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September Army Thread

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    Re: September Army Thread

    Morning Minnys, not at all Satz, you are dead right. I know its the devil you know, but have made inquiries else where? With your background, you have a lot of other sell-able skills. And maybe theres one out there that still have the residents at the heart of their business model.
    Bridge, have you asked about alternative working hours, 4 days, work from home? In lala land, satz could take your extra hours :haha:

    Im lying in bed having a little day dream about all the jobs I 'need' (aka a [MENTION=7008]JackieClaire[/MENTION] makeover). Painting, Tree felling, Window cleaning, replace all the windows, half the doors, the entire kitchen... The 'honey do' list as mr M calls it.

    Sounds fantastic over there Molly!

    Sun is shining, the wind is blowing in the window and theres not a hangover in sight. 1 more cup of tea before I get my arse in gear...
    AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


      Re: September Army Thread

      Crikey benjy that does sound bizarre...where I work they don't want part-timers at all and anyone who has clung onto less hours if they ask to go full-time they are taken back with open arms...they really should be delighted!..
      I'm in Turkey - the hotel is built over the sea so just roll off into deep deep water - it's truly heavenly ...all the advantages of Italy or greece etc at quarter the cost..

      I've forgotten to press the last button for lottery..cudda lost over 120 mill last week thankfully our numbers didn't come up
      Did ya think the 500 was already taken?? Yuck

      Bet you'll be glad to be finished jacks need our bannisters done but Joe says he's gonna do this space!!!
      Last edited by mollyka; September 7, 2019, 03:55 AM.
      Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
      contentedly NF since 8/04/14


        Re: September Army Thread

        Xpost Mary - careful what you wish for! Mucky men all over house????
        Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
        contentedly NF since 8/04/14


          Re: September Army Thread

          Just to clarify, its cold out.
          Time to bring back boots and jumpers YAY

          X Post there JC..
          AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


            Re: September Army Thread

            [MENTION=22411]IamMary[/MENTION] - YAY for the boots & jumpers :yay:
            And yes I have been sending my CV half-hertedly - got one offer but was still part-time relief work at LESS money. Didn't think that was possible.
            I may re-gig my CV and stop underselling myself :thumbsup:
            But as I said age is against me now.
            Last edited by satz123; September 7, 2019, 04:30 AM.


              Re: September Army Thread

              The plasterer just left and the quote is surprisingly low price. He's just back from the Orkneys so we looked at his holiday pictures. I reckon me and Bess will get along nicely with him.
              Just the loft ladder to sort..............sigh.

              Ooh yes jumper weather, just put one on and I feel comfy and warm.

              Jenny is in mourning as her guinea pig, Monty, died last night.

              Right Lidl here we come.
              It could be worse, I could be filing.
              AF since 7/7/2009


                Re: September Army Thread

                Its another case of box-ticking and its sodding ridiculous and agism. Of course, you can't complain as all of a sudden your job will get just a tad more difficult with the hours being changed at the drop of a hat.
                Rock and a hard place and constructive dismissal come to mind.
                Agree totally Jacks - box ticking & regulated to within an inch of it's life. Policy is to interview inside & out for a job. Logic does not come into it.
                FFS !!

                Funny you should say that Jacks 'cos I was trying to understand why of a sudden my work has been scrutinized ... after 2 years - now I am not doing the right thing with regard to transferring calls etc.
                It's firefighting with them - everything is fine until a family member has the CHEEK to complain - then we are blamed for not doing the right thing.

                But yeah I think if it starts to get to me - I should get out. Too bloody long working for that shite.
                Last edited by satz123; September 7, 2019, 04:41 AM.


                  Re: September Army Thread

                  RIP Monty ....


                    Re: September Army Thread

                    [MENTION=9094]satz123[/MENTION]...........cross -post. There's a union for part-time workers over here. Have a look-see if you've got one over there.
                    I'm such a leftie
                    Now Lidl.
                    It could be worse, I could be filing.
                    AF since 7/7/2009


                      Re: September Army Thread

                      Originally posted by satz123 View Post
                      RIP Monty ....
                      Thank you..........the funeral will be this afternoon, run along these lines.
                      Mouse funeral - Karen (Outnumbered) - YouTube

                      Now I must go to Lidl.
                      It could be worse, I could be filing.
                      AF since 7/7/2009


                        Re: September Army Thread

                        Originally posted by satz123 View Post

                        Agree totally Jacks - box ticking & regulated to within an inch of it's life. Policy is to interview inside & out for a job. Logic does not come into it.
                        FFS !!

                        Funny you should say that Jacks 'cos I was trying to understand why of a sudden my work has been scrutinized ... after 2 years - now I am not doing the right thing with regard to transferring calls etc.
                        It's firefighting with them - everything is fine until a family member has the CHEEK to complain - then we are blamed for not doing the right thing.

                        But yeah I think if it starts to get to me - I should get out. Too bloody long working for that shite.
                        I think we( of a certain age) may think more of our age than others? Nowadays it's common - and going to become normal- to work till 70 and also it's not the norm anymore to stay in the same job ad infinitum so we are as much ( and more - with experience) use as anyone to an employer...don't undersell yourself - bastarding awful important 'bosses' belittle others to make themselves feel more important
                        Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                        contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                          Re: September Army Thread

                          So nice to wake up to a chat in the Army 😊

                          But out you guys crack me up with your boot and jumper talk because this is what comes to my mind with “jumper” :haha::
                          jumper clothing - Google Search


                            Re: September Army Thread


                            Now wouldn't we look pretty flouncing around in dem yokes in the snow & rain :haha:
                            Lost in translation : a jumper is a wooly garment - perhaps Lambswool - from where, no doubt, the name come.

                            Attached Files
                            Last edited by satz123; September 7, 2019, 07:25 AM.


                              Re: September Army Thread

                              [MENTION=16186]available[/MENTION] set me straight when I couldn’t believe it when she talked about knitting and wearing JUMPERS!! Can you imagine a knitted version of one of those little outfits???


                                Re: September Army Thread

                                Ha ha, just checking in quickly and got a laugh ��. Heading out for something to eat and then cinema. Welcome NoSugar, always nice when others drop in.

