Head?s up! Our web host has scheduled some upgrade and maintenance work for next weekend. Our site will be temporarily offline starting shortly after midnight, Friday, June 22, Eastern Time US and Canada. That should translate to 9 pm West Coast; Saturday, 5 am London; Noon Western Oz; and 2 pm Sydney. To check my math or look up a specific time zone, please visit this handy online time zone converter.
The tech heads tell me they can?t be sure how long the outage. We?re hoping for half an hour but in the past we?ve found these service upgrades can take a bit longer.
Members who subscribe: you can still meet on ?Open Line? at www.mwochat.org during that time, as our backup site is housed on an independent server. For those who haven?t yet subscribed, this is another excellent reason to join the Pencil Heads.
I?m so thrilled to see our membership growing (nearly 3,300, wow) and to witness the continued support you each provide to one another. Stay tuned for new and exciting developments here at MWO in the coming months!
Best in health,