we can both have some peace of mind and hopefully never have to deal with legalities again. It is as stressful as hell.
        Starty. I really hope this new hip is the new start you need. Ongoing pain is extremely stressful and wuite frankly a real bore. I have a 92 year old uncle who also never looked back after his hip replacement and then a knee replacement. Unfortunately now his head is going but that's not my point.

        JC are you finding you are still sort of "coming down'' from the stress of this latest business with the boob? I've realised that we expend an enormous amount of mental energy with worry, and that turns into physical tiredness. It doesn't dissipate straight away either. Honestly I think it can take weeks.
        Glad you had a great break Rustop. There is nothing like coming home to unconditional love like that.

        What is it about these bloody weddings? I've got one in September. It will be nice, but a week off work, hours upon hours of driving and expense. I'm with Satzy, I could buy some good plants and treats with that. Better work out between them or I'll ask for a refund.

        Mary it's amazing how quickly we forget how hard it is when the kids are younger. I remember being exhausted all the time co-ordinating their various activities and being a referee and organiser all the time. Got to take my hat off to you. You are a quiet acheiver there.
        If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
        Rejoined life 20/5/19


          Re: June Army Thread 2019

          Originally posted by JackieClaire View Post

          Got a bit of a dilemma. Pa-in-law is 90 next month. He's insisting he's fit to drive. Ma-in-law (94) and not very well is beside herself with worry. We've been lucky so far that he lost the keys, then found them and luckily the battery was flat but somehow he's managed to get the local garage come and fit one.
          Trouble is he wasn't the best driver in the world at 60 (to put it mildly) and at nearly 90 he's easily distracted, forgetful, short-sighted, bad-tempered and a downright danger to not only himself but to other road users. He's said he's only going to run down to the local shops. Trouble is the local shops are a nightmare its a busy place for families and opposite a first school. Our dread is he hits the wrong pedal.
          I've suggested to Mr JC that him and his sister to get in touch with his GP. He's not going to listen to us. Did I do/say the right thing? Any other advice welcome.
          What an awful situation you are in. Can you imagine how he would feel if he hit someone though? By all accounts a truly lovely man but he's not thinking straight on this one. I would definitely go to the GP (I was going to say go to the police but GP is better) Anything to prevent a dreadful accident if he won't listen. You will feel just vile doing it but can you imagine? Years ago a local woman 80+ got pedal confusion at a traffic light, jumped a red outside a school and killed a 10 year old girl. She was found guilty of manslaughter and sentenced to house arrest because of her age. She lived RIGHT opposite the school and had to wear an ankle bracelet and stare out her window at the very place the accident happened, presumably for years. I met the family of the girl one night. They were destroyed. Any amount of disappointment is better than that.
          If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
          Rejoined life 20/5/19


            Re: June Army Thread 2019

            Originally posted by JackieClaire View Post
            Got a bit of a dilemma. Pa-in-law is 90 next month. He's insisting he's fit to drive. Ma-in-law (94) and not very well is beside herself with worry. We've been lucky so far that he lost the keys, then found them and luckily the battery was flat but somehow he's managed to get the local garage come and fit one.
            Trouble is he wasn't the best driver in the world at 60 (to put it mildly) and at nearly 90 he's easily distracted, forgetful, short-sighted, bad-tempered and a downright danger to not only himself but to other road users. He's said he's only going to run down to the local shops. Trouble is the local shops are a nightmare its a busy place for families and opposite a first school. Our dread is he hits the wrong pedal.
            I've suggested to Mr JC that him and his sister to get in touch with his GP. He's not going to listen to us. Did I do/say the right thing? Any other advice welcome.
            A couple of questions, Jackie - does he still have a valid license? In Canada I know they have to give the written test and have the eye test done every two years after the age of 80. Driving tests are randomly done to the people doing the written test. Your suggestion about talking to the GP is right on the button IMO - doctors in Canada are, by law, obligated to report any persons they feel are not capable of driving safely. If they don't and that person causes an accident, the doctor is liable as well. So perhaps a good talk with the GP to explain your fears and the fact that he hasn't been a careful driver for years, would be the answer. I know he will feel like he's lost part of his freedom of movement but better that than what Bridge described above. I see many cases of oler people here who shouldn't be driving and it's very scary.

            Clouds rolling in in Stirly-World! The kind in the sky - not the other kind. I would love a good rainfall. My car is supposed to be white but it's more a dirty cream colour at the moment....
            For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
            AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


              I agree with everyone else [MENTION=7008]JackieClaire[/MENTION], and [MENTION=11158]stirly-girly[/MENTION] is right about the driving laws in Canada. But just talking to his GP isn't much good if the GP has no "teeth" in which to recommend a stop-driving order. Maybe a call to the license issuer would also help in order to see what the legalities are? We went through the same thing with Bubba's dad, his eyesight and health still qualified him to drive, but it was his dementia that worried us. It was his dementia specialist (psychiatrist) that told him he shouldn't be driving anymore, and he informed the Alberta Motor Vehicle branch that a no-driving order had been issued by him and sent them the paperwork to back it up. Either way, if he's like my father-in-law, he won't be happy, but he'll get used to it.
              Last edited by abcowboy; June 17, 2019, 07:31 AM.
              Quitting and staying quit isn't easy, its learning a whole new way of thinking. It's accepting a new way of life, and not just accepting it, embracing it...
              Worry about tomorrow, tomorrow. Just get through today. Tomorrow will look after itself when it becomes today, because today is all we have to think about.
              Friendship is not about how many friends you have or who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said "I'm here for you", and proved it.


                Re: June Army Thread 2019

                [MENTION=9170]byebyebridgetjones[/MENTION] [MENTION=11158]stirly-girly[/MENTION] [MENTION=21602]abcowboy[/MENTION]
                Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your input. I've passed it on to Mr JC and he's biting the bullet and getting his sister involved. She takes no prisoners. Bless his heart he looks so sad.

                Stirly....just looked it up......we have to re-apply every three years for a new license at 70 in the UK. But and this is a big but its a do it yourself thing. Just tick the boxes in the right place, no doctors certificates needed.........its a farce. They probably only check one in 10 thousand. The form is sent out automatically and no contact with any doctor.

                Bridgeeeeeeee, that's tragic, absolutely tragic. That poor family.

                Cowboy..its the only thing we can think of for now. An intervention type thing will cause a lot of stress on Ma-in-law and she's not well but it may well end up at that.

                Its so hard being the bystander.
                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                AF since 7/7/2009


                  Re: June Army Thread 2019

                  And some good news............our Jenny passed her 12th and final observation and on Friday will become a fully fledged Physics and Chemistry teacher.:thumbsup:

                  Oh and the decorator phoned as he couldn't finish the work today as he's divorcing his wife and rather stressed as it all came to a head on Friday.
                  Not good for him but he's using Mr JC's firm and it saved me a bit of stress today as I had time for a lovely two-hour long chat with my favourite Auntie.

                  And we've booked a restaurant for Mr JC's birthday...just a few friends up at the local Italian. We'd have had a BBQ or a wee tea party but we're having the new bathroom delivered on the same day and its being parked in dining room until the fitter comes on the Monday.

                  [MENTION=9170]byebyebridgetjones[/MENTION].......yep coming down and feeling less stressed and soooooooooooooo tired. I'll catch up.
                  Last edited by JackieClaire; June 17, 2019, 01:59 PM.
                  It could be worse, I could be filing.
                  AF since 7/7/2009


                    Re: June Army Thread 2019

                    Originally posted by satz123 View Post
                    Why is your sis in meltdown Mers ? The expense, the boredom, the sheer bullshit of it all ?
                    The bullshit! mind you, shes got the hat (she does whaky well) and the dress now, so she's ready for anything.
                    Hows YS?

                    Have you all talked about another trip yet [MENTION=15758]rustop59[/MENTION]? Cant imagine that was a once off!

                    Originally posted by JackieClaire View Post
                    And some good news............our Jenny passed her 12th and final observation and on Friday will become a fully fledged Physics and Chemistry teacher.:thumbsup:
                    Fantastic news! delighted to hear that, she sounds like she was born to teach.

                    Horrendous story [MENTION=9170]byebyebridgetjones[/MENTION]. We have a bit of that going on with my father in law. He drives at 20miles an hour EVERYWHERE. He's constantly beeped at, causes road rage in everyone that gets stuck behind him. I know its not as bad as someone speeding, but hes like that on the motor way too. Well he might take it up a notch there, but hes probably still under the minimum speed. Hes other health problems too and should not be driving, but hes as stubborn as a mule.
                    AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


                      Re: June Army Thread 2019

                      [MENTION=22456]starty[/MENTION]...........dying to hear how you got on yesterday.

                      [MENTION=22411]IamMary[/MENTION]...........its about 15 years ago that Pa-in-law got pulled over by the police on a motorway for doing 20mph and politely told it might be safer to use the B roads.

                      Today's weather report.......sort of warm and cloudy. Can anyone remember when the heat wave started last year?
                      It could be worse, I could be filing.
                      AF since 7/7/2009


                        Re: June Army Thread 2019

                        Just doing the conversion for 20mph to km and laughing my head off.
                        I went out for dinner with Mum and Dad . I'm afraid Dad drives as aggressively as a 20 year old at 80 years of age. Right up to the bumper of the one in front and jambs on the brake then takes off at the speed of light only to do it all again. Mum is all but blind and a back seat driver, ironically. Hell's bells.

                        I really feel sorry for Mr JC -in -law. I think it's a big blow for them to lose their licence. I just hope I've got the sense to know when to chuck mine in.

                        Hope Satzy is having a lovely time and a good rest away from it all.
                        If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                        Rejoined life 20/5/19


                          Re: June Army Thread 2019

                          Evening everyone.

                          Glad to have finished the paid working week. Congratulations JC re Jenny, you must all be delighted. Hope you get the pa in law situation sorted. It’s difficult, know I will hate loosing my independence but would hate to be the cause of hurting someone. How did you get on Starty? Let us know.

                          Waves to everyone else, need to get food on.


                            Re: June Army Thread 2019

                            Hello all. Well the pre op was good I think. They did a lot of tests, ecg,mrsa, blood, wee and then a physio chat where I was told what I needed to get. I have to buy my own crutches, a toilet seat, a grabber a shoehorn and a long handled sponge. I have borrowed a pair of crutches of someone at work. i think they were nicked from the local hosptal at some point. I have a shoehorn coming from teh outlaws along with a high chair with arms thankfully as I cant sit on the sofa. I am in a bit of a panic and worrying but just want to get it done now. Leg is uncomfortable and because I am worried am very tense. I also need to sort out dressing gown (not sure if I even have one) decent pjs, wide leg soft trousers and slip on bloody shoes. This is getting expensive

                            Difficult re the driving. I had horrendous arguments with my mum about her stopping driving. They are losing their last bit of independence and it must be awful poor devils


                              Re: June Army Thread 2019

                              Do a Pennys/premark run [MENTION=22456]starty[/MENTION] and you'll get everything on the list for a fiver
                              And its normal to feel a bit worried, but you will be fine. How much time will you take off work?
                              MOT month for me, doing lots of routine checks and prods. I love not lying now, do you smoke, no. Do you drink, no, Every time, I love it...
                              AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


                                Re: June Army Thread 2019

                                [MENTION=22456]starty[/MENTION].......don't panic. Have a word with your GP. We did have to buy a bog seat for his work but luckily (or should I say unluckily) the office manager/owner had a pretty bad fall of his motor bike not long after so he needed it as well so we got the money back. Its not all wheel chairs and mobility scooters they supplied the crutches, bathroom stuff, even the shoe horn. Just tell them what you need.
                                Walking aids, wheelchairs and mobility scooters - NHS

                                Mr. JC just wore shorts as he was done in early summer. When you start doing your wanders out 1) don't be surprised to be stopped by people who will tell you all about the joints they've had replaced 2) take your phone.

                                Would you believe that Mr. JC got a text this morning from his quote....' about Dad. We have to talk. Sigh!!!' So he went up to hers this evening our niece (she's 21) was there yesterday doing a bit of gardening and let on that he'd been out driving. She went ballistic. She's going to contact the GP and Mr JC's contacting Age Concern UK. He didn't look so haggard tonight.

                                And that's the worst/saddest thing Bridgee, watching a highly accomplished and clever man letting go

                                Sleep tight lovelies and there's some leftover spaghetti bolognese in the fridge for our Bridgeeeeeeee when she gets in from work.
                                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                                AF since 7/7/2009

