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September Army Thread

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    Re: September Army Thread

    I don't know where [MENTION=9995]monty[/MENTION] goes to [MENTION=7008]JackieClaire[/MENTION] but maybe @Nigel will know.

    The odd thing is Satzy that I used to make excuses not to go out and they'd be sure and tell me what a great night out I'd missed and when they described it in detail - well I'd rather eat a bag of hair. In my 30s I just gave it up and fell out with them one by one realising that we were so different that it was idiocy to be friends in the first place. Just because you go to school together doesn't mean you should protract the torture.

    Well I went to this dentist. What a dud. Kept jamming things in my mouth with no explanation. In the end I sat up and said WHAT ARE YOU DOING NOW? His glamourous assistant didn't know what was going on either, so she'd sit me up and pull my bib off then lay me down again in confusion. Then up. Then down. I though the stupid fecker had a stroke and fell on the control thingo. Then he reckons my tooth is dead and needs it's canal doing and he reckons its gone darker in colour. I made him show me and it IS NOT DARKER. Dumbarse. And I can still feel the thing. I'm getting a second opinion. Have we now reached a point where dentists and used car salespeople have the same moral code?
    Anyway I'm not following up until I go back to work. I'd rather be miserable there.

    So it's raining at last. Perfect timing with my fertiliser going on. And dickhead next door trying to sell his house. Get lots of lovely mud through at his open house. It should contrast well with the white rugs the designer stager person put down. A pop of colour.

    Tomorrow I'll go to the beautician and see if she can do something with me. Get the Whipper-Snipper (Weed Whacker) to my eyebrows again. I believe she can shine a light on you and make you look 12 again. So that will be nice.

    Night all.
    If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
    Rejoined life 20/5/19


      Re: September Army Thread

      Originally posted by JackieClaire View Post

      I was always the organiser. Always planning the Chrimbo night out, the next BBQ, the next 'girls' night out, the curry night. It got tiring and once I gave up drinking no bugger else would do it. I'd always be half tanked before I got there so a lot of them thought I was a light-weight
      And once I stopped drinking I wasn't going to do it and neither was anyone else. Those 'friends' are long gone and tbh it hurt at first but bollix to them.
      Exactly! same here! Ours was the house that laid on the grub and made the home-made wine - great parties nearly every 2nd or 3rd weekend... and yes - the mates did return the invites for sure - but as soon as I stopped drinking obviously I stopped partying.. I never really knew whether they stopped partying and just didn't invite us.. or whether the partying sort of drifted away.. it hurt a lot tbh - but they really were fair weather friends.
      My one and only out and out 'black out' was in the years where I was mainly sober (I was posting here at the time) but relapsing regularly - few months here - few months there.. anyway - Joe out of the blue invited two of the old party group up to the house for a bbq ( he was still drinking at the time so it was going to be a boozy one) and rang me at work to say they'd be there when I got home. What'd I do? Went into the supermarket - bought a bottle of vodka and necked a fair wallop of it on the way home - fell asleep down a little lane - didn't even know I'd fallen asleep.. just sort of went home - they all looked at me as if I had ten heads - apparently I was about 3 hours late.. fecking SCARY - it was obvious to anyone with a brain between 2 ears that I was in a dark awful place and I said to Ann (the female of the pair obviously!!) 'I'm in trouble.. I really need help and a friend' -- and she looked me in the eye and said 'of course - I'm here for you' --- not once in all that time has she so much as lifted the phone... and she had been a very 'close' friend..

      that really really hurt -- still does really
      Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
      contentedly NF since 8/04/14


        Re: September Army Thread

        Sorry for that big long diatribe - just what Jackie wrote there really struck a chord!! Off to bed - jaysus this work lark is exhausting:applouse:

        Night night xx
        Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
        contentedly NF since 8/04/14


          Re: September Army Thread

          Joe out of the blue invited two of the old party group up to the house for a bbq ( he was still drinking at the time so it was going to be a boozy one) and rang me at work to say they'd be there when I got home. What'd I do? Went into the supermarket - bought a bottle of vodka and necked a fair wallop of it on the way home - fell asleep down a little lane - didn't even know I'd fallen asleep.. just sort of went home - they all looked at me as if I had ten heads - apparently I was about 3 hours late.. fecking SCARY - it was obvious to anyone with a brain between 2 ears that I was in a dark awful place and I said to Ann (the female of the pair obviously!!) 'I'm in trouble.. I really need help and a friend' -- and she looked me in the eye and said 'of course - I'm here for you' --- not once in all that time has she so much as lifted the phone... and she had been a very 'close' friend..

          that really really hurt -- still does really
          The ol' bitch .......... ye know what Molls ..... feck her would you really want her in your life now ?
          Perhaps your admission & cry for help was too close to home for her - maybe she's an 'ol drunken biddie now ?


            Re: September Army Thread

            Began to watch Downton Abbey from day 1 'cos I'd never watched it.
            So easy & undemanding to watch ... it's like like being wrapped in a cosy blanket by the fire on a cold night....

            BUT :::

            The lovely Matthew just died - I'm devestated ,,,,,, :crybaby:


              Re: September Army Thread

              Originally posted by satz123 View Post
              The ol' bitch .......... ye know what Molls ..... feck her would you really want her in your life now ?
              Perhaps your admission & cry for help was too close to home for her - maybe she's an 'ol drunken biddie now ?
              Good night everyone. Think you hit it on the head there Satz, bet she is. You are right about the work lark being exhausting Molly. Set the alarm for 6 but it was raining so did not go but did not go back to sleep either. Did not have the same experience re drinking chums but himself is so anti social we were never part of a group and my friends are not party people either, it’s walking, crocheting etc and if there was a social occasion it was the one or two drinks (for them).

              Oh book recommendation, The Hearts Invisible Furies by John Boyne (boy in the striped pajamas). Just finished it, I found it good.


                Re: September Army Thread

                Just a quickie on my late-night lurk.
                [MENTION=8529]mollyka[/MENTION]...........Bless your heart and no need for the apology. I can actually feel how you felt. The auld besom.
                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                AF since 7/7/2009


                  Re: September Army Thread

                  Originally posted by mollyka View Post
         was obvious to anyone with a brain between 2 ears that I was in a dark awful place and I said to Ann (the female of the pair obviously!!) 'I'm in trouble.. I really need help and a friend' -- and she looked me in the eye and said 'of course - I'm here for you' --- not once in all that time has she so much as lifted the phone... and she had been a very 'close' friend..

                  that really really hurt -- still does really
                  Are you still friends Molly? I thought the same as Satz too, maybe its a bit close to the bone for her.

                  Booze got me out of my shell too. Ive only recently realised that I am more an introvert than an extrovert. Coming from a family of extroverts, I suppose I wanted to have that loud confidence too, but it wasnt natural. Oddly, my school buddies were more like me, so we all would start together, in someones house.

                  Watching Unbelievable. Disturbing.
                  AF - July 19th 2015 :happy2:


                    Re: September Army Thread

                    Morning All,
                    There are a lot of things to lose when you decide never to drink again. It is the most complete change of lifestyle. I only have a few friends who are drinkers left, and I'm sorry to say that if push came to shove, I'd give them up. A real friend genuinely wants the best for you. Not a drinking buddy. Guess we all learnt that the hard way, eh?

                    Funny Mary how we view extroversion as preferred and normal, and aspire to it. Like unless you are adding to the large volume of pointless noise out there you're just not in the game.

                    Anyway I'm off to Bunnings, which for the unitiated is God's own country for homebodies.
                    If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                    Rejoined life 20/5/19


                      Re: September Army Thread

                      Originally posted by byebyebridgetjones View Post
                      Funny Mary how we view extroversion as preferred and normal, and aspire to it. Like unless you are adding to the large volume of pointless noise out there you're just not in the game..
                      I saw a funny tweet on this topic a couple days ago:
                      “Just once I’d like to see an article like, ‘Extroverted? Here’s Some Tips on How to Be Quiet and Reflective
                      It seems like so many people on MWO are naturally introverted. Maybe we self-select for the written vs vocal support and perhaps for the anonymity.

                      I used to pal around with 4 other women. I still see 3 of them quite often but the fourth only when the whole group is together. Just over the last 2 or 3 years she’s become hostile to me about not drinking (among other things). It seems weird to me she isn’t more understanding given that she has lost 2 sisters to alcoholism. She drinks heavily so maybe I make her uncomfortable and she can’t hide it anymore.

                      I’m sorry Ann let you down like that, Molly.


                        Re: September Army Thread

                        Ahh thanks for listening to me it was weird how that flooded back after what you said Jackie...I do see her around occasionally now just in passing and we are very polite etc....
                        Joe is sposed to be bringing his pal down to Aiseiri today..he rang Joe at 6am to say he had been drinking and didn't think they'd take him in..(It's not a detox facility) janey mac...more shit flooding back!!!! If EVER we think it'd be a good idea the memories of what it was like must be ready resurrectible (spl)!!!
                        Sounds like your friend deffo feels under attack by your sobriety NS...
                        Funny ..Ann was/is a drinker like Joe was ...talked and thought about it a lot and only limited excessive drinking by rigid discipline...both children of alcoholics...hmmmm....
                        Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                        contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                          Re: September Army Thread

                          First question if the day............just how long does it take a printer to co-operate. :mad
                          Ahh, Molls, the internal shudders.
                          Apologies for short reply should have been at the hairdressers 10 minutes ago.
                          It could be worse, I could be filing.
                          AF since 7/7/2009


                            Re: September Army Thread

                            HATE PRINTERS

                            WITH A VENGEANCE

                            The end

                            Could do with a hair fix!!
                            Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                            contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                              Re: September Army Thread

                              Printers are the devil's work.......
                              The daft thing is I thought I'd just quickly print off a recipe rather than write a shopping list. Spinach and spinach cannelloni in case anyone is remotely interested.
                              An hour and a half later and a fight on the phone with Mr JC about why he hadn't got them when I asked. Which ended in a you said you would........ no I said you would marathon.

                              We're having Spag Bog instead.

                              The best thing about this hairdresser is she trims your fringe for free in between appointments and its based in Tesco.

                              The dreadful thing though there was a missing poster of one of Jenny & Ad's fellow teachers on the information wall. He went missing in August and was found dead about 4 weeks ago. Its been all over the local news. Can you imagine if it was one of his family.
                              I had to find someone to take it down and it wasn't easy.

                              Mr JC's definitely cut back. Rarey drinks at home and just the odd night out. Of course his hip popping out in May gave him a fright. Had it been a normal nightt back in the day he'd have had a few and they'd had to have waited to treat him. As it was in and out in 24 hours.

                              I remember years ago someone telling me that if you have to control something it was out of control. Isn't there something about having just one drink, at the same time every day for 14 days....and if you're not craving....then you're okay. Think I lasted half an hour.
                              It could be worse, I could be filing.
                              AF since 7/7/2009


                                Re: September Army Thread

                                Originally posted by JackieClaire View Post

                                I remember years ago someone telling me that if you have to control something it was out of control. Isn't there something about having just one drink, at the same time every day for 14 days....and if you're not craving....then you're okay. Think I lasted half an hour.
                                Yes - I think it might have been Byrdy said that? And I think Joe would have been the first to admit that he would have been longing for another one almost always ( not at my level or anything like it needless to say!) - I think as well as quitting for me he also may have felt it may become necessary for himself down the road.. best thing ever really - couldn't even imagine the sort of chaotic air that even a few pints can bring into the house.. dunno if I'd have quit for him!!!!
                                Evening all - just in from work - sore feet.. going to grab a cuppa and prolyl off to bed shortly!
                                Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                                contentedly NF since 8/04/14

