Look at the look on Violet's face up there. My childhood dog was a golden labrador who once stole an entire salami from a delivery truck parked in our street and bolted off down the road barely able to balance it between her chops. Mum gave chase for a while then gave up, ran inside and slammed the door shut rather than face the angry providore.
My Golden retriever has eaten an entire basket of Easter eggs with the foil still on them. Nobody realised until I saw several piles glittering in the sunshine on the lawn 2 days later. Not long after I cooked cupcakes from scratch for the school fete then fell asleep (passed out) When I woke up she had jumped up and eaten a perfect arc into the 50 cupcakes on the kitchen counter, wrapping and all. I almost cried because I had to get up with a hangover and cook again at 6am in time for school.
Not sure where the last couple of days went? I vaguely remember the exhaltation my tax refund coming into my account after which time is just a blur of homewares shops.
Also, Tony I am just over three months in now and still get leg cramps. Wonder if it's related to booze, age, gender, genetics? Not sure.