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One Step at a Time - July 2019
Re: One Step at a Time - July 2019
[MENTION=19302]Lizann[/MENTION] - I am so sorry about your crummy day. It sounds like just one thing after another. I hope that tomorrow is a much better day. How long was Erin sick with Logan? Is it possible she'll be feeling any better by then? I hope that Erin can just talk to hubby and explain how sick she is feeling. He must realize that.
I think it's wonderful that your kids are all so close. Do you think CJ & Joe will ever move back?
What a drag that your coworker acted like that with you. It makes it so uncomfortable and awkward. Is she like that often?
How is everyone else doing today?"Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
AF - 7-27-15
Re: One Step at a Time - July 2019
Hi all,..not much here..saw a snake with its head in a hole out at the mounds. I shot a vid. I think it may have been eating eggs, not sure...dd1 came over yest and stayed a short while. Not sure if she will be staying with me or not for the 2 weeks as the whole apt. situation has changed..pretty sure I am going to end up with a lot of the kids stuff to store though, as both are moving into smaller places. I know at least I will end up with dd2s drum set, lucky I have plenty of room....Pauly, the kitten will be fun. Midnight is a good name...Nora, hope your mom gets some clear days....Rusty, I like Kansas, we used to go when I was a kid as my dad had family there....Liz, sorry you had such an emotional day. My dads death date was the 7th. Good your kids get along so well, mine used to but dd1 has done a couple of things and dd2 feels she cannot confide in her anymore so...hope you have a great day at the beach and btw, I love cracker barrell!
Re: One Step at a Time - July 2019
[MENTION=2634]bird[/MENTION], glad you enjoy Cracker Barrel as well, it's nice you can store the kids stuff, if you need to. I'm sure you'd enjoy having those drums there? My girls haven't always gotten along either. They are so very different, but the kids all have fun together. We are hoping CJ will come home soon. [MENTION=9757]NoraC[/MENTION], Erin did feel sick with Logan, but this time is definitely worse! I know they will work it out. I remember complaining a lot to my mom too about stuff. I usually didn't share as much of the good stuff and I need to remember that! I don't usually have trouble with my coworker. She is "quirky" but ok. I think we were all a bit frazzled because we were busy. The doctor had been off the week before and everybody needed everything yesterday!
Hubby and I had a lovely day at the beach. I just love to walk on the beach. Seriously one of my favorite things to do. We need to do things like that and Sunday a lot more. Sometimes it's easier to just stay home but we need to get out and do. I need to especially keep busy this next week, for sure!
How was everyone's Tuesday? Nora are there any aftershocks still. Not a clue how long those kinda things last?
Pauly, does Las Vegas get earthquakes? I have not resigned up with WFS. I need to, but I don't know what email or password I used! Sadly that goes for this sight too? I wrote it down somewhere!
Hope everyone is enjoying a great AF Tuesday night
Re: One Step at a Time - July 2019
I have never eaten at Cracker Barrel so I have no opinion.
Bird - do you walk on a path so you can see the snakes before you step on them? I would be so scared they would bite me. So, dd1's boyfriend won't be renting a place with dd2 & bf anymore? So many changes happening now. How are your classes going? Are you still enjoying the video sessions?
Liz - sounds like you had another really fun day. I'm so glad. You needed that. That is one of the hardest things with having Mom here. Hubby and I have no spontaneity anymore. We just need to make more of an effort to plan things instead of talking about it.
Thinking of you - this is a hard time for you all I know. It's just sad and I know you miss him. Come here and talk, we are here for you. :hug:
Pauly - what's going on there? I meant to ask you how Romeo is doing with the stairs at their new place. Have they been able to block him from the stairs?
Rusty - I guess you will be home late tonight. That was a fast trip. You have anything planned since you will be local the rest of the week?
Glassie - anxious to hear how everything is going with the new little one. :heartbeat:
Not much happening around here. Hard to believe that it's already July! Time is flying by."Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
AF - 7-27-15
Re: One Step at a Time - July 2019
Morning friends,Nora the boys are just fine thank goodnessLiz,we have two cracker barrells here and they're both super busy all the time,I mean line out the door busy! When we went none of us were impressed with the food it seemed processed or something but I did pick out some cute cloth infant cowboy boots from the giftshop for Romeo cuz Kell was pregnant with him at the time,I'll probably keep them forever just cuz they're cute as heck
I dunno what is with the wfs website,they just made me completely reregister cuz they had none of my previous info at all,still seems like they're working on it so I wouldn't be in any rush if I were you,wait til they get it all up and running,Bird,how's the classes going? Rusty hope you're fab
much love to all and wishes for a happy and healthy AF Wednesday!!
I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
Re: One Step at a Time - July 2019
Hi all....happy wednesday!..so I was in the pool and meow meow got in the hammock, it was so funny looking! Worked in the yard today, the vines and crap are getting up into the yard, the woods here is like a jungle and grows so fast in summer. Found some sort of fruit tree behind the shop, looks like little plums, not sure. Tastes awful though...Nora, I do stay on a path, I am afraid of snakes. So the thing with the apartment is kinda complicated. Dd2 , her bf and dd1s bf were gonna take over the apt of dd2s bfs sister, but the sister can't move out untill end of aug. and they all have to move end of july, so that is where the mess up happened of dd1s bf would not have his room available and they would stay with me for a couple weeks, if you can make any sense out of that hahahahhaa. So they decided to just get a different apt...my classes are going well, I do like the video, wish they would get it on wfs and here. I do think I had to start a new thing on wfs, I just used my same handle...Nora, hope you and hubs can find some fun things to do, I know it is hard to get away.....Liz, I love the beach too, don't know why I haven't been this summer...Paulie, I have some stuff my kids wore as babies, I just can't get rid of them....waves to Rusty and Glassie...
Re: One Step at a Time - July 2019
[MENTION=9757]NoraC[/MENTION], I know it is hard for you and hubby to be spontaneous with your mom :hug: It's not something we're really good at either. [MENTION=2634]bird[/MENTION], sounds like you've got a lot to keep you busy in your backyard. Is the pool at least refreshing? That whole apartment thing sounds confusing. Good they have a back up plan. [MENTION=6149]Paul[/MENTION]y, those cowboy boots sound so cute. I enjoy their gift shop too. Great marketing strategy, if you ask me! We just bought some old fashioned candy!
CJ booked her flight! She is coming home Aug 9th and staying until I think the 15th. She is looking into booking a flight for her and Joe for the weddings in October. I'm pretty excited! My coworker Ali and I a bit of a falling out today, so CjS good news came at a perfect time. I was checking a patient in and the patient apologized for being a little late. Ali, under her breath but loud enough for the patient to here, goes and I quote. "a LITTLE late, pfffff". I was a little taken aback and just said to the patient, your fine. Later after patients were gone, I mentioned it to her. "You know, I think, the patient heard u say that." Well, she went freaking off on me! I should pull her to the side and say that to her in private not "where everybody and their uncle could over hear". People don't need to hear that, she said to me. Say what? My office manager was there and said, nobodies here, what r u talking about. Whatever I let it go. She kept bringing it up the rest of the day. I finally said to her after getting reamed out for the third time Ali, I'm done with this. I think she was upset I brought it up in front of our office manager. I don't think she even realized she said it out loud, but how unprofessional can u be? [MENTION=1214]Rusty[/MENTION], I hope you're ok and not in Kansas anymore. I hear they had some severe weather there the past few days!
Glassie, how's the newest addition and HRH adjusting?
Hope you all have a great AF night!
Re: One Step at a Time - July 2019
Hi All!
At work and working with a lovely new client close to home! :-) The Operations Mgr. here is a lovely 62-year-old woman....absolutely delightful. She told me she quit drinking full stop on her own 7 years ago, due to it turning her into someone she did not want to be. She said she looked in the mirror one day and said, "I'm done." She has found happiness in being AF.
[MENTION=19302]Lizann[/MENTION]-your coworker was completely out of line with that patient. I hope she doesn't continue to be a thorn in your side. How exciting that CJ is coming home!
[MENTION=9757]NoraC[/MENTION]-I don't know how you and hubs take care of your mom with so very little respite. Could C and J bring the baby over and stay with your mom for a bit so you and hubs can have a break?
[MENTION=17650]paulywogg[/MENTION], Pauly-how is Midnight getting along?
[MENTION=8902]Glass Half Empty[/MENTION], future Dr. Glassie-how is your grandson? Are you in love all over again?
Oops, here comes my client. Back tomorrow. I am at home! Yay...walk on the lake path and then a dip in the lake. BLISS!
Re: One Step at a Time - July 2019
[MENTION=1214]Rusty[/MENTION], I love how you refer to something you enjoy as "bliss". It's such a great word. It makes me feel like I'm right there with you cooling off in the lovely lake in the evening. You make it sound fabulous with one word! [MENTION=9757]NoraC[/MENTION], how is your four day week working for you? Have you been feeling any better? Is the medication helping yet, has it even been long enough? [MENTION=17650]paulywogg[/MENTION] I will heed your advice and resign up with WFS when the kinks are smoothed out. I was going to go to a f2f meeting tonight, but we are having some severe weather and flash flood warnings. I decided I'd better just stay put! [MENTION=2634]bird[/MENTION] what were you up to today? I'm still a few weeks away from ripe tomatoes. Hopefully we don't have as many as last year. Did eat our first cucumber though. I am going to infuse water with my cucumber.
Had Logan today. Erin had to get a bunch of tests. They do all this stuff now when ur pregnant. I had one blood test back in the day, maybe two, that was it, not even an ultrasound, with Erin anyway. He refuses to sleep in the crib and goes to hurl himself over the side. Of course, it's impossible to leave him like that. We do have a bed with a rail in the room so we tried that. He did keep trying to get up but eventually he fell asleep! Erin and I took him to Ikea this evening to find a toddler bed. We had a blast! She'll go back with Dan and get one.
Hope everyone had a great AF day!
Re: One Step at a Time - July 2019
Quiet here tonight! How was everyone's Friday? Hope everything's ok with everyone. Home alone tonight. Hubby went to the neighbors house to drink and marks out with friends, Feeling a little lonely, actually. Managed to keep myself busy until now. Bunch of weddings and bridal showers coming up, so I've been through a lot of bridal registrys and made some purchases. It's so easy these days, it's all online.
Supposed to be a nice weekend so I look forward to spending some time in the pool tomorrow.. There's an evening concert in the park by my moms house. Hubby expressed some interest but we shall see. OH, on the bright side my quirky coworker was very congenial today and kind of joked about learning to not think out loud. So that's good.
Off to read a bit. Wishing you all a lovely evening!
Re: One Step at a Time - July 2019
Good Morning, Friends!
[MENTION=19302]Lizann[/MENTION],:hug: sometimes I get lonely, too. Good for you for distracting yourself with wedding and bridal shower Gifts. Sounds like you have a fun weekend planned. I leave for MN tomorrow so I will try to get some pool and lake swimming in before I leave.
[MENTION=2634]bird[/MENTION]=Haha....the apartment situation was confusing but it made me laugh as I had to re-read it a couple of times. You and both your daughters are always on the go...I can barely keep up. Hahah!
[MENTION=9757]NoraC[/MENTION]-How is your pain level? Is Savannah doing well?
[MENTION=17650]paulywogg[/MENTION]-adorable picture of you, Kell and the boys on FB! You looked so happy!
[MENTION=8902]Glass Half Empty[/MENTION]-I hope you are feeling well and enjoying your grandchildren.
Keep your fingers crossed for me today...we will be trying to get my mom safely on my brother's boat...walker and all. Geez, I am a bit nervous. This is a first for us! the weather looks like it will be lovely and I am hoping we all have a good time. My sister-in-law will be with us...I hope she is on her best behavior.
I am off to start my day.
Happy AF Saturday, All!
Re: One Step at a Time - July 2019
Hi all...well I am halfway through sobriety school and so glad I did it! I really need the structure. So have been thinking about my dad a lot, he has been gone for 49 years. I was looking at a website and found a post from the son of one of my dads friends. In the post he said he remembered his parents telling stories of my dad. I was able to send a message, and I hope he gets it as the post was 5 years old. I would love to hear those stories....so there is a shower out by the pool, really just a shower head hooked to a hose, but I was thinking I could build a little enclosure around it with a little bench. There is plenty of scrap wood the previous owners left, it might be a fun project....Nora, how is little Savannah doing? I was thinking about her when the sports news came on, the baseball teams were the Macon Bacon vs. Savannah Bananas....Liz, that is very exciting about CJ coming next month! Good you got some cukes, mine didn't do well. Glad you got the toddler bed. My kids slept with me for years.....Rusty, that lake swimming is wonderful. Did you get your mom on the boat?....Paulie, how is your weekend going?...