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August Army Thread 2019

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    Re: August Army Thread 2019

    Too many smartpoints in croissant and cheese, mother JC. Wouldn't be able to eat for the next week but thanks anyway. I've left that there for skinnies like you along with a Tasmanian winter apple. Pink Lady. Yum.

    I do the box colour thing too. I started it because I just could not sit still for 4 hours while they buggarised around up there and wasted my weekend. So I put it on and vacuum or do something useful. Then I put the bucks toward plants. When I went in yesterday they looked at my hair aghast and said 'Well Bridge we'll start by putting some colour correcting seaweedrareplantcharcoalmudfruitoil dirt from the red sea serum in to get the BRASINESS out'. Right-O I said. But just a inch off thanks. Right-O she says and takes 3 off. Then I was anoited with things out of funny shaped bottles by the high priestess of salon to 'mend split ends' and 'soften the collagen' and such and charged an arm and a leg for the pleasure. No wonder I only go once a year.

    Spending the day with the niece who is playing in the dogs' water as we speak.
    If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
    Rejoined life 20/5/19


      Re: August Army Thread 2019

      [MENTION=9170]byebyebridgetjones[/MENTION]........I think I've used that hairdresser..........was a while back. The dreaded words 'do you want any products on your hair' seem to ring a bell. I was just a wee naive mother and thought they were free. They saw me coming.
      It was so long ago I had to use a cheque cost so much that I didn't fill the stub in so Mr JC didn't find out I'd more or less spent the mortgage money.:egad:
      I'll pop a yoghurt and some fruit in the fridge for brekkie this morning.

      [MENTION=22411]IamMary[/MENTION].........I hope they knock a few euros off for using your child labour.
      This is an order make sure this month you find time for fact lots of time.

      Honestly, I'll try to get a photo to you all. I've just got to fathom out how.

      Rightio Lidl here I come.
      It could be worse, I could be filing.
      AF since 7/7/2009


        Re: August Army Thread 2019

        Afternoon all. [MENTION=7008]JackieClaire[/MENTION] - exciting times ahead inkele: I'd say you will look amazing. I've discovered at the last 2 weddings that a well made hat makes an outfit ....
        I was at a wedding yesterday in a dress from M&S sale - but the hat was hired from a proper milner - the whole thing just worked & I got LOADS of compliments.

        You can PM us with the photos...


          Re: August Army Thread 2019

          Your right there Satz, a simple dress and a statement hat, which can also be simple. I borrowed a really fancy fascinator for a wedding a few years ago and I felt like royalty!

          I bet you were a 'ride' (dublin slang for a hot chick) coming out of there [MENTION=9170]byebyebridgetjones[/MENTION], seaweedrareplantcharcoalmudfruitoil does that.

          Def going to slow down this month [MENTION=7008]JackieClaire[/MENTION]. One of the kittens broke its leg today (we think), he jumped out of the window upstairs (2nd time this week). Hes nuts. His brother wouldnt dream of that. Waiting for the Vet to pop over. No idea how this will pan out now with out trip the day after tomorrow.
          AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


            Re: August Army Thread 2019

            Jesus -Mers - kamikaze cat :haha:
            Are you sure he fell and wasn't pushed >>>>>


              Re: August Army Thread 2019

              Shhhhhhhhhhh just me, Bess, a box of hair dye today and a practice wearing high heels. Phone on silent.
              Still laughing at the kamikaze cat. Truly hope the wee thing is okay though.
              This is where my precious hat came from...........Karen Reid Designs - Home
              Bess will be staying with my cousin during the festivities. Well, one of the kids. £20 goes a long way when you're 15.
              So I think that's my last tick on my to-do list apart from turning up and doing what I'm told to do.

              Fabulous thunderstorm last night. Just stood at the back door and let it roll.
              It could be worse, I could be filing.
              AF since 7/7/2009


                Re: August Army Thread 2019

                Morning everyone. Got back from holiday last night. Fab time but need a good rest. Dolomites’s are fabulous, up every morning at 7 and hiked about 17/18km per day. No way could I have dreamed of doing that type of holiday in my drinking days. That’s two of them I have completed so far.

                Hope everyone is well. Need to have a read back to catch up. Off again tomorrow, heading west to pick up the doggies.


                  Re: August Army Thread 2019

                  Originally posted by satz123 View Post
                  Jesus -Mers - kamikaze cat :haha:
                  Are you sure he fell and wasn't pushed >>>>>
                  Kamikaze smashed his hip, the fecker. Lots of drama.:battered:
                  Hes staying with our lovely vet while we are away. Cant really leave the other fella on his own now.

                  Originally posted by JackieClaire View Post
                  Karen Reid Designs - Home
                  Bess will be staying with my cousin during the festivities. Well, one of the kids. £20 goes a long way when you're 15.
                  Wow, amazing fascinators.. You are all set now JC, weather looking ok??

                  Originally posted by rustop59 View Post
                  Morning everyone. Got back from holiday last night. Fab time but need a good rest. Dolomites’s are fabulous, up every morning at 7 and hiked about 17/18km per day. No way could I have dreamed of doing that type of holiday in my drinking days. That’s two of them I have completed so far.
                  Welcome back Rustop, any highs, other thank the obvious

                  Off tomorrow down the shannon, will try to check in from my phone.

                  AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


                    Re: August Army Thread 2019

                    Very late check-in

                    [MENTION=15758]rustop59[/MENTION].....welcome home...........
                    [MENTION=22411]IamMary[/MENTION]..........Bon Voyage. Poor little kitty.

                    Watching the weather peeping through my fingers. Let's just say its changeable.:cuss:

                    Nighty night and morning to Bridgeeeeeeeeeee.
                    It could be worse, I could be filing.
                    AF since 7/7/2009


                      Re: August Army Thread 2019

                      Jeez, hope kamikaze is OK. Good grief! Enjoy your time on the river, Mary.
                      Thanks for the low smart pint fruit and yoghurt JC! Got to say I have never practiced shoes before.
                      Welcome back [MENTION=22365]rus[/MENTION]top ! That sounds amazing and you must feel so fresh!

                      I have a wedding to go to next month for a cousin's boy. I have already RSVPd 'yes' Cousin is a huge drinker and past drinking mate who has heard that I was back on the sauce for a while. I know she will be doing some early planning for the big grog binge that will be her son's wedding. I won't be drinking, but I am really struggling to build enthusiasm for the event. It will involve a week of work - a precious week of holidays - and a week of 'Come on, just drink this once' Seriously, is it worth it? It's really poor form to bunk out now, especially for a wedding but I'll be staying with her and it's just going to be a trial.
                      Anyway, just thinking out loud for now, but lack of planning has gotten me into trouble in the past so I will have to have this one down pat.
                      If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                      Rejoined life 20/5/19


                        Re: August Army Thread 2019

                        Questions first
                        How close are you to your cousin?
                        Could you tell her the truth and nothing but the truth?
                        Would you be missed if you didn't go?
                        Is there a safe place to escape to?

                        My first sortee into the great wedding piss-up was when I was just 12 weeks in. One of those castles over the top things in the middle of nowhere. I told them I was on a new anti-depressant and drinking was forbidden by order of GP. Did get a load of surely one won't hurt and so I bored them silly about metal health and drinking..........they glazed over and left me alone.
                        Luckily I was home by midnight. Living in the UK means you're only 12 hours from home wherever you are.

                        Its not too late to send apologies for not going. A week is a lot of time out of your holiday when you could be doing much better things like staring at a wall, collecting naval fluff, re-grouting the know all those little jobs that get missed.
                        It could be worse, I could be filing.
                        AF since 7/7/2009


                          Re: August Army Thread 2019

                          Questions first
                          How close are you to your cousin? Close
                          Could you tell her the truth and nothing but the truth? She wouldn't care. As with most people in the thick of their addiction, all we want is a drinking buddy.
                          Would you be missed if you didn't go? Maybe?
                          Is there a safe place to escape to? No.

                          The temptation to just 'get out of it' is enormous. A whole week of pottering and doing all my favourite things. How superb would that be? I could spend the outfit and transport money on plants and homewares. Also, I really really hate weddings. Her poor son is panicking that she will get pissed and ruin the wedding and has already told her so. And she will. I don't want to be there for that.
                          Anyway, I'll work it out and probably will find an excuse not to go tbh.

                          If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                          Rejoined life 20/5/19


                            Re: August Army Thread 2019

                            Originally posted by byebyebridgetjones View Post
                            Anyway, I'll work it out and probably will find an excuse not to go tbh.

                            Yep, something like 'the boy needs me around as he's going through a phase'.......?

                            Hello all. Wishing yiz a safe sober and magical week.

                            'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                            Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                              Re: August Army Thread 2019

                              Morning and evening to Bridgeeeeee and G-string.
                              [MENTION=9170]byebyebridgetjones[/MENTION]...........rock and a hard place come to mind.
                              My thoughts and mine can't stop her drinking. She's still in the madness. You could manacle her to a table, tape her mouth shut and she'd still get the top of a bottle and drink it.
                              Its early days in your sobriety. We lied like a politician on voting day when were drinking so a few little white lies now can be forgiven.
                              Your lovely son needs you about with normality just now. He's trucking along nicely at the moment but needs you within arms reach.
                              A wee note to say you'd throb to see them later in the year without promising a date and no explanation.
                              It could be worse, I could be filing.
                              AF since 7/7/2009


                                Re: August Army Thread 2019

                                Bridge I have to agree with Jackser.
                                Make an excuse & do not go.
                                She sounds like my SIL - her kids always have to warn her and it's embarrassing.
                                Being evil I enjoy watching her & knowing it's not me any more - but that's just me.

                                Don't waste your 'me' time & money on something you will hate - WHY would you do that ?
                                That is partly what has kept us drinking & relapsing - not being able to sy 'no'.

                                And she doesn't care really about you Bridge that you are trying to stay sober - so why do you care that she may miss you for maybe 2 hours ?

