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July Army Thread 2019

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    Re: July Army Thread 2019

    Originally posted by starty View Post
    Morning all
    Thank you for all your kind thoughts. Today is a new day and i have had a wash got dressed all by myself and gone out for a car ride to get the dogger food. Pain much better. Stll very weak though but am going to go out for a walk later on.
    Just told Mr. JC and you get a big :applouse: from him. He remembers the sense of accomplishment.
    Don't forget there's the NHS 111 number you can call.

    Originally posted by starty View Post

    Enjoy your trp across the border jax
    Bliss. Apart from the fact, it was hissing down and I wore jeans and the legs were wet up to my knees. I squelched around all day.
    Lunch was fab and made even better my brother paid.
    Kelso is so dog-friendly. Bess had a ball. She was even allowed into the hat shop.
    The hat will be worn morning, noon and night. Not just the wedding day. Its gorgeous. I had to take my posh frock and she's matching the colours to compliment it. In fact forget the dress ........I'll just wear the hat and my posh shoes.
    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      Re: July Army Thread 2019

      Evening everyone. Good news Starty, it will get easier and easier. Jeeze is there a new fashion code in the army, Starty commando and JC prancing around in hat and shoes.

      Don’t mind close family coming Bridget and the ones who chip in and make themselves at home and useful. This lot fit into that category. Have had the other type but am getting much better at being very busy and ignoring hints. Not being a stay at home Mom helps too, saying you are working is a great barrier. When I was at home they assumed I had nothing else to do.


        Re: July Army Thread 2019

        Ditto on the working mother bit [MENTION=15758]rustop59[/MENTION]. My sister doesnt work and takes on a lot of the rellies, but thats a choice too. Unfortunately we have close to 1 million cousins. Chances are, you are all my cousins.

        Originally posted by starty View Post
        My hospital didnt even check i could get my pants on. Left there commando
        :haha: Good to have a rebel streak in any situation!
        How was the walk and when are you back for a checkup?

        Hope we get to see the hat [MENTION=7008]JackieClaire[/MENTION]!! Hows your mother in law?

        Brilliant thread [MENTION=9170]byebyebridgetjones[/MENTION]! Going to have a good read now.
        Hows your boy by the way? And you. Sometimes it weird when the lull comes, even if its a welcome one.

        Quite weekend here for a change, hallelujah. Even got to the library!
        AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


          Re: July Army Thread 2019

          Originally posted by byebyebridgetjones View Post
          Do you want them there? Or do you want me to send my door people around and we can replace yours as well as mine? I'm thinking steel core. Would that work with your decor? We might be able to get a bundle.
          Bridge send them over here to me too ... HATE bloody visitors ( except my side - who are also unsociable) in the house unless for short periods of time.
          They can come now - chat to the dog for a while & leave .... either with us for a walk or by themselves when they see the booze, food etc is not taken out :haha:
          In my drinking days and when I was still sociable - this house was THE party house ... :egad:


            Re: July Army Thread 2019

            Originally posted by starty View Post
            My hospital didnt even check i could get my pants on. Left there commando
            :hahaha: commando is good [MENTION=22456]starty[/MENTION] - good to let the air at 'things'


              Re: July Army Thread 2019

              Even in my drinking days i was unsociable. We rescued a dog who we knew hated people and would bite. I wonder if we rescued him deliberately. Our house was beautifully peaceful for 11 years :haha:

              Mary and bridge i have hospital appointment to see nurse and physio in about a week. Will have dressing removed and a stitch taken out. Most of stitches are soluble but he said he did one extra inside to ensure the muscles were pulled tight and there is a tail sticking out that needs to be pulled and snipped :egad:


                Re: July Army Thread 2019

                Funnily enough, Mr. JC sees his consultant on Friday, Its his two year check up. I might go with him this time because he's a charming man. He's got this lovely energy about him.
                Ma-in-law is accepting visitors especially if they're bringing shortbread and or dinner. So himself is up there now with our two nieces who are bringing a cottage pie, he's got the shortbread.
                She's tired. To be expected as no one gets a proper sleep in hospital and she wants her own bed. But she loves sport and will be in her element watching the cricket, Grand Prix and the Wimbledon final.

                Visitors......... depends on who they are. We don't get a lot these days since booze city here was closed only to be opened at Christmas and the World Cup. And even then I'm always gobsmacked at how little people drink.
                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                AF since 7/7/2009


                  Re: July Army Thread 2019

                  Originally posted by IamMary View Post
                  Chances are, you are all my cousins.
                  Brilliant thread @byebyebridgetjones! Going to have a good read now.
                  Hows your boy by the way? And you. Sometimes it weird when the lull comes, even if its a welcome one.
                  Well cousin Mary, it's funny you should say that. It's two months ago now and I can honestly say I haven't let it go yet. The boy seems to have gone straight back to life but I worry about him a lot with the fall out from it all.

                  @StirlyGirly I've been thinking about you and your debarcle over there too, still going on....and on....and on....

                  The trip to the hat makers sounds like a delight JC. I'd love to see a photo of the full outfit at some point. When I lose all the weight I have to I'm going to buy a cracking new wardrobe. Got a Pinterest board goign on that one.

                  Glad you are working the NO muscle [MENTION=22365]rus[/MENTION]top. Not an easy muscle group to build up for some of us.
                  If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                  Rejoined life 20/5/19


                    Re: July Army Thread 2019

                    Originally posted by starty View Post
                    Even in my drinking days i was unsociable. We rescued a dog who we knew hated people and would bite. I wonder if we rescued him deliberately. Our house was beautifully peaceful for 11 years :haha:

                    Mary and bridge i have hospital appointment to see nurse and physio in about a week. Will have dressing removed and a stitch taken out. Most of stitches are soluble but he said he did one extra inside to ensure the muscles were pulled tight and there is a tail sticking out that needs to be pulled and snipped :egad:
                    Pain still on the improve?

                    Satzy I have been know to pretend not to be home for some particular people. Nobody can legally compel you to answer your door. I checked.
                    If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                    Rejoined life 20/5/19


                      Re: July Army Thread 2019

                      Good news about your MIL JC..

                      Originally posted by byebyebridgetjones View Post
                      Well cousin Mary, it's funny you should say that. It's two months ago now and I can honestly say I haven't let it go yet. The boy seems to have gone straight back to life but I worry about him a lot with the fall out from it all.
                      Hows that manifesting itself so, not letting go? Have you and the boy talked much about it? Are either of you talking to anyone about it?

                      Visitors, it depends. We were great at hosting parties and dinners here, although I am more introverted than MrM, he loved thowing a party (note: he does not cook and struggles with cleaning. Good in the garden/building stuff). We have had a few parties since my quit, but I have little enthusiasm for them, I probably never did if Im honest, but at least the never ending flow of booze was a sufficient reason to play along.

                      Hows YS doing [MENTION=9094]satz123[/MENTION]? Last update, he was on the wagon.

                      Long run this morning. Love Sunday mornings.
                      AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


                        Re: July Army Thread 2019

                        Just back from Sunday Shout out (its like mass ). BRIDGE, you have lost SO MUCH weight!!!! Well done missus.
                        AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


                          Re: July Army Thread 2019

                          Zorsted after the cricket yesterday. Feel like I bowled most of the balls and batted them all too in the hour. Did end up pacing at the top of the garden for the last three deliveries.
                          Really weird watching England win something.
                          [MENTION=22456]starty[/MENTION]'s the recovery going?
                          [MENTION=9170]byebyebridgetjones[/MENTION] you think its a man thing? Mr JC tends to let things go whereas I can still churn things over from 30 years ago.

                          Sun is shining.....22C......the biggest decision today is between sweet & sour or curry for tea and might get an hour reading my book in the garden.
                          It could be worse, I could be filing.
                          AF since 7/7/2009


                            Re: July Army Thread 2019

                            Morning jax yes mr s watched it all day yesterday. Hardly saw him !

                            Was quite sore in the night but better sitting on ice packs. I have 3 and mr s alternates them in the frezer so always one available. He is planning on going back to work Wednesday so a bit nervous about that. Still mainly in bed but will get up later for a trundle up the road.

                            Defo a man thing letting go.


                              Re: July Army Thread 2019

                              Dull and cold here but tomorrow promises a lovely day


                                Re: July Army Thread 2019

                                Originally posted by IamMary View Post

                                Hows that manifesting itself so, not letting go? Have you and the boy talked much about it? Are either of you talking to anyone about it?
                                No we haven't so far but I especially want him to. What a vile experience.

                                Originally posted by IamMary View Post
                                BRIDGE, you have lost SO MUCH weight!!!! Well done missus.
                                .....And still a long way to go.....

                                Originally posted by JackieClaire View Post
                       you think its a man thing? Mr JC tends to let things go whereas I can still churn things over from 30 years ago.
                                Not sure about a man thing but definitely a young person thing. Being a very cranky middle aged one, I think a little differently.

                                Cricket. God
                                If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                                Rejoined life 20/5/19

