I was worried about them, but not worried enough to stop drinking. Not for a long time. Much better to obsessively comb Google hoping to dispel all of my (well-placed) fears. To this day I have still not confessed to the medical establishment, especially since I have worked within it. How amusing that might have been for some of my colleagues!
Anyway, digressing as usual.
As a part of my Emergency Craving Pack TM I thought I might make a list of the physical signs and symptoms that should have scared me off abusing the bevvies, but didn’t.
Enjoy the smorgasbord!
- Pain/pressure upper right abdominal quadrant (liver enlargement ya think? Nah!)
- Easy bruising and slow bruise resolution
- Dry, itchy skin
- Rash in corner of mouth (presumably related to nutrient deficiency)
- Blood blisters in mouth
- Distended/bloated abdomen
- Constant nausea and dehydration
- Gastro-intestinal tract…erm….issues….
- Exhaustion
- Sleep disturbance
- Lack of concentration
- Weight gain
- Emotional lability
Who says alcoholism is not attractive?
I still admit to a morbid curiosity about this, and if you do too, please add your own litany of attractive physical signs below!
Hopefully we will capture some new members and lurkers who think there is not much to worry about – and couldn’t be more mistaken.