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August Army Thread 2019

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    Re: August Army Thread 2019

    The Great Bank Holiday Battle of the lawnmowers is going on out came inside. When they've finished being manly we're off to the Mela. The draw of deep fried mini doughnuts are calling and a good curry normally settles all my tummy woes.
    [MENTION=23019]tonyniceday[/MENTION] first few weeks I was on such a high I didn't sleep more than 4 hours.........poor Mr JC would wake up to a full English (the one with black pudding) at 6am shoved under his nose.
    Came off the pink cloud at around 30/31 days and felt as miserable as sin. One to watch out for.
    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      Re: August Army Thread 2019

      Originally posted by stirly-girly View Post
      Hello Army!!

      Thought it about time I checked back in and to my surprise, saw the above posts! None guiltier that I for not being a regular poster. I'm not going to apologize for not being around - just a series of things - personal and professional that have me stressed to the limit over the past while and simply not my usual self.
      Yes I'm one of the guilty missing in action types too. I'm certainly grateful that MWO was here to come back to and I'm very grateful for the time you can make to come back when you do. How is the son's bother going? I'm sure it feels endless. The happiest of birthdays anyway. Let's hope the next year looks more like what you want it to.

      There's only so much you can do during the hours you spend outside your darkened room, Satz, without making you want to go live in there permanently (which sounds v attractive to me) Is that boy of yours still looking OK?

      Cottage by the sea sounds perfect Starty. Hip still getting better?

      Well done Tony, and good for you being so proactive.
      Never seen PB but it's on Netflix so might give it a look in.

      Congrats, Mary!

      Off to the shower for tomorrow a mammogram beckons....
      Last edited by byebyebridgetjones; August 26, 2019, 07:08 AM.
      If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
      Rejoined life 20/5/19


        Re: August Army Thread 2019

        Well that's me brought down to earth with an almighty bang...

        Went to the Doctors and she TOLD ME OFF for stopping drinking!!!!! She said it was not acceptable to do it without medical supervision up front. She went on to tell me that the practice (which, as I moved is a different one to before) doesnot prescribe any medication in connection with alcohol recovery .

        She was really quite cross with me . She has referred me to the "Integrated Alcohol Dependency Service" and said I should hear from them in around 3 weeks ...THREE WEEKS!

        So absolutely no medical assistance whatsoever.

        I went to the supermarket after and walked up and down the booze aisles, but decided I'm better than that. ...I'm going to a Smart Recovery meeting tomorrow so I'll ask someone for some advice. I'm also going to repeat this post in the nest ... I'm going to need all the help Ican get in the coming days.

        God, I feel deflated
        Last edited by tonyniceday; August 26, 2019, 11:48 AM.


          Re: August Army Thread 2019

          Repear post deleted
          Last edited by tonyniceday; August 26, 2019, 11:45 AM.


            Re: August Army Thread 2019

            Just a quick fly-by from me! - [MENTION=23019]tonyniceday[/MENTION] - they want you to be medically supervised because they are afraid of you having withdrawal symptoms that can range from dizziness to cardiac arrest and everything in between. Not trying to scare you. I don't know how much you consumed and if it was evening drinking as I did or all day as a lot of people did but the sudden lack of alcohol in your system can make it go wacko. However, and I say this with caution - if you are off AL for 3 or 4 days now or more, the chances of you having bad withdrawals are, IMVVVHO, not likely now. So stick with what you're doing and just be aware of any reaction your body has that could be considered a withdrawal symptom and act accordingly. If it seems like it's a passing thing - get through it however you can. If it seems to be getting more severe - get yourself to a hospital ASAP. But I really think after these days of being AF that you are over the possibility of any severe withdrawal reaction from your body.
            For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
            AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


              Re: August Army Thread 2019

              [MENTION=23019]tonyniceday[/MENTION]............that makes me sooooooooooo angry.
              Truth be told.......... student doctors get little education on Drugs and alcohol. I had to teach my GP. I was very, very lucky. Back then I thought there was only AA so went to a meeting (this would be 15/16 years ago) the ciggie break got talking to a lad who had just come out of a de-tox clinic. I didn't have a clue about withdrawal and that it could kill. Anyhoo armed with this info I got my doctor to refer me.............ended up with me going in daily (it was 9/10 days) to a place in town to do a supervised de-tox/counselling.
              It did take a few weeks to get an appointment.
              I did it four times. I was on first-name terms with most of the staff including the lunch people.
              Sadly none of them made me get long term sobriety.
              I still do the odd AA meeting but it was my last detox start 7/7/2009 with a new doctor who had read about MWO and got me to use it. I'd signed up in Sept 2008 never used it, obviously drunk but for some reason remembered my password. I made my first post off my gourd fulll of valium.
              I have to say that first GP stuck by me through thick and thin, two pregnancies and I remember about 5/6 years sober her hugging me and telling me honestly that she thought I would die and then hugged me. She's retired now and I miss her.
              You're out of the woods. I'm thinking there'll be a D&A person faciliating the SMART meeting. Have a word in their ear-hole.
              It could be worse, I could be filing.
              AF since 7/7/2009


                Re: August Army Thread 2019

                [MENTION=7008]JackieClaire[/MENTION] I rang ADA earlier to ask if I needed to register for Smart before tomorrow (no) but the lady I spoke to said that it was good she answered the phone because she is the Facilitator tomorrow and said to make sure I introduced myself to I already have an "in" there


                  Re: August Army Thread 2019

                  Thanks for the roundy cake [MENTION=7008]JackieClaire[/MENTION] Its delicious!
                  Only a flying post tonight. Reading back now.. xx
                  AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


                    Re: August Army Thread 2019

                    Originally posted by tonyniceday View Post
                    Well that's me brought down to earth with an almighty bang...

                    Went to the Doctors and she TOLD ME OFF for stopping drinking!!!!! She said it was not acceptable to do it without medical supervision up front. She went on to tell me that the practice (which, as I moved is a different one to before) doesnot prescribe any medication in connection with alcohol recovery .

                    She was really quite cross with me . She has referred me to the "Integrated Alcohol Dependency Service" and said I should hear from them in around 3 weeks ...THREE WEEKS!

                    So absolutely no medical assistance whatsoever.

                    I went to the supermarket after and walked up and down the booze aisles, but decided I'm better than that. ...I'm going to a Smart Recovery meeting tomorrow so I'll ask someone for some advice. I'm also going to repeat this post in the nest ... I'm going to need all the help Ican get in the coming days.

                    God, I feel deflated
                    Yes you are better than that, so good decision. Don't let somebody else's ignorance derail you.
                    So her practice does not deal with alcoholism eh? They must not have alcoholics in that part of the world, is that the theory? I think they might be in for a shock and I don't even know where you are.
                    It's about time GPs got their heads out of their arses and realised that this problem is an epidemic. Just because they're not an alcoholic themselves (and many of their patients are but will never tell the truth about it) doesn't mean it's not a major health issue.
                    This kind of judgement is exactly why people don't seek help. It takes a lot of guts to tell someone else about this. Why would you make yourself vulnerable only to be treated like that?
                    And why is it an international problem? Is there anywhere that gets it right?
                    Furious for you, Tony.
                    If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                    Rejoined life 20/5/19


                      Re: August Army Thread 2019

                      [MENTION=9170]byebyebridgetjones[/MENTION]........ I caught you before your mammograb. May it be quick but thorough.
                      It could be worse, I could be filing.
                      AF since 7/7/2009


                        Re: August Army Thread 2019

                        Morning all
                        I am sorry that you got that response from your gp tony. It is disgusting thst they couldnt even offer you some detox support. And even worse to treat someone like a child by telling them off! Attitude stinks and very scary to think that we cannot get help when needed from the medical profession.

                        Mary many congratulations for your 1500 days! Amazing girl.

                        Good luck on your mammo bridge. A necessary evil

                        My hip is amazing. I am walking 6-7 miles a day with zero pain. It is so wonderful not to have to physically lift my leg when getting in or out of the car anymore and to be able to put my own shoes on now. I stll have to be careful and not yet seen surgeon since op but by all accouts recovery is going brilliantly. Loving my new hardware :welldone:


                          Re: August Army Thread 2019

                          Good morning.. terrible treatment for people in a vulnerable position Tony..fantastic that you powered through that nonsense and it should not happen.
                          So glad the new hip is a success Starty - best thing ever!!!
                          Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                          contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                            Re: August Army Thread 2019

                            [MENTION=22456]starty[/MENTION]....delighted for you. It changed Mr JC's life and Bess's. He can walk for miles now with no pain.
                            [MENTION=23019]tonyniceday[/MENTION]..........its great that you've got a solid plan going on. There's no point in sitting on your hands waiting for sobriety to drop into your lap.

                            Didn't last long at the Mela yesterday. Words rarely heard in the UK on a bank was just too hot. :egad:
                            Ended coming home and getting a curry delivered.
                            It could be worse, I could be filing.
                            AF since 7/7/2009


                              Re: August Army Thread 2019

                              Afternoon Army.
                              Lost a post yesterday .... FFS.

                              Anyway the gist was this Thread is great ......... and anyone who says otherwise gets :fist:

                              Anyway : dunno how we lived without Rosie up to now..... she has brought so much love & kindness to this home She's hard work like a baby - toddler now - but we love her to bits. MrS is like a new man....
                              'Just a Dog' - Professor Noel Fitzpatrick


                                Re: August Army Thread 2019

                                Afternoon everyone. Great to see so many checking in. Want to start off congratulating our Mary on roundy numbers. Well well done. Delighted the hip is so good Starty, hope you are enjoying your time at the seaside. Glad too that you are feeling better JC. Loved the expression mammograb. .Bet you are glad to have it over Bridget. Must be the season, I’m going for mine next week.

                                So sorry you experienced that attitude Tony, the other ladies have given you some good advice. One day at a time. Loved, loved, loved that poem Satz. Would not be without my doggies for the world. Off to get my eyebrows done after work. Catch up later. Typing this on phone so excuse autocorrect etc.

