Hi all...there has not been much new here. It has been very nice weather, the humidity is way down. Still working on the painting outside. Taking dd2 hiking Monday, we are staying the night, dd1 staying with the cats. Little boy next door came over and we played ball for awhile. 2 more weeks of sobriety school, then I will have 1 year of aftercare. It was $77 so figured I would take it. The magnolia tree is blooming and the flowers are full of bumble bees......Liz, good you got to go to a meet. Hope things are going well with Tessa, she looks so sweet....Nora, sorry your mom is having a bad day, good she got to sleep....Rusty, good you get time with your mom too.....waves to everyone else
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One Step at a Time - July 2019
Re: One Step at a Time - July 2019
Hi all...there has not been much new here. It has been very nice weather, the humidity is way down. Still working on the painting outside. Taking dd2 hiking Monday, we are staying the night, dd1 staying with the cats. Little boy next door came over and we played ball for awhile. 2 more weeks of sobriety school, then I will have 1 year of aftercare. It was $77 so figured I would take it. The magnolia tree is blooming and the flowers are full of bumble bees......Liz, good you got to go to a meet. Hope things are going well with Tessa, she looks so sweet....Nora, sorry your mom is having a bad day, good she got to sleep....Rusty, good you get time with your mom too.....waves to everyone else
Re: One Step at a Time - July 2019
Congratulations [MENTION=9757]NoraC[/MENTION]! I aspire to be like you! That is amazing. Sorry mom isn't feeling well, but such a sweet picture you posted! Do you find she is sleeping more and more? I hope today is a better day! [MENTION=2634]bird[/MENTION], your hiking trip sounds like a nice break. Your property is so lovely, I'm sure that tree is gorgeous! The humidity has been lower here too and I am enjoying it! How are you like hip sobriety school. Do you think it is helpful? [MENTION=17650]paulywogg[/MENTION] I hope your day at work yesterday wasn't too bad. Does it get busy? [MENTION=1214]Rusty[/MENTION], how's your weekend going?
I am watching a special on Princess Diana, still riveting. Tessa had such a good day yesterday! Not one accident! My ts brought her dog over and Tessa was running and playing. She had a blast. She is definitely adjusting and letting her guard down and personality is peeking through.
Of course, this morning, she had a little oops in the hallway! Two steps forward. One step back, Erin and Logan are coming to church today and here for lunch. We will go to some more open houses with Mark. What's everyone else up to?Last edited by Lizann; July 28, 2019, 07:41 AM.
Re: One Step at a Time - July 2019
Happy Sunday all,Liz,that's why I want another dog but I don't want another dog cuz of the training! I see the rescues at the pound and I would love to take in an older dog but I'm worried Winslow will act weirder than he already doesNora, congrats again on your 4 years,that really did go by fast! sorry your mom wasn't having a very good day yesterday
Rusty,I'm sure you're busy busy,you're always busy! Bird,what's up for today? Out exploring? The A/C was out at work again yesterday,it didn't feel too incredibly hot but I had a hard time breathing cuz my allergies and poor Kell got a bloody nose! I honestly don't think I'm gonna pay my booth rent for that day,owner will bitch but oh well! Off to hit breakfast in a bit,Lb is in town so we'll see if we can get her to tag along this early morning,much love and wishes for a happy AF Sunday!
I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
Re: One Step at a Time - July 2019
[MENTION=17650]paulywogg[/MENTION], the airs out again at work? Yeah, I don't think I'd pay either. Yes training is hard! Tessa had some set backs today. We left her alone for a few hours. Mark actually mentioned getting another dog to keep Tessa company! Yeah, NO! Mark found a town house he loves. I'm actually kinda sad. He will put in an offer. It's a long way from a done deal, I know. It's about 20 minutes away and now there's Tessa to consider. We shall see. [MENTION=1214]Rusty[/MENTION], you live in a town house community don't you?
Nora and Bird, how was your day?
Re: One Step at a Time - July 2019
Happy Sunday.
[MENTION=17632]Mr Vervill[/MENTION] - so great to see you. Big congratulations to you for all of your AF time. Still riding your bike?
Liz - hope that Mark is happy and things work out for him. Still hard for the Mama though, isn't it?Hang in there. You are doing great at working thru your cravings and getting the support you need. That's really important when we are going thru harder times. At least for me, that is when I have a tendency to pull away.
I really don't envy you training Tessa right now. It's been so long for us, I'd have to take a training class just so I would know what to do. LOL
Pauly - that's awful about no air conditioning again. Did you get LB to go to breakfast with you? Hubby made waffles so I was happy. Ha, ha
Bird - enjoy your hike tomorrow. How fun that you do that together with your daughter. How's dd1 doing lately?
Rusty - I hope that you & your Mom had a lovely time together yesterday. So special and I'm glad that you have that. Where are you off to this week?
[MENTION=8902]Glass Half Empty[/MENTION] - you are missed. What is the latest on the medical front? How are you feeling? How are your beautiful grandchildren?
[MENTION=11089]techie[/MENTION] - you are missed too! How are you feeling? How are the treatments going?
Mom's house is ready to be rented now. My brother will be heading back down this way in about a week. He's been really depressed. Dealing with all of the last of the emptying of the house. Made it all real.
I didn't get anything done this weekend. What else is new. LOL I did get a lot of reading done and I'm fine with that."Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
AF - 7-27-15
Re: One Step at a Time - July 2019
Hi all, I'm about to head out but wanted to say hi before I leave, will send pics. Paulie, that sucks about the air....Nora, glad the house is ready to be rented, I can see it as sad though too...Liz, glad Mark found a place nearby. I love living near my kids...hi Rusty and Glassie
Re: One Step at a Time - July 2019
Safe travels BirdNora yeah I got Lb to tag along but then she came back and went to bed again haha, wishes for a happy and healthy AF Monday for us all!
I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
Re: One Step at a Time - July 2019
[MENTION=9757]NoraC[/MENTION], This weekend when I could read but posting was too tough on my phone (I know I'm a big baby - [MENTION=17650]paulywogg[/MENTION] is an EXPERT!) I saw there was a thread for your fourth rebirthday but now I can't find it. Anyway, Big Congratulations!! You are being true to yourself under such trying circumstances. I think of you whenever I start to feel sorry for myself because of my or others' health concerns and model your approach. Thank you for showing us how it is done without a crazy crutch. xx, NS
Re: One Step at a Time - July 2019
Hi guys. Just a really odd day. Logan has a fever and has been vomiting. He was here earlier today and did seem a bit off. His first fever and first vomiting episode. Stressful for mom and dad. She came to me with a ton of questions and wow, I guess I do have a ton of experience with sick kids. Mark got a counter on the offer he put in. I just don't have a good feeling about this one. Call it gut instinct, but momma knows. Tessa was super hyper tonight. Definitely coming out of her shell and a ton of energy. I was home alone with her tonight. We did play fetch outside for awhile. She did finally settle down.
Nora, I'm glad you got some reading done. I didn't touch my book at all. Hopefully I can get to it tonight. How is mom doing today?
BIrd, I'm sure your fast asleep after hiking. What a gorgeous sunset!
Pauly, Rusty and glassie, waves and hope you guys are doing ok. Wishing you all a great AF night.
Re: One Step at a Time - July 2019
Liz - Poor Logan. That is so awful to have a sick little one. I hope Erin doesn't get it. And regarding Mark - this just must not be the one. Your Mama's intuition is on alert.
NS - [MENTION=18725]NoSugar[/MENTION] - thank you. You have no idea how much your friendship and support has meant to me. And, I did laugh when you talked about not typing on your phone. I thought I was the only one. :rotlf:
Bird - hope that you had the best day today. I've been thinking of you.
Pauly - at least you got LB up to tag along even though she went back to bed. LOL How long is she here? Is Brady home?
I was looking on Amazon for a book to download and just wanted something funny. I searched and found a novel under humor & satire. I was crying a little bit ago. It wasn't supposed to be sad!! LOL"Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
AF - 7-27-15
Re: One Step at a Time - July 2019
Morning friends,Nora,look for Laura Levine books,she doesn't write much anymore but I was into her a few years ago,she's so funny and her books are crime solving books with a lot of laughs-just really cute writing and fun to read,I even got Lb into her and she got pissed I donated the rest of the books I had already readLiz,what's wrong with the place? Or do the sellers seem shady? I hope little Logan feels better quick,I freak when they're sick! Bird,looks like you're having a fabulous time
NS, please stop by anytime,we love when you're around,Rusty,hope all is well with you,off for a tad more coffee,much love and wishes for a happy and healthy AF day!
I have too much shit to do today and tomorrow to drink:sohappy:
I'm taking care of the "tomorrow me":thumbsup:
Drinkin won't help a damn thing! Will only make me sick for DAYS and that ugly, spacey dumb feeling-no thanks!
Re: One Step at a Time - July 2019
Morning all. Rushing to get ready for work.
I'll check out that author. Thanks Pauly.
Hope everyone can find a reason to smile today. :welldone:"Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
AF - 7-27-15
Re: One Step at a Time - July 2019
Pauly I will definitely be looking into that author! A coworker of mine gave a few books to read. Not my usual genre, but I did enjoy some of them. A few I returned without reading. It's fun to try new authors though. Nora, sometimes I find crying a pressure reliever. Not necessarily a bad thing, but I get that you wanted something funny. Yes, the seller on that town house is not willing to negotiate at all, yet needs to be out by 10/1. Apparently a few others have put in bids and were declined. I am told it's a buyers market, his loss.
I went to bed bath and beyond today to by hair highlighting stuff for the girls and me and ended up with dishes and pots for Mark. His birthday is in September and I figure he's going to need stuff. I got the pots on clearance, such a good deal. I just love buying that kind of stuff. I told him he needs to start a housewarming registry. I just read about it, the newest trend.
Well Tessa has assumed Lucy's spot on the couch here next to me. What a mush, albeit a big one.
Hope you guys had a good AF Tuesday!